Current jobs at Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)

Postdoc in Luminescence Geochronology and Geochemistry – DTU Physics

We seek a postdoctoral fellow in luminescence geochronology and geochemistry. The period of employment is 2,5 years. The Department of Physics, Luminescence Physics section, invites applications for a 2,5-year position as a Postdoctoral Fellow. This position is funded under a project 1 grant from the Independent Research Council awarded to Dr Jan-Pieter Buylaert. The project focuses on developing independent chronologies for loess sequences in NW Europe combined with dust provenance analyses

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Postdoc in Computer Vision and Deep Learning for Renewable Energy - DTU Wind

At DTU Wind Energy and Systems, we have a few research projects around our novel method AQUADA using thermography and computer vision to detect damage of wind turbines and PV panels. We are looking for a new colleague to further develop the method. If you are establishing your career as a scientist and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you

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Udviklingsorienteret databaseadministrator - IT Service

Du har stor faglig interesse i at sikre en pålidelig og stabil drift af både server og applikationslaget. Du sætter en ære i at sikre backup-planer, brugeradministration, oprettelse og vedligeholdelse af databasestandarder og politikker og at følge dine opgaver til dørs

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Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lightning Physics and Atmospheric Electricity – DTU Space

Join the DFF Sapere Aude Neuro-Lightning Project as a Postdoctoral Researcher to explore the inner plasma physics of lightning using neuromorphic imaging technology. Lead data analysis and modelling related to the lightning observational campaigns at the Säntis Tower, collaborating with researchers across Denmark, Spain, and Switzerland.

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Postdocs (2) in Recycling of Stainless Steel - DTU Construct

Two Postdoc positions in recycling stainless steel in Danish manufacturing. One postdoc will focus on sheet metal forming, and the other postdoc will focus on casting processes. Together, the two postdocs will work on the interfaces between forming and casting in the life cycle of stainless steel.

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Postdoc in Electronic Structure Methods and Machine Learning – DTU Physics

The section for Computational Atomic-scale Materials Design (CAMD) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), is seeking an outstanding and highly motivated post doc within the broad area of electronic structure calculations and machine learning.

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PhD scholarship in Atomic-Scale Simulations and Machine Learning – DTU Physics

PhD position in atomic-scale simulation and machine learning with applications to quantum technology. Development of methods for simulating and analysing defects in two-dimensional materials using machine learning and deep learning, in a collaboration between theory and experiment. The section for Computational Atomic-scale Materials Design (CAMD) at the Department of Physics is seeking an outstanding candidate for a position as PhD student

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PhD scholarship in Techno-Economic and Life Cycle Assessment for Protein Production based on Gas Fermentation - DTU Biosustain

PhD scholarship in Techno-Economic and Life Cycle Assessment for Protein Production based on Gas Fermentation NordForsk’s HERO-Protein Project is seeking a proactive candidate with a strong background in supply chain optimization, mathematical modeling of production systems, chemical/bioprocess simulation and quantitative sustainability assessment.

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PhD scholarship in microbial biotechnology and chemical ecology - DTU Bioengineering

We are looking for a candidate to join our cutting-edge efforts to bring more marine bacteria into culture and discover novel bioactive compounds. Bridging microfluidics and microbiology, you will have a unique opportunity to break new ground and make a difference.

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Professor in Computational Micromechanics of Materials for Wind Energy Applications - DTU Wind

If you are keen on contributing to the green transition, envisioning a planet running entirely on renewable energy, and looking for the best possible environment for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you. If you are keen on contributing to the green transition, envisioning a planet running entirely on renewable energy, and looking for the best possible environment for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you.

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Postdoc in Modelling Hydrogen Liquefaction using Magnetocalorics - DTU Energy

Do you want to help research and develop an environmentally friendly new cooling technology to enable Power-to-X? As part of a large EU-funded project, we will develop a cryogenic cooler based on the magnetocaloric effect to liquefy hydrogen for transportation purposes. The consortium of 14 partners from 9 countries will develop magnetocaloric materials and apply them to a new prototype capable of liquifying hydrogen starting from liquid nitrogen temperature.

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PhD scholarship in Magnetic Materials - DTU Physics

We are seeking an experimental PhD student to join our group, which focuses on neutron scattering studies of magnetic quantum materials. The role involve contributions to synthesis, bulk sample characterization, neutron/x-ray scattering, data analysis and modeling.

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Postdoc in Medicinal Chemistry - DTU Chemistry

Design and synthesis of proteolysis-targeted chimeras for mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs). The project includes design, synthesis and characterize putative degraders based on known MAPK ligands. Effective and selective degraders will be further characterized in relevant disease models. If you are establishing your career as a scientist and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you

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PhD Scholarship in Smart Grid Optimization: Privacy-Preserving Models for Active Load Coordination - DTU Wind

Are you driven by the idea of creating a more sustainable future through groundbreaking research? Do you want to work in a collaborative environment where your contributions can shape the green energy transition? If so, this fully-funded 3-year PhD position at DTU Wind and Energy Systems could be a perfect fit for you.

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DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Flat Oyster Production and Innovation - DTU Aqua

We invite you to apply for a position targeting research and innovation in European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) production. If you are interested in developing sustainable production of low trophic species for food and nature restoration, DTU Aqua is looking for a dedicated person that will join a team at the forefront of development in production of flat oyster spat. We invite you to apply for a position targeting research and innovation in European flat oyster (Ostrea edulis) production

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Researcher in X-nuclei MRI Tx coils – DTU Space

We are looking for an expert in MRI transmit coil design wanted with strong background in both, MRI and high-speed high, power electronics. If you are establishing your career as scientist and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions to research and innovate in the field of hardware for MRI, this opportunity is for you. MRI is an incredibly powerful medical tool, but it is not used to its full capacity

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Postdoc in developing process simulations and estimating sustainability performance of novel proteins - DTU Biosustain

EU funded project EPIC-SHIFT Project is seeking a proactive candidate with a strong background in mathematical modeling of production systems, chemical/bioprocess simulation and quantitative sustainability assessment. If you are motivated to guide innovation by developing novel frameworks for sustainability assessment of bio-based products and, by doing so, to contribute to a sustainable transition, you have it right here

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PhD Position on Burden of Zoonoses in the EU - DTU Food

We seek a dedicated and independent PhD candidate with an interest in epidemiology, data analysis and modelling, and application of metrics to quantify public health and other impacts of zoonoses in the EU. If your ambition is to be a part of an international research team and work towards understanding and developing solutions for One Health priorities in Europe, this project is for you

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PhD Scholarship in Photoacoustic Sensors and Actuators for the Brain – DTU Health Tech

If you are establishing your career as a scientist and you have the ambition to develop groundbreaking technologies for sensors and actuators for the brain and acoustic multifunctional endoscopy, this is the right research project for you. If you are establishing your career as a scientist and you have the ambition to develop groundbreaking technologies for sensors and actuators for the brain and acoustic multifunctional endoscopy, this is the right research project for you.

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Administrationschef til DTU Offshore

Trives du i et dynamisk miljø med mange grænseflader? Ønsker du at lede og videreudvikle administrationen og hjælpe med til at servicere instituttet? Deler du vores vision om, at mennesker der trives, også yder deres bedste? Så er jobbet som Administrationschef på DTU Offshore lige dig.

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Programdirektør til DTU Offshore

Ønsker du at hjælpe med at løse en vigtig samfundsudfordring ved hjælp af videnskab og teknologi? Kan du sammen med forskere og industri identificere teknologiløsninger, der kan understøtte energitransitionen? Trives du i et dynamisk miljø? Så er jobbet som Programdirektør på DTU Offshore lige dig. Vi søger en Programdirektør som skal være med til at opbygge og drive centerets nye og mere entreprenante identitet som selvstændig forskningsenhed inden for energitransition

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Biolog med speciale inden for inden for ferskvands- og marint fiskeri - DTU Aqua

DTU Aqua søger lige nu en biolog til at understøtte tilrettelæggelse og udførsel af forskningsprojekter. Du vil få mulighed for at supportere eksekveringen af feltarbejde, bearbejdelse og analyse af data, udarbejdning af forsøgsdesign mm. Vi søger en dygtig biolog der skal indgå i et team med sektionens øvrige akademiske og tekniske personale omkring tilrettelæggelse og udførsel af forskningsprojekter på fisk i ferskvand og i det marinemiljø. Jobbet

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Postdoc in Artificial Intelligence-Driven Material Discovery in Environmental and Resource Engineering - DTU Sustain

Are you an Artificial Intelligence researcher who would like to accelerate material discovery for their applications in water treatment, energy conversion, and resource recovery? If so, we invite you to apply for this exciting Postdoctoral position in the area of Artificial Intelligence for Advanced Materials with an emphasis on environmental and resource engineering.

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DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professors in Cell Engineering – DTU Health Tech

Two DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor positions in gene-editing of immune cells. Develop tomorrows tools for gene-engineering to be applied in modulation of immune cells for cell therapy. DTU Tenure track assistant professor positions (2) are available in the Section of Experimental and Translational Immunology (xTI), Dept. of Health Technology (DTU Health Tech), at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

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Senior Researcher in Structural Digitalization and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) of Composite Structures - DTU Wind

Is your dream job to do research in structural modeling using cutting-edge digital technologies? Then the new scientist position at DTU might be what you are looking for. The position will strengthen the department’s research in structural digitization and nondestructive testing (NDT) of wind turbine structural components, such as composite wind turbine blades.

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Fiskemester - DTU Aqua

Vi søger en erfaren trawlfisker til havundersøgelsesskibet DANA, som har hjemhavn i Hirtshals. Stillingen er fast. Vi søger en erfaren trawlfisker til havundersøgelsesskibet DANA, som har hjemhavn i Hirtshals. Stillingen er fast. DANA er et forskningsskib bygget primært til fiskeriforskning

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PhD scholarship in Photonic Crystallization for Flexible Thin-Film Solar Cells – DTU Electro

DTU Electro offers a 3-year PhD in Photonic Crystallization for Flexible Thin-Film Solar Cells. Research focuses on Sb₂X₃ absorber crystallization via photonic annealing to be conducted at DTU & Empa, Switzerland. Requires MSc in Materials Science, Physics, or related fields. Apply by 15.03.2025.

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Postdoc in T Cell Immunoinformatics - DTU Health Tech

Postdoc position within T Cell Immunoinformatics with the aim of developing refined DL methods tailored to immune-receptors, able to integrate prior sequence to function domain knowledge, and involving strategies for data augmentation and data generation via active learning. The Section of Bioinformatics, DTU Health Tech is world leading within Immunoinformatics and Machine-Learning

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PhD scholarship in T Cell Immunoinformatics - DTU Health Tech

PhD position within T Cell Immunoinformatics with the aim of developing refined DL methods tailored to immune-receptors, able to integrate prior sequence to function domain knowledge, and involving strategies for data augmentation and data generation via active learning. The Section of Bioinformatics, DTU Health Tech is world leading within Immunoinformatics and Machine-Learning

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PhD scholarship in Silicone Elastomers as Rubber Batteries – DTU Chemical Engineering

Are you intrigued by the many fascinating properties and advanced uses of polymers and elastomers? Are you looking to establish yourself as a scientist? Then look no further! Are you intrigued by the many fascinating properties and advanced uses of polymers and elastomers? Are you looking to establish yourself as a scientist? Then look no further! At the Danish Polymer Centre at the Technical University of Denmark, we are currently seeking a Ph.D

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Innovation Partner in Energy Technologies and Climate-Tech - DTU Skylab

DTU Skylab is looking for an experienced business developer with a strong technical and commercial foundation within energy technologies and climate-tech to join our team of Innovation Partners. Do you want to create an impact within climate-tech and new energy technologies and bring innovation to a new level at DTU?... Take a look at this opportunity

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PhD scholarship in materials catalytic CO2 conversion – DTU Chemistry

DTU Chemistry at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking highly motivated candidates for a PhD scholarship in the field of materials science and catalytic CO2 conversion. DTU Chemistry at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking highly motivated candidates for two PhD scholarships in the field of material science and catalytic CO2 conversion. The PhD scholarship is a three-year position starting in July 2025.

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Deltidsprogrammør med erfaring i AI og algoritmisk fairness - DTU Compute

Vi søger en programmør, der kan bidrage til forskningsprojekter indenfor responsible AI. Kræver erfaring med responsible AI og algoritmisk fairness. Vi søger en programmør, der skal støtte op om forskningsprojekter i responsible AI. Jobbet indbefatter at hjælpe med at designe og implementere AI-modeller, bidrage til deres testing, samt at bidrage til at skrive videnskabelige artikler om dem. Jobbet

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Employee to Maritime DTU to develop an educational and test platform - DTU Management

We are looking for an employee to support Maritime DTU in ensuring that the future research vessel of DTU, DANA V, will become a maritime test and education platform. We are looking for an employee to support Maritime DTU in ensuring that the future research vessel of DTU will become a maritime test and education platform. The job Maritime DTU is the point of contact for cross-cutting collaboration between DTU and external parties, including businesses, authorities, and other universities

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PhD scholarship in Polymer Physical Chemistry - DTU Chemistry

Explore polyelectrolyte-counterion interactions in a 3-year PhD at DTU Chemistry. Combine experimental studies and theoretical modeling to deepen understanding of ion pairing, with applications in energy storage, healthcare, and coatings. The project includes international collaboration in Italy. A 3-year PhD scholarship in experimental and theoretical studies of polyelectrolytes is available at the Department of Chemistry

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Two PhD Scholarships in domain fusion strategies of carbohydrate-active enzymes at DTU Bioengineering

Join us to develop innovative enzyme engineering approaches. The focus is on modular carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) and their domain fusion strategies. You will be contributing to groundbreaking research and making a tangible impact on sustainable technology.

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DTU søger Institutdirektør til fornyet kurs for DTU Aqua

Kan du sikre en ambitiøs udvikling og navigere med rolig hånd mellem forskning, myndighedsbetjening, undervisning og innovation på et geografisk spredt institut? Kan du sikre en ambitiøs udvikling og navigere med rolig hånd mellem forskning, myndighedsbetjening, undervisning og innovation på et geografisk spredt institut? DTU Aqua har vist evnen til at finde og dokumentere en balance mellem at bevare og udnytte ressourcer i havene omkring os og i vores søer og åer

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PhD scholarship in plant cell wall related bioinformatics - DTU Bioengineering

PhD position in plant cell wall related bioinformatics. Tasks involve developing and application of bioinformatics tools to predict the functional specificity of Carbohydrate Active Enzymes (CAZymes) and proteases based on transcriptomic data of faba beans. We are seeking a motivated PhD student with a passion for bioinformatics and carbohydrate chemistry

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PhD scholarship in microbiome bioinformatics - DTU Food

Do you want to become a microbiome researcher at the best technical university in Europe? Do you want to hone your scientific skills and use programming to help address the antimicrobial resistance epidemic that kills over a million people annually? Then this PhD scholarship might be for you!

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Specialkonsulent med ansvar for formidling og implementering af bæredygtighed - Deltidsstilling

Vi søger en medarbejder med dokumenteret erfaring i formidling og samfundsmæssig implementering af forskningsbaserede bæredygtighedstiltag. Vi søger en medarbejder med dokumenteret erfaring i formidling og samfundsmæssig implementering af forskningsbaserede bæredygtighedstiltag. Jobbet

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Biolog til formidling (barselsvikariat) - DTU Aqua

Vi søger en engageret biolog til at videreudvikle og gennemføre formidlingsaktiviteter om Limfjordens natur og miljø for børn og unge på Mors samtidig med, at du skal indgå i vores anden formidling og være parat til at give en hånd med i vores klækkerier og laboratorier i pressede perioder. Biolog til formidling men med plads til flere funktioner.

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PhD scholarship in Assessing the Economic Potential of Airborne Wind Energy in the European Electricity System - DTU Wind

We are now seeking a candidate for a 3 year PhD program as part of the European Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Doctoral Network on “Airborne Wind Energy TRAining for Industrialization Network” (AWETRAIN). Airborne Wind Energy (AWE) is a radical new technology based on tethered aircraft generating electricity from altitudes higher than conventional wind turbines.

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Facility- og Eventkoordinator - DTU Compute

Vi søger en facility- og eventkoordinator til en central rolle som bygningsansvarlig for instituttets bygninger. Du vil være kontaktperson til vores centrale facility-afdeling og sikre, at vores kontorpladser og bygninger er i topform. Derudover vil du håndtere en bred vifte af facility-opgaver. Du vil også i samarbejde med vores eventkoordinator få en vigtig rolle i planlægning og afvikling af konferencer og møder samt koordinering af events

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Research support to the oyster hatchery - DTU Aqua

DTU Aqua is looking for a biologist or skilled hatchery technician/lab assistant to support research projects in the DTU Aqua shellfish hatchery in Nykøbing Mors, Denmark, for a temporary employment of 2 years. Will you like to join a dedicated team developing seeding material for nature restoration and food for the future? DTU Aqua is looking for a colleague to support research projects in the DTU Aqua shellfish hatchery in Nykøbing Mors, Denmark, for a temporary employment of 2 years

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PhD scholarship in Data-driven Operation of Future Power Systems dominated by Active Distribution Networks - DTU Wind

Join us as a PhD candidate and contribute to paving the road to secure operation of future power system. Active Distribution Networks (ADNs) will play a vital role in future power systems. We will develop novel distributed control strategies using machine learning technique, which will coordinate the operation of the ADNs and ensure stability.

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Administrative Employee to Maritime DTU - DTU Management

We are looking for a structured and organized administrative employee to support Maritime DTU with cross-disciplinary activities such as planning events, promoting Maritime DTU via social media and supporting the head of centre. We are looking for a structured and organized administrative employee to support Maritime DTU for two years. Maritime DTU is placed at DTU Management. The job

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PhD scholarship in Understanding Pyrolysis Bio-Oil Hydrotreating – DTU Chemical Engineering

We offer you a unique opportunity to join the UpBio project with the purpose to increase and accelerate the utilization of advanced bio-oils. We offer you a unique opportunity to join the UpBio project with the purpose to increase and accelerate the utilization of advanced bio-oils. The objective of this PhD project is to increase the understanding of the complex hydrotreating process of advanced bio-oil through well-defined model compound studies

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PhD scholarship for Modelling and Simulation (Digital Twin) of Electrochemical CO2 and H2O Reduction – DTU Chemical Engineering

We offer you a unique opportunity to join the “Pioneer Center for Accelerating P2X Materials Discovery” (CAPeX) and the Department of Chemical Engineering in the development of a modelling and simulation tool of devices for electrochemical reduction of CO2 and H2O.

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Postdoctoral research fellowship on twisted oxide membranes - DTU Energy

The postdoc will fabricate complex oxide membranes made from perovskite, focusing on their release and twisting. The postdoc will also characterize the samples to ensure high quality. Subsequently, the postdoc will collaborate with others to prepare samples for High-Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM). Finally, the postdoc will relate the twist angle to the observed properties and results from the HRTEM of the stack.

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Biolog til klækkeri, laboratoriefunktioner og formidling - DTU Aqua

Vi søger en biolog som har lyst til at bruge sin erfaring med klækkeridrift, prøvetagning og prøveoparbejdning i vores forskningsprojekter og formidlingsopgaver i Sektion for Kystøkologi, DTU Aqua, Nykøbing Mors. Kunne du tænke dig at være med til at være med til at understøtte forskning inden for skaldyr og tang? Så læs videre

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Academic Specialist for Integrated Optical Frequency Combs – DTU Electro

If you're looking to establish your career as a specialist, this position at DTU Electro offers a great foundation. You'll work in the Nanophotonic Devices Group, with access to advanced labs and cleanroom facilities. The period of employment is six months. If you're looking to establish your career as a specialist, this position at DTU Electro offers a great foundation. You'll work at DTU Electro, in the Nanophotonic Devices Group, with access to advanced labs and cleanroom facilities

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Two Postdoc positions in N2 (CO2) activation using Thermal or Electrochemical approaches at SurfCat – DTU Physics

Join Our Team at Surfcat and help us innovate in Activating Molecular Nitrogen, both Thermally and Electrochemically. At Surfcat, we have a successful record of activating molecular nitrogen both through thermal and electrochemically. Thermally, we have discovered new classes of promotion based on spin quenching on Cobalt and Nickel through surface science experiments. Now, we aim to realize high-area materials by capitalizing on this insight (see SCIENCE 383 (2024) 1357).

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Softwareudvikler - IT Service

Vil du være med til at udvikle på et værktøj som understøtter arbejdsmiljø på universiteterne? Som softwareudvikler får du en central rolle i at udvikle og definere et værktøj til at løfte sikkerhedskulturen i et samarbejde mellem med Kemibrug og samarbejdsparter på universiteterne. Gør en forskel for fremtidens forskere: Bliv softwareudvikler hos DTU Kemibrug! Du brænder for at skabe innovative løsninger

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PhD project in “Enhancing renewable power plants’ performance through advanced control methods” - DTU Wind

Would you like to become part of the solution toward green energy transition, by helping develop the methods for modeling renewable power plants and future energy systems? Would you like to become part of the solution toward green energy transition, by helping develop the methods for modeling renewable power plants and future energy systems?

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Funding konsulent – rådgivning, koordinering og administration - DTU Compute

Ligger dine faglige evner og interesse i spændet mellem at koordinere og finde svar på spørgsmål samtidig med, at du har styr på al den bagvedliggende administration? Så søger DTU Compute en funding konsulent til rådgivning, koordinering og administration. Vil du være til at skabe og drive fremtidens setup for funding af banebrydende forskningsprojekter?

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Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Quantitative Environmental Sustainability Assessment - DTU Sustain

The Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering (DTU Sustain) at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) offers a full-time Assistant Professor (tenure track) or Associate Professor position in Quantitative Environmental Sustainability Assessment. Expected start date is first half of 2025 (as soon as possible).

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PhD scholarship in Internet of Underwater Things - DTU Compute

Join our team as a PhD candidate to work in underwater IoT at DTU Compute, focusing on cutting-edge research in underwater and terrestrial Low Power communication to enable innovative ecosystems for renewable energy technologies and infrastructure in ports and the maritime sector. A PhD position in Internet of Underwater Things (IoUT) is available in the Embedded Systems Engineering (ESE) research section at DTU Compute

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Postdoc in DNA Nanotechnology and Device Fabrication - DTU Physics

Join us as a postdoc in DNA nanotechnology and device fabrication at DTU Physics. Work on cutting-edge bio-nano-wire devices for single-molecule biosensing in collaboration with Aarhus University, DTU Energy, and Harvard University. Apply by April 1, 2025. If you are passionate and excellent within device integration and nanotechnology, this 2-year postdoctoral position is your opportunity to join our team and drive groundbreaking advancements within an exciting, emerging topic

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Postdoc position in CO2 storage research - DTU Chemistry

The Centre for Energy Resources Engineering (CERE) at DTU Chemistry is seeking a talented postdoctoral researcher to contribute to our CO2 storage project “CO2plus: Phase behavior of CO2+X in CO2 storage". The Centre for Energy Resources Engineering (CERE) at DTU Chemistry is seeking a talented postdoctoral researcher to contribute to our CO2 storage project “CO2plus: Phase behavior of CO2+X in CO2 storage.”

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Studentermedhjælper/deltidsmedarbejder til DTU Jura & Tech Transfers juridiske teams - Afd. for Forskning- Rådgivning og Innovation

Har du interesse for juridiske problemstillinger? Ønsker du at arbejde med spændende opgaver på et af verdens førende tekniske universiteter, hvor du kan udvikle dine faglige juridiske kompetencer? DTU’s juridiske teams i Jura & Tech Transfer søger lige nu to juridiske studentermedhjælpere/deltidsmedarbejdere med interesse for aktindsigt.

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Decoding Tuna Movements: PhD Scholarship in Satellite Telemetry and the Behavioural Ecology of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna tagged in Scandinavia - DTU Aqua

Decoding Tuna Movements: PhD Scholarship in Satellite Telemetry and the Behavioural Ecology of Atlantic Bluefin Tuna tagged in Scandinavia.

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Part-time Assistant - PCB Design and Prototype Development in Health Tech

We are looking for a part-time Assistant specializing in electronic circuit design and prototype development. The role focuses on designing PCBs for resistive sensors, with an emphasis on minimizing PCB size, optimizing battery life, enhancing durability, and collaborating on health technology projects. Exploration in Electronics and Prototype Development. Join DTU Health Tech as a part-time Assistant to work on PCB design and prototype development for health tech applications

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PhD scholarship in Multi-Qubit Quantum Photonic Devices for the Quantum Internet – DTU Electro

We are looking for outstanding experimentalists who are eager to participate in our research. Our group aims to research at the highest international level. Candidates who fit into this environment are invited to apply. Experience in quantum nanophotonics, quantum photonic devices, nanoscience, nanotechnology, and quantum dots is welcomed. We are looking for outstanding experimentalists who are eager to participate in our research

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Postdoc in Multi-Qubit Quantum Photonic Devices for the Quantum Internet - DTU Electro

We are looking for outstanding experimentalists who are eager to participate in our research. Our group aims at research at the highest international level. Candidates who fit into this environment are invited to apply. Experience in quantum nanophotonics, quantum photonic devices, nanoscience, nanotechnology, and quantum dots is welcomed. We are looking for outstanding experimentalists who are eager to participate in our research

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Two PhD positions on Polaritonics Materials at DTU Physics

Join the Marie Skłodowska-Curie SPARKLE network at DTU to explore light-matter interaction, develop atomistic simulations, and advance quantum technologies. Work collaboratively across Europe and benefit from international research stays. Strong condensed matter physics and coding skills required.

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Part-time academic employee - DTU Chemical Engineering

Join us as a structured and independent Academic Employee to make significant contributions to our power-to-x gas cleaning projects. At CERE, you will work on projects that uses electrical power to capture CO2 and cleaning gasses for impurities. You will be part of a team that is developing the next generation of gas cleaning technologies in collaboration with national and international partners.

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Eksternt lektorat i bæredygtighedsvurdering - DTU Sustain

Som ekstern lektor i bæredygtighedsvurdering, vil du underviser i blandt andet livscyklus tankegang, FN’s Verdensmål, og vurdering af miljø- og bæredygtighed. Du vil få mulighed for at interagere med og påvirke både yngre og mere erfarne studerende og videreformidle din viden indenfor emnerne. Institut for Miljø og Ressourceteknologi (DTU Sustain) på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU) tilbyder en stilling som ekstern lektor i undervisning i bæredygtighedsvurdering

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PhD position in Development of Preclinical Models for Antibiotic Delivery and Infection Treatment - DTU Health Tech

Start your career as a scientist with this PhD scholarship at DTU Health Tech. Join a multidisciplinary team at the forefront of developing innovative treatment technologies for orthopedic surgical site infections, bridging drug formulation, preclinical evaluation, and expert collaborations. If you are establishing your career as scientist and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions this PhD scholarship may be of interest to you

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PhD scholarship in Corrosion of Power Electronics systems - DTU Construct

If you are looking for an exciting opportunity for a PhD scholarship, we at the Materials and Surface Engineering section at DTU Construct are seeking a PhD student to work on corrosion failure mechanisms of Power Electronic components under humidity exposure conditions. This PhD project is part of Center for Climate Robust Electronic Design project funded by Poul Due Jensen’s Foundation, Denmark.

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Forretningsudvikler til kemikalie produktion af isotop mærkede produkter – DTU Fysik

Vi søger en dygtig og engageret forretningsudvikler, der vil stå for kommerciel udvikling af vores projekt med at lave isotopmærkede kemikalier med elektrolyse. I denne rolle vil du være med til at forme fundamentet for vores projekt gennem strategisk forretningsudvikling, administration og opbygning af finansieringsstrategier. Du vil arbejde med at udvikle fundingroadmaps og håndtere økonomi.

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Postdoc in characterisation and engineering of surface defects for activation of small molecules for catalysis - DTU Chemistry

A new postdoc position is open within inorganic chemistry and catalysis. The project focuses on localized defects and doped metal centers for catalytic small molecule activation and conversion. We seek an experimentalist with a strong knowledge base and excellent collaboration skills.

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Postdoc in the development of new technologies and advanced analytics to sustainable fishing - DTU Aqua

If you have a keen interest in computer vision, machine learning, and deep learning, and their application in species identification and automated catch registration for the advancement of commercial fisheries, this may be the perfect position for you.

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Research Assistant in low environmental impact materials - DTU Sustain

New and improved construction materials with low environmental impact are a key challenge in the Section for Construction Materials and Durability at DTU Sustain. This position as research assistant will introduce you to different materials and experimental methodologies. Are you ready for a meaningful challenge? New and improved construction materials with low environmental impact are central in the Section for Construction Materials and Durability at DTU Sustain

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Postdoc in PtX modelling and integration - DTU Wind

Would you like to take part in the green transition by developing power-to-x (PtX) solutions, a key element in the next generation converter-based energy systems? This position as post doc may be your opportunity to join a fast-growing research group on PtX.

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Studentermedhjælper til DTU Offshore

DTU Offshore søger en frisk studentermedhjælper til at assistere med løbende driftsopgaver i centerets porteføljeledelse og administration. DTU Offshore søger en frisk studentermedhjælper til at assistere med løbende driftsopgaver i centerets porteføljeledelse og administration. Du vil blive ansat i det team, som forvalter centerets samlede portefølje af forsknings- og udviklingsprojekter

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Senior Researcher in Modelling of the Ionosphere - DTU Space

DTU Space is seeking applications for a senior researcher in space research, with a focus on physical processes taking place in Earth's polar ionosphere and magnetosphere. DTU Space is seeking applications for a senior researcher in space research, with a focus on physical processes taking place in Earth's polar ionosphere and magnetosphere. The position involves computational modelling of these processes, as well as the collection, processing, modelling, and interpretation of observed data

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PhD scholarship in Water Thermodynamics using the Two-State Theory - DTU Chemical Engineering

Water is an extraordinary liquid with many thermodynamic properties which can be considered anomalous. This project aims to investigate whether a new theory, the so-called two-state concept, can result in improved description of water thermodynamics including electrolytes. We seek a talented and motivated PhD student who is willing to be part of a world-leading research environment and contribute to the development of novel thermodynamic models for water and aqueous solutions

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PhD scholarship in Applied Mathematics - DTU Compute

We are looking for a PhD candidate for a fully funded position in the field of dynamical systems theory, with a focus on advancing the area of geometric singular perturbation theory. Are you interested in gaining the qualifications and experience to pursue a career where advanced mathematical techniques are developed? Would you like to advance applied mathematics and deepen our understanding of various applications? Then a PhD in mathematics at DTU Compute is the ideal place for you.

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PhD scholarship Modelling Green Maritime Fuel Transition taking into Account Risk and Uncertainty – DTU Management

The Climate and Energy Policy Division at DTU's Department of Technology, Management and Economics offers a three-year PhD position in energy system modelling focusing on the Green Maritime fuel transition taking into account risk and uncertainty. The scholarship is linked to a MSCA network project focusing on Ports as Energy Transition Hubs.

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Three PhD Scholarships for Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant in Intelligent Ingestible Devices for Gastrointestinal Therapeutics, Diagnosis, or Interventio

The Intelli-Ingest Doctoral Network will train 13 researchers in the development of minimally invasive, orally delivered miniaturized devices. In connection with work package 1 Ingestible for Therapeutics, we are currently looking for three PhD students who will be working on 3 different projects. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) Doctoral Networks are joint research and training projects funded by the European Union

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Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Physical Oceanography - DTU Aqua

Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in physical oceanography expected to take a leading role in education and ocean physics research, as well as collaborating in multidisciplinary research at the institute and internationally. The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) offers the opportunity to build a research group in oceanography, with a focus on ocean physics, and engage in collaborations within one of Europe’s leading marine science institutes

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Maskinmester - DTU Aqua

Institut for Akvatiske Ressourcer (DTU Aqua) søger en 1. Maskinmester til havundersøgelsesskibet R/V DANA, som har hjemhavn i Hirtshals. Institut for Akvatiske Ressourcer (DTU Aqua) søger en 1. Maskinmester til havundersøgelsesskibet R/V DANA, som har hjemhavn i Hirtshals. R/V DANA, som har hjemhavn i Hirtshals, er et oceangående forskningsskib bygget primært til fiskeriforskning.

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Postdoc to lead activities on Energy Data Spaces, and Trustworthy AI for Power Systems – DTU Wind

Are you a talented, self-motivated, and team-oriented person, who thrives in a collaborative environment and enjoys working with complex topics? We seek a Postdoc willing to be part of a world leading research environment and contribute to the development for the next generation scientific machine learning tools for power systems.

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PhD scholarships in Physics-Informed Neural Networks and on Data Spaces for Energy Systems – DTU Wind

Are you a talented, self-motivated, and team-oriented person, who thrives in a collaborative environment and enjoys working with complex topics? We seek two PhD students willing to be part of a world leading research environment and contribute to the development for the next generation scientific machine learning tools for power systems.

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Strategic PhD scholarship in AI-Based Dynamic Blackout Anticipation Methods for Future Power Systems – DTU Wind

We are seeking a PhD student to join our world-leading research environment at DTU and contribute to developing next-generation AI-based tools for power systems. The project will focus on developing dynamic blackout anticipation and prevention methods using a digital twin of future power systems. This involves employing AI-based dynamic simulation tools, collaborating on the digital twin of the Bornholm Energy Island, and innovating solutions to enhance power system resilience.

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Experienced Laboratory Technician in performing routine sample preparation and running ICP-MS - DTU Biosustain

Are you interested in joining our mission to ensure high quality analytical services to our customers? Do you enjoy maintaining equipment and keeping the laboratory functional and organized? Then you might be our next Laboratory Technician in the Analytical Department at DTU Biosustain.

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PhD scholarship in Closed-Loop AI-Driven Protein Design at DTU Bioengineering

As part of a joint research collaboration between DTU and Novo Nordisk, we are looking for a Ph.D. candidate to join our multidisciplinary research program focusing on the interplay between AI-protein design, automation, and cutting-edge data science. Are you ready to transform the future of biologics?

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Postdoc in Closed-Loop AI-Driven Protein Binder Design at DTU Bioengineering

As part of a joint research collaboration between DTU and Novo Nordisk, we are looking for a postdoc to join our multidisciplinary research program focusing on the interplay between AI-Protein design, automation, and cutting-edge data science. Are you ready to transform the future of biologics?

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Postdoc fellowships for catalytic CO2 conversion – DTU Chemistry

DTU Chemistry at the Technical University of Denmark is seeking highly motivated candidates for postdoc positions in catalytic CO2 conversion. Three postdoc fellowships are now available in the Section for Inorganic Chemistry at DTU Chemistry, Technical University of Denmark. The section is an application-oriented research strategy that currently employs about 20-25 PhD students and postdocs internationally. Responsibilities and qualifications

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DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Food Microbiology - DTU Food

As part of our team, you will become a leading expert in innovation in sustainable and safe food production through quantitative studies of the microbial ecology of food products as affected by product characteristics, processing, packaging and microbial diversity. If you are passionate about food safety and looking for a place to fulfill your dreams and ambitions, this might be for you. At National Food Institute (DTU Food), you will join the Research Group for Food Microbiology and Hygiene

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PhD Scholarship: Enhancing Cyber-Physical Resilience in Power Systems - DTU Wind

If you would like to explore the mathematical foundations and engineering challenges involved in the current energy transition during your PhD, we are excited to offer you a unique opportunity. We have a fully funded 3-year PhD position at DTU Wind and Energy Systems, where you will explore probabilistic modelling, control theory, and optimisation to realise 100% renewable-based energy systems.

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Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)

Main office: Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

DTU udvikler teknologi for mennesker. Med vores forskning og uddannelser i international topklasse er vi med til at skabe en bedre verden, og vi bidrager til løsningen af de globale udfordringer formuleret i FN’s 17 verdensmål for en bæredygtig udvikling.

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