Current jobs at Københavns Universitet (KU)

KU søger driftsteknikker til Frederiksberg Campus

Er du driftsteknikker med en teknisk baggrund inden for VVS? Og ønsker du at blive en del af den bygningsmæssige drift på Københavns Universitet med fokus på vores teknisk komplekse campus på Frederiksberg? Så er denne stilling noget for dig. Drifts- og Service Området Frederiksberg Plus (DSO Frb+) under København Universitets Campus Service (CAS) ønsker en stilling som driftsteknikker den 1. februar 2025 eller snarest muligt. Stillingen er en fuldtidsstilling på 37 timer om ugen. Om os

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Vil du være med til opbygningen af en helt ny sektion på det studieadministrative område? Og er du en person, der både kan arbejde i bredden og i dybd

Hvis du har en snert af pionerånd i dig, kombineret med en god forståelse for sikker drift og flair for studieadministration, er du måske vores nye kollega. Sektion Undervisning og Eksamen er en nyetableret sektion under Uddannelsesområdet i Campusadministration Frederiksberg+. Vi søger gode kolleger – fuldmægtige og konsulenter, der, lige som os, brænder for at optimere løsninger, levere god service til vores videnskabelige kolleger og studerende og være sammen i et stærkt fællesskab

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Student Assistant for MUWUG research project at the Centre of African Studies, University of Copenhagen

The Centre of African Studies (CAS) on the South Campus of the University of Copenhagen (UCPH) seeks a part-time Student Assistant, as soon as possible, to join an exciting team of researchers working within the project Multiple Waterscapes in Urban Ghana (MUWUG). MUWUG is a five-year Danida funded research project based at the Centre of African Studies (CAS) on the South Campus. It started in April 2024 and will run until March 2029

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Three Group Leaders (Associate Professor or Professor) in Cardiometabolic Health and Disease

Extended application deadline 31 January 2025 Three Group Leaders (Associate Professor or Professor) in Cardiometabolic Health and Disease Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen

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Autoriseret veterinærsygeplejerske søges til flere af vores fantastiske teams på Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr (opslag til løbende besættelse

Om Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr På Universitetshospitalet underviser og forsker vi i sygdomme hos familiedyr. Hospitalet er døgnåbent, og vores dyrlægestuderende er med døgnet rundt i alle vores afdelinger. Det er dyrlægerne, som har det primære ansvar for undervisningen, men som VSP involverer du dem også i dit arbejde, og superviserer dem i at opnå de praktiske kliniske færdigheder. Vi tilbyder dig at blive en del af en af vores dynamiske og tværfaglige teams

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Professors and Research Group Leaders Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Vaccines and Immunity University of Copenhagen

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Vaccines and Immunity (NCVI) seeks to appoint 4 Research Group Leaders, who will be employed at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Immunology and Microbiology (ISIM) that hosts the new Center. The positions are a unique opportunity to join the newly established initiative that is a potential game changer in the field of vaccines. Joining now offers the opportunity to help shape NCVI. Background

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Associate professor or tenure-track assistant professor in European ethnology for the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The Saxo Institute,Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) invites applicants for a position as associate professor or tenure-track assistant professor in European ethnology. The position is available from 1 September 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position as associate professor is a permanent, full-time position. The position as tenure track assistant professor is a permanent, full-time position.

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Kontorchef til nyoprettet kontor for Strategi, Udvikling og Styring

Interesserer du dig for forskning, innovation og uddannelse, og har du erfaring med at skabe resultater i en kompleks organisation med høje ambitioner? Vil du være med til at sikre, at det nyoprettede Kontor for Strategi, Udvikling og Styring i Rektoratets Stab bliver en stærk samarbejdspartner for universitetsledelsen og en god arbejdsplads for de ansatte? Så er du måske vores nye kollega. Et ambitiøst universitet

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Økonomipartner til Campus Administration Nørre, Københavns Universitet

Motiveres du af at understøtte budgetansvarlige chefer og ledere med professionel budgetlægning og budgetopfølgning? Er du god til at samarbejde på tværs af fagligheder og organisatoriske niveauer? Og vil du bidrage med at understøtte rammerne for fremragende forskning og uddannelse på det natur- og sundhedsvidenskabelige område? Så har vi lige nu et antal spændende stillinger i et nyoprettet økonomicenter på Campus Administration Nørre, hvor du kan blive økonomipartner for bl.a

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Ledelseskonsulent (specialkonsulent) til betjening af institutledelsen

Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning (IGN) søger en ledelseskonsulent (specialkonsulent) til en nyetableret stabsfunktion i forbindelse med at Københavns Universitet har gennemført en administrativ reform. Vi søger en specialkonsulent, som har lyst til at understøtte den strategiske udvikling og ledelse på et stort institut med ca. 450 ansatte med et spændende forsknings- og undervisningsmiljø. IGN’s forskere er helt centrale ift

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Ph.d.-programkoordinator (barselsvikariat)

Vi søger en kollega med flair for projektledelse og gode samarbejdsevner til et barselsvikariat i administrationen på Biotech Research and Innovation Centre (BRIC). Barselsvikariatet er på 12 måneder og er et oplagt springbræt, hvis du ønsker en karriere inden for EU-projektledelse eller administration af uddannelsesprogrammer på universitetsniveau og lignende. English summary

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Junior Photonics Engineer at the NNF Quantum Computing Programme

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is establishing a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge quantum programme in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark

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Institut for Klinisk Veterinærmedicin ved Københavns Universitet er på udkig efter en betjent til forefaldende opgaver med ansættelse 15. februar 2025

Vi søger en energisk og engageret dyrlægestuderende til en stilling på Universitetshospitalet for Store Husdyr. Her får du muligheden for at blive en del af vores alsidige og engagerede team, som målrettet arbejder for at sikre optimal trivsel og pleje for vores firbenede venner samt yde en førsteklasses service til vores studerende. Om os

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Junior Engineer for Electrical Characterization at the NNF Quantum Computing Programme

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is establishing a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge quantum programme in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark

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Student employee in the administration of VOLT Research Center with a focus area on communication at Department of Biology, Terrestrial Ecology sectio

Department of Biology at Faculty of Science, the University of Copenhagen is looking for a student employee in the administration of VOLT Research Center with a focus area on communication with effect from 01/03/2025. About us Center for Volatile Interactions (VOLT) is a Center of Excellence established in 2023 with funding from the Danish National Research Foundation. The center is based at Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen

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Tutorkoordinator for studiestarten 2025

Brænder du for at lave en god studiestart for vores nye bachelorstuderende? Vil du være med til at skabe et godt team af engagerede tutorer? Så vil vi gerne have en ansøgning fra dig! Studie- og karrierevejledningen på Humaniora søger 6 tutorkoordinatorer, der sammen med fakultetets studiestartskoordinatorer skal planlægge og afholde bachelorstudiestarten samt opfølgende aktiviteter. Vi søger én tutorkoordinator fra hvert at fakultetets institutter.

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Two Researcher Position in the Hickson Group at the DNRF Center for Chromosome Stability

Two Researcher Position in the Hickson Group at the DNRF Center for Chromosome Stability (CCS), Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM) Two positions as Researchers are available in the Center for Chromosome Stability (CCS) ( in the group headed by Prof. Ian Hickson. The posts are available from 1st April 2025. Highly motivated and committed candidates with an interest in chromosome mechanics and biology are encouraged to apply. The Center for Chromosome Stability

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Postdoc in Heterologous production of algae bioproducts

The Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PLEN), at University of Copenhagen is offering a 2-year Post. Doc. fellowship to study heterologous production of algae proteins and pigments. The postdoc’s duties will include research within heterologous expression as well as teaching. The post may also include performance of other duties. Further information on the Department is linked at

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Assistant Professor in Microbiology

The Department of Food Science, Section of Microbiology, Gut Health, and Fermentation, invites applicants for a 2-year Assistant Professor position in microbial community interactions. The fellowship will explore innovative approaches to reducing plant loss by using bacterial communities to enhance product longevity. The assistant professor position is part of a research project funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation: ‘BIOBARRIER: Bacterial Communities to Reduce Plant Food Loss.’

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Assistant Professor of Cereals and Foodomics

We invite applications for a two-year Assistant Professor position within the Foodomics research group at the Department of Food Science. The successful candidate will have documented research expertise in food analytics, with a focus on advanced analytical techniques such as NMR and GC-MS for investigating the molecular composition of dairy and plant-based foods and food waste streams

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Postdoc in data science and technique development for mechanistic analysis in electrocatalysis

Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The Department of Chemistry invites applicants for a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship in experimental data science. Project: Open science, based on transparent and useful public access of research data, is expected to accelerate developments in electrocatalysis (eg water splitting and CO2 electrolysis) and other energy conversion and storage technology, as required to meet global challenges

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Up to 22 fully funded Marie S. Curie PhD positions at University of Copenhagen and Technical University of Denmark

CALL FOR PHD APPLICANTS Application deadline February 20, 2025. Are you: • Scientifically curious and determined to pursue a PhD degree? • Eager to work with an interdisciplinary research project related to cancer or neurological diseases? • Driven to strengthen your scientific creativity and independent thinking? Up to 22 PhD positions are open in the international Marie S. Curie Doctoral Programme ‘Interdisciplinary Marie S. Curie Action for Health’ (INTERACT)

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PhD fellowship in Mycelium-based Biomaterials

The Department of Food Science, Section of Food Analytics and Biotechnology invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in biomaterials with the aim to contributing fundamental understanding towards the development of future, sustainable, mycelium-based options. The project further has links with the Royal Danish Academy and Imperial College London. The PhD position is part of a research project funded by the Danish research council: ‘”Green” bio-composite mycelium-based materials (BioMyTerials)’

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Postdoc in Chemical Microbiology at Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology

We are looking for a highly motivated and ambitious postdoc for a 3-year position, who is interested in research at the interface between chemistry and microbiology, to commence 1 April 2025. The position is part of a collaborative, interdisciplinary project funded by Sygeforsikringen “danmark”, which will ensure an excellent collaborative environment with opportunity to learn new technologies across disciplines ranging from fundamental chemistry to in vivo animal models

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Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Ochs Group at the Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC)

A position as Postdoctoral Research Associate is available at the Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC) ( in the group headed by Associate Professor Dr. Fena Ochs. The post is available from the 1st of April 2025 (or at an alternative mutually agreed date). Highly motivated candidates with an interest in 3D chromatin organisation and/or DNA repair are encouraged to apply. This post is fully funded. The Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC)

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Administrationschef til Institut for Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet

Har du lyst til og mod på en administrativ ledelsesopgave i et spændende forsknings- og undervisningsmiljø, hvor to dage sjældent er ens? Er du en empatisk og engageret personaleleder, og har du styr på administrative processer? Så er rollen som administrationschef for Institut for Statskundskab måske lige noget for dig! Vi uddanner de kandidater, som senere vil beklæde samfundets ledende poster. Her forsker danske og internationalt kendte videnskabsfolk

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Student Assistant (IT Officer) at Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme

The newly established Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is building a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge program in the heart of Copenhagen at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, where the formulation of quantum mechanics was born 100 years ago

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Centeradministrator for grundforskningscentret TreeSense

Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Vi søger en centerkoordinator (specialkonsulent), der ønsker spille en nøglerolle i opbygningen af det nyetablerede Grundforskningscenter TreeSense – Center for Remote Sensing and Deep Learning of Global Tree Ressources. Som centerkoordinator vil du være en central aktør i udviklingen af et internationalt forskningsmiljø

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Characterization Engineer at the NNF Quantum Computing Programme

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is establishing a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge quantum programme in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark

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Klinisk lektorat i klinisk socialmedicin ved Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab

Ved Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab opslås 1 stilling som klinisk lektor til undervisning på uddannelsen i Medicin på kurset i Klinisk Socialmedicin fra 1. marts 2025. Ansættelsen vil være tidsbegrænset til 5 år og arbejdsomfanget er ca. 48 timers undervisning med aflønningsfaktor 29, jf. nedenfor. Stillingsbeskrivelse

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Postdoc of Global Nutrition and Health - readvertisement

The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen announces a position as postdoc within the research field of nutrition and health in low-income countries for 29 months, with a possibility for extension. The position is open from 1 February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The research project(s)

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Postdoctoral positions in Social Anthropology: The Social Life of Dead Bodies. A new ethnographic approach to migrant deaths in and around the Mediter

The Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites candidates for two postdoctoral positions in the research project “The Social Life of Dead Bodies: A new ethnographic approach to migrant deaths in and around the Mediterranean Sea” from 1 September 2025. The positions consist of 36 months each and have no teaching requirements. About the research project

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Two postdoctoral positions in the study of collective anger in the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen

Postdoctoral position 1: The Study of Anti-female Anger and Activism in the US Postdoctoral position 2: The Study of Postimperial Anger in Georgia, Europe The Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites candidates for two postdoctoral positions from 15 September 2025. The position is for 30 months and has no teaching requirements. About the Project:

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Postdoc in Game Theory and Environmental Economics

We invite applications for a 2-year Postdoctoral position broadly in the field of Game Theory. Knowledge of Blockchains and/or Environmental Economics is prioritized. The position is part of the research project Achieving Centralized Objectives in a Decentralized Economy (CODE), funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark. The CODE project explores how to realize societal, centralized goals in a decentralized economy

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Koordinatorer til Sekretariatet på Institut på Kommunikation

Institut for Kommunikation ved Det Humanistiske Fakultet (HUM), Københavns Universitet, søger 2 koordinatorer (HK eller AC) til Institutsekretariatet med tiltrædelse 1. marts 2025. Du vil blive en del af instituttets administration, hvor vi er ca. 10 medarbejdere der understøtter instituttets ledelse, forskere og undervisere. I institutsekretariatet vil du arbejde sammen med sekretærer, ledelseskonsulent og administrationschef og have tæt kontakt til vores stærke forskningsmiljø

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Danmarks største universitet søger en ny kollega (AC’er) til udfordrende og spændende regnskabsopgaver i vores koncernfunktion

Vil du arbejde med koncernregnskabsopgaver, herunder fortolkning af regnskabsregler, medvirke til at finde og implementere de gode faglige løsninger, sikre regnskabsdata af høj kvalitet samt bidrage til fortsat optimering og udvikling af processer for regnskabsområdet på Danmarks største universitet? Så er du måske den nye kollega vi er på udkig efter. Københavns Universitet (KU) er Danmarks ældste og største universitet, blandt verdens bedste med 10.000 ansatte, 37

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Publikationsanalytiker (fuldmægtig) til deltidsstilling ved staben på SCIENCE

Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet, kontoret SCIENCE Forskning og Innovation, søger en deltidsansat kollega til statistiske opgaver inden for forskningspublicering. Kontoret arbejder med forskningsfinansiering i mindre teams i et tæt samarbejde med kolleger på institutterne, på de øvrige fakulteter og centralt på KU

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PA til Campusdirektøren på Københavns Universitets nye Campusadministration på Frederiksberg – bliv en del af et stærkt team og vær med til at forme d

Leder du efter en spændende stilling, hvor du kan gøre en forskel, udvikle dig og få en varieret hverdag? Vi søger en personlig assistent (PA) til campusdirektøren for Campusadministration Frederiksberg+, som sammen med os vil være med til at understøtte ledelsen og skabe rammerne for en velfungerende organisation. Om stillingen Du vil blive en del af et tæt samarbejdende team bestående af campusdirektøren, en erfaren konsulent inden for ledelses- og organisationsudvikling og dig

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Pædagogisk konsulent til læringsenheden ved Campusadministration Frederiksberg+, Københavns Universitet.

Vil du gerne arbejde med at understøtte pædagogisk udviklingsarbejde? Har du lyst til at undervise undervisere? Synes du at digitale læringsteknologier og kunstig intelligens er spændende? Og har du lyst til at være en del af et ambitiøst arbejdsfællesskab, så søg stillingen som pædagogisk konsulent ved Campusadministration Frederiksberg+ . Vi søger en pædagogisk konsulent til at understøtte udviklingen af undervisernes pædagogiske kompetencer, herunder de IT-didaktiske kompetencer

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Danmarks største universitet søger en eller flere IT-supportere til at hjælpe studerende og ansatte

Vil du være én af dem, som Københavns Universitets 40.000 studerende og 10.000 ansatte kontakter, når de har brug for IT-support? Og er du serviceminded og IT-interesseret? Så har vi et job til dig i en af universitetets IT-afdelinger. Københavns Universitet har tre forskellige IT-enheder knyttet til hver deres campuscenter, hvor du vil få ca. 40 dygtige kollegaer. Du vil få en primær tilknytning til en af disse tre IT-support-enheder: Frederiksberg/City, Nørre eller Søndre campuscenter.

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Assistant Professor of Crop Stress Physiology

The Assistant-Professor´s duties will primarily include research within the NanoPUT project funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark aiming at elucidating the underlying mechanisms controlling the uptake and translocation of nanoplastics (NPs) in crops, and to develop effective strategies to reduce the accumulation of NPs during plant development

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211-0647/24-2E Associate Professor in Membrane Transport and Communication in Plants

Associate Professor in Membrane Transport and Communication in Plants Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences seeks an associate professor in ‘Membrane Plant Transport and Communication’ for a 3-year position starting 1 November 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. The Department is divided into nine sections dealing with a wide range of subjects

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Call for Tenure-Track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor within Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

The Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for a position as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. The position is available from 1 June 2025, but an earlier or later starting date is also possible. We invite applicants within the following areas: • Research in psychotherapy informed by the psychological humanities, e.g

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211-0654/24-2E Associate Professor in Metabolomics for Nutrition and Microbiome Research

Associate Professor in Metabolomics for Nutrition and Microbiome Research Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen

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Strukturerede og brugerorienterede AC-fuldmægtige til studieadministration på Københavns Universitet

Har du et brugerorienteret fokus i dit arbejde, og er du interesseret i uddannelsesadministration? Kan du planlægge og afslutte driftsopgaver og samtidig have blik for service, kommunikation og effektivisering? Så har vi måske et job til dig. Vi søger to faste stillinger samt flere barselsvikarer til KU’s studieadministration på Nørre Campus (Panum). Du skal kunne tiltræde hurtigst muligt og senest 1. marts 2025

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Københavns Universitet søger analysechef til nyoprettet kontor (Genopslag)

Har du lyst til at udvikle og drive universitetets ny analyse- og BI-kontor på KU. Så er du måske den, vi leder efter. Et ambitiøst universitet Københavns Universitet er Danmarks største universitet med en omsætning på cirka 10 mia. kr., 10.000 ansatte og 40.000 studerende. KU hører til blandt Europas bedste universiteter med et internationalt samarbejde over hele verden. KU ønsker at styrke sin analysekraft og har derfor besluttet at etablere et ny samlet kontor for Analyse og BI

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Vil du være med til at udvikle Københavns Universitets arbejde med diversitet, lighed og inklusion?

Københavns Universitet er ved at udarbejde en ny handleplan for ligestilling og diversitet, der skal erstatte den nuværende, som udløber i 2025 (link ) og som sætter ambitiøse mål for og rammesætter arbejdet med området. Vi har en ledig stilling som mangfoldighedskonsulent, der skal understøtte implementering af handleplanen og styrke området generelt. Du skal have viden og indsigt, der gør dig i stand til at arbejde strategisk og organisatorisk med diversitet, lighed og inklusion.

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Barselsvikariat: AC-Fuldmægtig til ledelsesunderstøttelse på Institut for Kommunikation

Institut for Kommunikation ved Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet, søger en barselsvikar til Institutsekretariatet med tiltrædelse 1. marts 2025. Vi søger en initiativrig generalist til en spændende stilling med både ledelsesunderstøttelse og administrationsudvikling med en veludviklet sans for processer og vedholdende koordineringsevner. Dine arbejdsopgaver omfatter bl.a. • Ledelsesunderstøttelse af administrationschef og institutleders opgaveportefølje (f.eks

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Laboratory Assistant at the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, Section for Plant Biochemistry

The 'Plant Ecophysiology' research group at the Section for Plant Biochemistry at the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PLEN), Faculty of Science (SCIENCE), University of Copenhagen, look for a motivated student or similar for a position as a laboratory assistant with start date 3 February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter, with employment until and including 31 May 2026.

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Studentermedarbejder ved CEO, Center for Erhvervsret og Offentlig Regulering, Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet

Center for Erhvervsret og Offentlig Regulering (CEO) søger en studerende til at bistå centrets videnskabelige medarbejdere med forskning med tiltrædelse af stillingen fra 15. januar 2025. CEO er et både nationalt og internationalt orienteret forskningscenter, der arbejder med markeds- og erhvervsretlige problemstillinger. CEO ønsker at være et attraktivt og samfundsrelevant forum for international og tværfaglig forskning og uddannelse inden for centrets interessefelt

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Postdoc of Forest surveillance with remote sensing and artificial intelligence

Remote sensing provides spatially continuous, and periodic data on vegetation conditions and have long been identified as a promising tool for large-scale forest resource assessment and detection and monitoring of forest damage from both biotic and abiotic stressors. At the same time recent advances in deep learning-based analysis have leveraged possibilities for monitoring woody resources across large-scales, yet at the level of individual trees.

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Postdoc of molecular data science

Department of Biology Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen This advertisement is for a 9-month postdoc position in the Stein lab at the University of Copenhagen. We work at the interface of high throughput protein chemistry and data science and are interested in the consequences of protein mutations. All lab members are expected to successfully communicate with colleagues doing both wet and dry lab work

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Postdoc of High resolution biomass mapping using PlanetScope

Recent advances in satellite sensors enable the mapping of vegetation properties at both high spatial and temporal resolution. In particular the PlanetScope constellation can been utilized to map tree canopy cover, tree height, and tree biomass at large scale. The postdoc’s duties will be to produce annual biomass maps from PlanetScope for Europe for 2018-2023. Furthermore, the candidate will produce a biomass map for Siberia for a single year

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Call for Tenure-Track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor within Clinical/Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology

The Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for a position as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Clinical and/or Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology. The position is available from 1 June 2025, but an earlier or later starting date is also possible.

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PhD fellowship in Optimization of Gene Editing Tools

PhD fellowship in Optimization of Gene Editing Tools and use of quantitative single particle Microscopyat the group of Nikos Hatzakis at The Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen Department of Chemistry Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Department of Chemistry, section for chemical biology at University of Copenhagen invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Optimization of Gene Editing Tools Using Advanced Microscopy

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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Saxo-Instituttet, Københavns Universitet

Saxo-Instituttet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed tre3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025. De tre stipendier fordeler sig således: • To ph.d.-stipendier. Stipendierne kan søges inden for alle instituttets fagområder. • Ét Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship. Stipendiet kan søges inden for alle instituttets fagområder. Det kræver en dansk kandidatgrad at komme i betragtning til Carlsberg-stipendiet.

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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet

Institut forEngelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed tre3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025. Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk rummer forskning og uddannelse i engelsk, fransk, italiensk, spansk og tysk sprog og de dertil forbundne litteraturer, kulturer og samfund. Læs mere her: • Der opslås ét Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship

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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet

Institut forNordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed fire3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025. Der opslås ét Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship. Stipendiet kan søges inden for alle instituttets fagområder. Det kræver en dansk kandidatgrad at komme i betragtning til Carlsberg-stipendiet.

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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier, Københavns Universitet

Institut forTværkulturelle og Regionale Studier, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed seks3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025.

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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet

Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed tre3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025. Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab søger ph.d.-kandidater, der kan indgå i en eller flere af instituttets sektioner og bidrage til en af instituttets seks tværfaglige forskningsklynger. Sektioner: • Litteraturvidenskab og Moderne Kultur • Kunsthistorie og Visuel Kultur

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Special Consultant Position at SCIENCE, Department of Mathematical Sciences

Special Consultant Position at SCIENCE, Department of Mathematical Sciences The Department of Mathematical Sciences (MATH) at the Faculty of Science (SCIENCE), University of Copenhagen, is seeking a Scientific Project Coordinator for the project “Lifelong Education in Quantum Science”. The Scientific Project Coordinator is to assist in tasks related to the implementation of new educational initiatives within quantum information science

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163081 Professor of immunology and allergy

Professor of Immunology and Allergy Department of Immunology and MicrobiologyFaculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint a professor to the Department of Immunology and Microbiology (ISIM) to commence as soon as possible. Information on the department can be found at About the Department – University of Copenhagen Job description

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PhD fellowship in Molecular Cell Biology

PhD Project in Molecular Mechanisms controlling Lateral Root formation in plants Department of Biology Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Department of Biology, Section for Functional Genomics, invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in [Molecular Mechanisms controlling Lateral Root formation in plants, which is financed by the Danish Research Council. Start date is (expected to be) 1st April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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PhD fellowship in Economics of Agri-Food System Transition

IFRO invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Economics of Agri-Food System Transition, with a specific focus on assessing economic drivers, barriers and lock-ins for change towards a more plant-based agriculture and food system in Denmark at regional and local levels

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Ekstern lektor til kurset Videnskabsteori – fagspecifik (Japan).

Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier søger en ekstern lektor til kurset Videnskabsteori – fagspecifik (Japan). Om Instituttet og Japanstudier På Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier arbejdes der med sprog, historie, samfund og kultur, først og fremmest i verdenen uden for Vesteuropa og USA

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Nanofabrication Engineer at NQCP

The Niels Bohr Institute at Faculty of Science, the University of Copenhagen is looking for a Nanofabrication Engineer as soon as possible. About us The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is establishing a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge quantum programme in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark

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IT Officer (programmer 15 hours/week) at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Computer Science at the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, is looking for an IT Officer (programmer) to work within the project ‘Deep Fetal Development: AI for Fetal Development Analysis and Impact on Future Health of Mother and Child’ with effect from 1 February 2025 to 31 January 2027. About the Project This project aims to study the impact of maternal health and parental genetics on the healthy development of children during pregnancy

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Center administrator for the Center for Glacial Rock Flour Research and PA for Professor Minik Rosing, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen

The Center for Glacial Rock Flour Research at the Globe Institute is looking for a center administrator and personal assistant (PA) for Professor Minik Rosing. The position is temporary and will expire on 31 August 2027. The position is to be filled on 15 February 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The Globe Institute is committed to creating an inclusive and diverse environment where employees and students can belong and thrive. See website for more information: https://globe.ku

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Undervisningsassistent til Institut for Idræt og Ernæring

Institut for Idræt og Ernæring på Københavns Universitet søger en undervisningsassistent med start pr. 1. februar 2025 eller snarest derefter i vores praktisk/teoretiske kursus ”Fra vandbasis til svømning.” Du kan læse mere om kurset her Om os

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Assistant Professor of circadian neurobiology at Department of Neuroscience

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic assistant professor for a 4-year position to commence on February 21st, 2025, or as soon as possible. The aim of the project will be to establish regulatory mechanism of the circadian neuroendocrine system by use of surgical rodent models. Information on the department can be found at: Our research Our research is focused on the 24h circadian system of the mammalian brain. We have a special interest in

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Københavns Universitet søger studenterambassadør

Københavns Universitet (KU) søger en ny studenterambassadør. Som det eneste universitet i Danmark har KU en studenterambassadørordning, hvor studerende kan få vejledning i deres møde med universitetet, og som – til gavn for både studerende og universitetet som helhed – skal styrke relationen mellem studerende og universitet. Om studenterambassadørordningen Studenterambassadørordningen har til formål at styrke dialogen mellem de studerende og KU

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AV-tekniker/betjent til KU’s Campus Service på Frederiksberg

Har du erfaring med at supportere og foretage mindre reparationer på AV-udstyr? Har du lyst til at tage ansvar for, at ind- og udvendige fællesområder på campus fremstår præsentable og funktionelle? Og bliver du motiveret af at yde en effektiv og imødekommende service til vores mange brugere? Så kan du være vores nye kollega. Drift- og Serviceorganisationen Frederiksberg Plus (DSO Frb+) ved Københavns Universitet søger en AV-tekniker/betjent med tiltrædelse den 1

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AC-fuldmægtig til Institut for Klinisk Medicin

Har du mod på at få din faglighed i spil tæt på nogle af Danmarks bedste læger og forskere? Og er du serviceorienteret, god til at samarbejde på tværs af faggrupper og har en solid situationsfornemmelse? Så har vi brug for din hjælp i Institutadministrationen på Institut for Klinisk Medicin. Institut for Klinisk Medicin er en del af Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet på Københavns Universitet

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Københavns Universitet både uddanner og ansætter dygtige jurister. Vi har lige nu ledige fuldmægtigstillinger i Rektorsekretariatets juridiske afdelin

I Rektorsekretariatet er vi i øjeblikket ved at samle et stærkt hold til den nye juridiske afdeling, som pr. 1. marts 2025 får ansvaret for de generelle juridiske opgaver på tværs af KU. Vi søger derfor engagerede jurister, der vil med ombord og bidrage til opgaveløsningen i en hverdag præget af samarbejde, teamånd og godt humør i helt ekstraordinære rammer tæt ved Nørreport. Et ambitiøst universitet Københavns Universitet er Danmarks største universitet med en omsætning på ca. 10 mia. kr

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Københavns Universitet søger regnskabsmedarbejdere til nyt centralt servicecenter

Er du vores nye kollega? Brænder du for at levere god service til vores interne og eksterne kunder? Vil du være med til at opbygge et nyt regnskabsservicecenter med høj kvalitet og højt til loftet? Vil du være med til at sikre stabil drift af økonomiopgaver på Danmarks største universitet? Er du den kollega, vi ikke kan undvære – så læs videre! Om os Stillingen er placeret i Regnskabsservice under Koncernregnskab

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Københavns Universitet søger kommunikations- og presserådgiver. Kom og hjælp os med at finde og fortælle de gode historier fra videnskabens verden

Kan du se dig selv i en verden, hvor lysten til at fortælle historier om videnskab er den største drivkraft? På Københavns Universitet er vi i gang med at opbygge en ny organisation og søger derfor flere forskellige profiler.

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Specialist in Nanomaterial Characterization to the Niels Bohr Institute

The NBI Cleanroom facility at the Niels Bohr Institute seeks an innovative candidate for a 2-year technical position as Specialist in Nanomaterial Characterization. The NBI Cleanroom is a research infrastructure providing nanofabrication, processing and characterization facilities to the research groups of NBI. With a focus on quantum electronics and quantum photonics, the research and innovation is mainly driven by The Center for Quantum Devices (Q-Dev) www.qdev

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Postdoc positions in general plant molecular and cell biology

The Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences (PLEN), Section of Plant Glyco Biology, Faculty of Science, at University of Copenhagen offer 3 two-year Postdoc positions in general molecular and cell biology. The work aims to deduce various aspects of cell wall synthesis and development in plants. The research will largely revolve around all types of molecular and cell biology, including a wide range of bioimaging

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Undervisningsassistent til Assyriologi, Akkadisk

Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier søger en undervisningsassistent til kurset Akkadisk 1 (BA niveau) 2 timer/ugen. Om Instituttet og oldtidsuddannelserne På Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier arbejdes der med sprog, historie, samfund og kultur, først og fremmest i verdenen uden for Vesteuropa og USA

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Teknisk ansvarlig for maskiner og udstyr til Afdeling for Eksperimentel Medicin

Afdeling for Eksperimentel Medicin (AEM) søger en medarbejder med ansvar for vedligehold, reparation og daglig drift af afdelingens sanitets- og forsøgsudstyr. Stillingen er 37 timer ugentligt og til besættelse snarest muligt og senest 1. marts 2025. Om os AEM er Københavns Universitets facilitet for forsøgsdyr, og spiller en vigtig rolle i at understøtte sundhedsvidenskabelig forskning

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Postdoctoral position in communication research at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics (NorS), Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) invites applications for a two-year postdoctoral position in communication research beginning 1 April 2025 or as soon as possible after that. Introduction The successful applicant will become part of the project entitled Making hybrid senses: Helping the visually impaired sense and act in the world funded through a Villum Synergy Grant.

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Klinisk lektorat i arbejdsmedicin ved Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab

Ved Institut for Folkesundhedsvidenskab opslås en 5-årig stilling som klinisk lektor, til undervisning i arbejdsmedicin på lægeuddannelsen til besættelse snarest muligt. Aflønning sker for 19 timer om året. Startdato 1. marts 2025 eller snarest derefter. Stillingsbeskrivelse

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Sektionsleder for DIKU Labs

Er du en dygtig personaleleder og kan du balancere god daglig drift med strategisk og projektbaseret udvikling? Og har du lyst til at arbejde i en offentlig forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitution i vækst? Så er stillingen som sektionsleder for en nyetableret administrativ sektion på Datalogisk Institut, Københavns Universitet (DIKU) måske noget for dig. På Københavns Universitet og DIKU er vi ved at udvikle en ny organisering af vores administration. Målet er bl.a

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Laboratory Assistant in the Ochs Group at BRIC

Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC) Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen, Denmark A position as Laboratory Assistant is available at Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC) ( in the group headed by Associate Professor Dr Fena Ochs. The post is available from the 15 February 2025. The Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC)

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Vil du være en del af en spændende hverdag og arbejde med tænder, anæstesi og akutte patienter? Autoriseret veterinærsygeplejerske søges til Universit

Har du lyst til at udvikle og dygtiggøre dig i et arbejdsmiljø, hvor fagligheden er i centrum? Så er du måske lige præcis den autoriserede veterinærsygeplejerske, som vi leder efter til vores fantastiske team på Universitetshospitalet for familiedyr. Vi tilbyder dig at blive en del af vores kirurgiske team, hvor du primært vil komme til at arbejde i vores tandklinik, men også med anæstesi samt akutte patienter. Du vil være i tandklinikken ca

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Klinikdyrlæge til internship på Universitetshospitalet for familiedyr (løbende opslag)

Har du lyst til at være en del af et spændende universitetsmiljø, hvor du dagligt kan suge til dig af specialistviden og sparring og bare blive dygtigere og dygtigere? Har du lyst til at blive en del af vores fantastiske team af interns og hospitalsdyrlæger, som hjælper hinanden både fagligt og praktisk i en uddannelsesstilling? Så er et internship på Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr måske noget for dig! Om stillingen Stillingen er en fuldtidsstilling af tre års varighed

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Postdoctoral positions in Theoretical Computer Science

The Department of Computer Science (DIKU) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for several postdoctoral positions in theoretical computer science. Description of the scientific environment We are looking for outstanding junior researchers with an innovative mind-set and intellectual curiosity to strengthen and complement the research profile of the Algorithms and Complexity Section at DIKU

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2 year Postdoc position in “Afforestation of post-agricultural soils: impacts on above- and belowground biodiversity and its drivers”

The Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen is looking to recruit a talented postdoctoral researcher to work on afforestation of post-agricultural soils: impacts on above- and belowground biodiversity and its drivers. Further information on the Department is linked at Inquiries about the position can be made to Prof. Per Gundersen.

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Postdoc in Cryo-EM of Viral Replication Systems at Biotech Research and Innovation Centre

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The research group of Eva Kummer is looking for an excellent and highly motivated postdoctoral researcher with expertise in biochemical, biophysical, and structural characterization of nucleic acid binding proteins. Your project will investigate how human herpes viruses replicate their genome during lytic infection and how this process can be inhibited

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Assistant Professor of remote sensing of agro-pastoral, agroforestry, and agro-silvo-pastoral systems

The candidate will mainly work in the HORIZON funded project GALILEO. The overall objective of GALILEO is to rely on genuine Multi-Actor Approaches to co-develop context-specific, people-centered agroforestry innovations in representative agro-pastoral, agroforestry, and agro-silvo-pastoral systems from Sub-Saharan Africa

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Timelønnet underviser til Tandplejeruddannelsen i fagområdet Oral Radiologi

Ved Skolen for Klinikassistenter og Tandplejere i København er en stilling som underviser i faget Oral Radiologi, ledig til besættelse hurtigst muligt. Om os Du finder information om SKT her: Dine arbejdsopgaver Undervisningen på tandplejeruddannelsen omfatter teoretisk undervisning i oral radiologi. Undervisning omfatter teoretisk undervisning svaret til ca. 26 lektioner som alle ligger på uddannelsens 2. semester – om foråret

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2 fuldmægtige/specialkonsulenter til ledelsesbetjening på Globe Institute

Globe Institute søger to proaktive, servicemindede og dedikerede personer til understøttelse af strategiske og tværgående ledelsesopgaver. Vi tilbyder Et attraktivt job med stor selvstændighed, afveksling i opgaver og bred kontaktflade eksternt og internt

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Projektøkonomer/ Projektcontroller til Campus Administration Nørre, Københavns Universitet

Brænder du for at arbejde med budgetter og regnskab? Og har du lyst til at gøre en forskel, hvor du hjælper forskerne med økonomien i deres forskningsbevillinger? På Københavns Universitet har vi stor succes med at skaffe eksterne midler til en voksende pulje af forskningsaktiviteter med international bevågenhed

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Laborant til Institut for Plante- og Miljøvidenskab

Analytisk kemi forskningsgruppen ved Institut for Plante- og Miljøvidenskab søger en laborant i 1 år med tiltrædelse den 1. februar 2025. Om os I analytisk kemi forskningsgruppen arbejder vi med grundforskning i avanceret analytisk kemi og udvikler nye analytiske platforme såsom GCxGC-MS og LC-ICP-MS samt strategier til automatiseret signalbehandling såsom pixelbaseret analyse af multidimensionelle data

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Group Leader of Formulation Sciences & Devices, Research

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Vaccines and Immunity (NCVI). The position is a unique opportunity to join the newly established initiative that is a potential game changer in the field of vaccines. Joining now offers the opportunity to help shape NCVI. Background The Novo Nordisk Foundation Initiative for Vaccines and Immunity (NIVI) was recently established to harness knowledge of airway immunity to prevent airborne epidemics through innovative vaccine research and development

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PhD fellowship in Microbiology and Immunology

We are offering a fully funded PhD fellowship in Microbiology and Immunology commencing 1 May 2025 or after agreement. Our group and research The Parasites, Immunology and Gut Health (PIGH) group applies animal models and in vitro cell culture techniques to explore host-pathogen-microbiome interactions and nutritional immunology

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Undervisningsassistent Videnskabsteori - fagspecifik (Oldtiden)

Om Instituttet og oldtidsuddannelserne På Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier arbejdes der med sprog, historie, samfund og kultur, først og fremmest i verdenen uden for Vesteuropa og USA. Tværkulturelle kompetencer og viden om kompleksiteten i verdenssamfundet er af stor vigtighed for instituttets arbejde i Danmark og med den større globaliserede verden – historisk, religiøst, kulturelt, politisk, økonomisk og kulturelt.

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Undervisningsassistent til kurset Kinesisk propædeutik 2

Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier søger en undervisningsassistent til kurset Kinesisk propædeutik 2 ved Københavns Universitet. Om Instituttet og Japanstudier På Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier arbejdes der med sprog, historie, samfund og kultur, først og fremmest i verdenen uden for Vesteuropa og USA

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Undervisningsassistent til kurset Ægyptiske Hieroglyffer 1

Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier søger en undervisningsassistent til kurset Ægyptiske Hieroglyffer 1 (Oldtiden) ved Københavns Universitet. Om Instituttet og oldtidsuddannelserne På Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier arbejdes der med sprog, historie, samfund og kultur, først og fremmest i verdenen uden for Vesteuropa og USA

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Laborant til Sektion for GeoGenetik

Laborant til Sektion for GeoGenetik Globe Institute på Københavns Universitet søger en selvstændig, engageret og kvalitetsbevidst laborant med erfaring i automatiserede processer fra 1. februar 2025. Stillingen er tidsbegrænset for en periode på 5 år. Om os Vi tilbyder et afvekslende og stimulerende arbejde i et ambitiøst forskningsmiljø med en stærk tradition for samarbejde. Under ledelse af Prof. Eske Willerslev er laboratoriet verdensførende indenfor forhistorisk DNA fra miljøet

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Postdoc position in cell-based models of cardiovascular intervention

Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic researcher for a 2-year Postdoc position to start March 1st 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is part of the Center for Stem Cell-based Disease modelling and Drug Screening (StemScreen;, affiliated to The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW Copenhagen.

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Stilling som videnskabelig assistent til Kommunikation og it-uddannelsen

Ved Institut for Kommunikation, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, opslås en stilling som videnskabelig assistent til besættelse fra 1. april 2025. Ansættelsen omfatter 15 timer om ugen og gælder for perioden 01.04.2025-30.09.2025. Introduktion Uddannelserne i Kommunikation og it er tværfaglige og består af fagelementer fra både medievidenskab, kommunikation og datalogi

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Postdoc in Genetics, Microbiology, and Glycobiology

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc for a 2-year position, who is to commence on 1 May 2025 or after agreement. The successful candidate will work on a project investigating the mucin-binding properties of intestinal pathogenic bacteria in pigs, with a focus on bacterial interactions with O-glycans. Information on the department can be found at: Our research

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PhD scholarships at the Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Communicationat the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for four three-year PhD scholarships starting on 1 September 2025. The department is advertising three PhDscholarships as well as one Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship. Please note that a Danish Master's degree is required to apply for the Carlsberg PhD Fellowship.

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Undervisningassistent - grønlandsk sprogundervisning

Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier søger en undervisningsassistent til grønlandsk sprogundervisning på Grønlandske og arktiske studier ved Københavns Universitet. Om Instituttet og oldtidsuddannelserne På Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier arbejdes der med sprog, historie, samfund og kultur, først og fremmest i verdenen uden for Vesteuropa og USA

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Postdoc of organic and physical organic chemistry

The postdoctoral fellow will work in the field of organic chemistry, focusing on the functionalization of biomolecules in water or aqueous solvent mixtures. Our goal is to control reactions involving reactive intermediates, such as cations, in a way that enables these reactions to proceed under aqueous conditions. This will be achieved by developing organic catalysts that recognize substrates and ensure selective reactions

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Leder til gruppen Server, cloud og projektstøtte i KU-IT

Københavns Universitet er blandt verdens bedste universiteter målt på kvaliteten af forskning og uddannelse og er anerkendt for excellence og intellektuel kreativitet. Du kan nu blive en del af KU-IT, der forbinder universitetets 40.000 studerende og 10.000 ansatte digitalt. Vil du tegne den digitale fremtid sammen med os?

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Postdoc position in the Horizon Europe project SHIELD aimed at advancing pandemic preparedness and response by characterizing and exploiting viral gly

We are offering a post doctoral position at the Copenhagen Center for Glycocalyx Research (CCGR) with the Wandall Group, commencing from April 1st 2025 or after agreement. The candidate will be part of a Horizon Europe project SHIELD with the goal to improve the EU’s preparedness to predict and respond to emerging infectious health threats by advancing the research on viral pathogens with high pandemic potential.

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Research assistant in the Gregersen group at Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine (ICMM)

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic research assistant for a 6-month period to investigate novel factors regulating transcription and co-transcriptional processing.

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Chef til Koncern Bygningsøkonomi på Københavns Universitet

Er du hjemmevant i økonomistyringen af store komplekse driftsorganisationer? Vil du være med til at sætte den strategiske retning for styringen af bygningsøkonomien på Københavns Universitet? Og trives du i rollen som personaleleder? Så er du måske den nye chef, vi søger! Om stillingen

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Sektionschef til Institut for Immunologi og Mikrobiologi

Institut for Immunologi og Mikrobiologi søger en engageret sektionschef til at lede Substrat- og Steril-Centralen på det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet. Du finder mere information om os på: Substrat & SterilCentralen – University of Copenhagen Dine arbejdsopgaver • Lede og fordele arbejdet i de to sektioner: Substratafdelingen og Steril Centralen • Teambuilding og udvikling af medarbejdere • Ansvarlig for en effektiv produktion af glasvask og sterilisering af utensilier

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Biomedical laboratory scientist (bioanalytiker) for the Single-Cell Omics platform

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Copenhagen We are looking for a highly skilled biomedical laboratory scientist (bioanalytiker) to join the Single-Cell Omics platform to start Feb 15, 2024, or after agreement. About us The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR) was established in 2010 to conduct fundamental research on metabolism

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Genopslag - Retskemisk afdeling, Retsmedicinsk Institut søger 1 laborant/bioanalytiker

- vil du være en del af et dedikeret og fagligt kompetent laboratoriemiljø? Stillingen som laborant/bioanalytiker ønskes besat fra den 15. februar 2025 eller efter aftale. Stillingen er vagtfri. Stillingen I tæt samarbejde med dine kolleger og kemikere i laboratoriet sikrer du, at kvaliteten af vores analyser lever op til myndighedernes forventninger. Din primære opgave vil være at udføre kemiske analyser på prøver modtaget fra retsvæsenet. Laboratoriet har en høj grad af automatisering

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211-0658/24-2E Associate Professor of Food and Gut Microbiome Interactions in Health and Disease

Associate Professor of Food and Gut Microbiome Interactions in Health and Disease Department of Food Science Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The position involves research and teaching on the interactions between food and the human microbiota, with an emphasis on health implications

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Postdoctoral Researcher on Drivers of Biodiversity Change Across Time at the Section for Biodiversity, Globe Institute

Postdoctoral Researcher on Drivers of Biodiversity Change Across Time at the Section for Biodiversity, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen We are seeking a motivated and dynamic postdoctoral researcher to join our team for a 2-year position starting March 1st, 2025 (or as soon as possible thereafter). This exciting opportunity involves groundbreaking research at the intersection of biodiversity science, climate change, and land use dynamics

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211-0653/24-2E Associate Professor in Agrohydrology and Biophysical Modelling

Associate Professor in Agrohydrology and Biophysical Modelling Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen (UCPH) Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences invites applications for an Associate Professor position within the field of Agrohydrology and Biophysical Modelling from 1 June 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Job description Research and teaching at PLEN cover topics within Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology

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PhD fellowship in Agri-Food System Transition

IFRO invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Agri-Food System Transition, with a focus on mapping stakeholder interests, lock-ins, and potential drivers of change to a more plant-based agriculture and food system in Denmark at local and regional levels. The PhD fellowship is part of the research project COTRANSITION (COllectively TRANSITIONing the agriculture and food system), which is financed by the Plant-Based Food Grant (Fonden for Plantebaserede Fødevarer).

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Tandlæger og specialtandlæger til klinisk undervisning - Genopslag

Odontologisk Institut/Tandlægeskolen søger dedikerede tandlæger til at indgå i undervisningsteams som deltidsansatte kliniske undervisere. Så vil du være med til at forme næste generation af dygtige tandlæger gennem din viden og erfaring? Og har du lyst til at arbejde i et professionelt og kollegialt miljø, hvor vi sætter faglig sparring, undervisningsmetodik/didaktik og trivsel i højsædet, så er arbejdet som klinisk underviser på Odontologisk Institut måske noget for dig

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Tenure-track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Marine Biology

Department of Biology, Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen, Denmark The Department of Biology at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for a position as Tenure-track Assistant professor or Associate Professor in Marine Biology. The position is set to be filled by June 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter, pending negotiation. Position Overview

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EU-Projektadministrator til Datalogisk Institut

Kan du se dig selv arbejde med projektadministration af EU-bevillinger på et af Europas førende datalogiske institutter? Og vil du gerne være en del af en arbejdsplads, som forsker i og uddanner studerende i ny og banebrydende it på områder som kunstig intelligens og virtual reality? Så er jobbet som tidsbegrænset projektadministrator på Datalogisk Institut, Københavns Universitet (DIKU) noget for dig. På instituttet forsker vi på eliteplan og uddanner dataloger

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Projektadministrator til Datalogisk Institut

Kan du se dig selv arbejde med projektadministration på et af Europas førende datalogiske institutter? Og vil du gerne være en del af en arbejdsplads, som forsker i og uddanner studerende i ny og banebrydende it på områder som kunstig intelligens og virtual reality? Så er jobbet som projektadministrator på Datalogisk Institut, Københavns Universitet (DIKU) noget for dig. På instituttet forsker vi på eliteplan og uddanner dataloger

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Associate professorship in Environmental and Climate Economics

The Department of Economics,Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) invites excellent candidates for an Environmental and Climate Economics associate professorship. The position is a permanent, full-time position, available from 1 May 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Introduction Situated in the heart of Copenhagen, the Department of Economics is one of the leading economics departments in Europe and offers courses at all levels

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Akademisk medarbejder (bachelor) til Sektion for Præklinisk Sygdomsbiologi i Skovlab

Københavns Universitet på Frederiksberg Campus tilbyder per 15. februar 2025 en stilling som akademisk medarbejder (bachelor) til Sektion for Præklinisk Sygdomsbiologi i Skovlab. Stillingen er tidsbegrænset til 1. juli 2025. Dine opgaver Arbejdet består hovesagligt af forskningsunderstøttende virksomhed i samarbejde med og ved supervision af gruppens videnskabelige assistenter herunder hjælp til udførsel af cellulære- og molekylære analyser

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Postdoctoral position in early intervention focusing on childhood emotion regulation/mental health (0-5 years)

Centre of Excellence in Early Intervention and Family Studies (CIF) at the Department of Psychology, University of Copenhagen, and National Institute of Public Health, University of Southern Denmark, invites candidates for a fully funded 4-year postdoctoral position starting on March 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. We invite everyone who holds a relevant PhD degree or expects to finish it soon, to apply. The position and the project

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Postdoc of Astronomy

Applicants are invited for a postdoctoral research position in modeling of gas flows near black holes in active galactic nuclei (AGN) in Prof. Marianne Vestergaard’s group at research section DARK at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. The position is part of a larger project to model observational data with the aim to constrain the physics and dynamics of ionized gas in AGN

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Postdoctoral position in 20th and 21st century literary history at the new Center of Excellence “TRANSITION – Changing Urban and Rural lives”, Univers

The new Center of Excellence TRANSITION – Changing Urban and Rural lives at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Copenhagen, invites applicants for a postdoctoral position in Danish literary histories of 20th and 21st century urban and rural transitions. The position has a 30-month full time employment period starting 1 March 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

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162980 Clinical Professor in Neurology with special focus on Clinical Neurophysiology (Fixed-Term, 10 Years)

Department of Clinical Medicine Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint a clinical professor in Neurology with special focus on Clinical Neurophysiologyto commence as soon as possible. The externally funded professorship is combined with a consultancy at Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Department of Neurophysiology and Filadelfia Epilepsy Hospital.

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Tenure-track assistant professor in economic history at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The Saxo Institute,Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) invites applicants for a tenure-track assistant professorship in economic history. The position is a permanent, full-time position available from 1 September 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter

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Tenure-track assistant professor in archaeology at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The Saxo Institute,Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) invites applicants for a tenure-track assistant professorship in Archaeology. The position is a permanent, full-time position available from 1 September 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter

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Institutleder til Institut for Cellulær og Molekylær Medicin

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet Københavns Universitet Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet (SUND) ved Københavns Universitet (KU) søger en ny institutleder til Institut for Cellulær og Molekylær Medicin (ICMM). Instituttet er med i alt ca. 270 medarbejdere og en årlig omsætning på ca. 155 mio. kr. et af SUNDs største institutter. Fokus for instituttets forskning og undervisning er den funktionelle celle, dens genetiske komponenter og molekylære processer fra en medicinsk vinkel

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Institutleder til Institut for Neurovidenskab

Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet Københavns Universitet Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet (SUND) ved Københavns Universitet (KU) søger en ny institutleder til Institut for Neurovidenskab (IN). Instituttet er ét af i alt 13 institutter på SUND med i alt ca.180 medarbejdere og en årlig omsætning på ca. 150 mio. kr., hvoraf ca. 75% kommer fra eksterne midler. Instituttet varetager størstedelen af al uddannelse i neurovidenskab på KU, og mere bredt, i Storkøbenhavn

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Vil du - som juridisk sagsbehandler - gøre en forskel for studerende ved Københavns Universitet?

Uddannelsesservice ved Det Juridiske Fakultet søger tre engagerede og professionelle juridiske sagsbehandlere, der vil spille en central rolle i at støtte vores studerende igennem deres studieforløb. To af stillingerne er faste stillinger. Den tredje stilling er en midlertidig stilling på 1 år. Stillingerne Stillingerne er pt. placeret i Uddannelsesservice som i det daglige arbejder med at få jurastuderende bedst muligt igennem studiet – inden for rammerne

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Ph.d.-stipendiat med kvantitative kompetencer søges til projekt om vægttab, fysiske aktivitet og knoglemineralindhold i LightCOM studiet

Stillingen Som ph.d.-stipendiat vil din primære opgave være, at understøtte og gennemføre dataindsamling og analyse i et forskningsprojekt, der afprøver en intervention med et intensivt vægttabsforløb. Du vil i stillingen arbejde tæt sammen med andre forskere på LightCOM-projektet og desuden indgå aktivt i Center for Almen Medicins øvrige forskningsmiljø. Projektet

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Søg stillingen som ledelseskonsulent i KU-IT og vær med til at sætte dit aftryk på it-fundamentet på Danmarks største universitet (generalist)

Vi skal udvikle it-området på Københavns Universitet til gavn for vores 40.000 studerende og 10.000 ansatte. Her får vi brug for dine kompetencer til at styrke og professionalisere ledelsesbetjening, lave skarpe beslutningsoplæg med blik for både organisatoriske og økonomiske konsekvenser samt bygge bro mellem tekniske fagspecialister og forretningsmæssige beslutningstagere. Bliver du begejstret ved tanken om den faglige udvikling, der ligger i de opgaver, så har vi jobbet til dig. Du får ca

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162981 Associate Professor of Functional Proteomics

Associate Professor of Functional Proteomics Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint an Associate Professor of Functional Proteomics to the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research to commence August 1, 2025, or after agreement. Background

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Postdocs in Section for molecular ecology and evolution at Globe Institute

Postdocs in Section for molecular ecology and evolution at Globe Institute, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen Are you interested in learning about your inner Neanderthal and Denisova? Are you passionate about understanding human history? Then this Postdoc is for you! We are looking for two highly motivated and dynamic postdocs for 2 positions each with duration of 2 years, to commence 1 April 2025 or as soon as possible afterwards

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Two PhD or Postdoc positions in computational off-target analysis of siRNA and small peptides

We have two positions each as either a three-year PhD or a three-year postdoc available in the Gorodkin lab (, Center for non-coding RNA in Technology and Health (RTH), ( at Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at University of Copenhagen.

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Postdoc in experimental microbial interactions in the insect gut

As part of a new Villum Foundation project, the Host and Parasites group, Section for Organismal Biology (Department of Plant and Environmental Science (PLEN)) is offering a 2-year postdoctoral position in the field of experimental microbiology and metagenomics of the insect gut biome to investigate the interplay between ciliates and microorganisms (gut bacteria and archea) in the context of methane emission. Employment starts 1 March 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

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PhD positions in Theoretical Computer Science

Department of Computer Science Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Department of Computer Science at the University of Copenhagen (DIKU) invites applications for PhD positions in theoretical computer science, tentatively commencing 1 September 2025 (but the starting date is negotiable). Description of the scientific environment

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Institutleder ved Institut for Fødevarevidenskab (FOOD)

Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet søger en institutleder med en baggrund fra universiteter eller industrien, som sammen med medarbejdere og øvrige samarbejdspartnere vil videreudvikle instituttets førende forskning og uddannelse indenfor fremtidens fødevarer til gavn for det omgivende samfund. FOOD har stærke forskningsmiljøer, der arbejder i krydsfeltet mellem grundforskning, anvendelsesorienteret forskning og innovation

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Repost - Postdoc in Geoinformatics, with a focus on urban expansion and conversion of natural areas

Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites applicants for a full-time postdoctoral position for a period of 2 years focusing on urban expansion and associated conversion of natural areas within African cities. The position is available from 1 March 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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Programkoordinator med flair for at levere administrativ, struktureret og kommunikativ støtte til KU’s talentprogram UCPH Forward

Talentprogrammet UCPH Forward, der er rettet mod dedikerede forskere på Københavns Universitet, søger en fuldtidsansat koordinator til at gennemføre, synliggøre og udvikle programmet på KU. Koordinatoren indgår i tæt samarbejde med programledelsen, der består af fire anerkendte professorer. Koordinatoren skal være med til at sikre, at UCPH Forward konsolideres på KU, skabe netværk med andre talentinitiativer og knytte administrativt og videnskabeligt ansatte tættere sammen.

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Postdoc in Data driven strategies for prevention of vector borne viruses in Danish livestock

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen A 30-months postdoc position is available in the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics group (, Center for non-coding RNA in Technology and Health (RTH), ( at Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (IVH) (, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at University of Copenhagen.

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Nationalt Videnscenter for Tidlig Indsats og Familieforskning søger videnskabelig assistent til nyopstartet PPR-program

Vil du være med til at skabe ny viden om og metoder målrettet PPR-psykologers arbejde med førskolebørn? Og vil du være med til at udvikle tidlige indsatser til fremme af små børns trivsel og udvikling? Så søg en nyoprettet 3-årig stilling som videnskabelig assistent ved CIF.

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Videnskabelige assistenter søges til forskning om tidlig indsats i familier og dagtilbud

Har du lyst til at bidrage til forskningen i spæd- og småbørns sociale og følelsesmæssige udvikling? Nationalt Videnscenter for Tidlig Indsats og Familieforskning (CIF) søger videnskabelige assistenter til projekter i forskningsprogrammerne ’Barnet i dagtilbud’ og ’Barnet i familien’. Stillingen har forventet start 1. marts 2025.

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CESE PhD fellowship in Science Education Research at IND

We invite applicants for a PhD fellowship to research professional identities among science teachers in Danish primary and lower secondary schools. The project is part of the Danish Science Education Academy (NAFA) and its research program: Center of Excellence in Science Education (CESE). This program announces PhD calls focussing on research relevant to practice in Danish primary and lower secondary education and/or teacher education

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Projektkoordinator til Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education

Institut for Lægemiddeldesign og Farmakologi Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet Københavns Universitet Det nye Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education forankret på Institut for Lægemiddeldesign og Farmakologi, Københavns Universitet, søger en dedikeret og selvstændig projektkoordinator til en tidsbegrænset stilling fra 1. marts 2025 til 31. august 2030. Om centeret

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Postdoc in causal inference within Pioneer

Post-doctoral fellow of Causal inference at The Pioneer Centre for SMARTBiomed A three-year position as post-doctoral fellow in causal inference within The Pioneer Centre for SMARTBiomed to be employed at Section of Biostatistics, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, starting on 1 March 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter. About the Centre: The Pioneer Centre for Statistical and computational Methods for Advanced

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Assistant Professor in causal inference within Pioneer

Assistant Professor of Causal inference at The Pioneer Centre for SMARTBiomed A three-year position as Assistant Professor of causal inference within The Pioneer Centre for SMARTBiomed to be employed at Section of Biostatistics, Department of Public Health, University of Copenhagen, starting on 1 March 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter.

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Re-advertisement: Post Doc in Historical Geobiology using high-stratigraphic resolution geochemical analyses for cyclostratigraphic analyses and paleo

The Dahl Group at the Section for Geology is offering a Post Doc position for an excellent, ambitious, and highly motivated candidate with background in experimental sedimentary geochemistry and reconstruction of Earth’s climatic and/or environmental history. The position is temporary and is available from 15 April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

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Postdoc of Quantum Optomechanics

The Quantum Optomechanics group at the Niels Bohr Institute, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, is seeking a postdoctoral fellow to develop platforms and protocols for mechanical quantum memories, starting from 1 March 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The Project Our group experiments with nano- and micro-mechanical devices whose unprecedented coherence enables new applications as sensors, memories and transducers.

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Leder til indkøbsdriftsenhed på Københavns Universitet

Har du erfaring inden for ledelse, indkøb og leverandørforhandling? Kunne du tænke dig at få ansvaret for den nye indkøbsdriftsenhed på Danmarks største universitet og indgå i et tæt samarbejde med brugere og dygtige kolleger i Indkøbssektionen? Så er du måske den nye indkøbsdriftschef, vi søger! Om stillingen Københavns Universitet arbejder i disse år målrettet på at få mere forskning og uddannelse for pengene gennem bedre indkøb. Det sker bl.a

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Quantum Photonic Engineer

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is establishing a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge quantum programme in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark

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162785 Associate Professor or Assistant Professor of Orthodontics

Department of Odontology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint an Associate Professor, alternatively an Assistant Professor, to the Department of Odontology to commence 1 May 2025 or after agreement. The position is a full-time position and will be permanent (Associate Professor) or limited to 4 years (Assistant Professor). About the Department

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Postdoctoral Researcher Position, Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Political Science, University of Copenhagen, is hiring a postdoctoral researcher for the project “The Transformative Impact of High Ambition Commitments” led by Professor Michele Betsill. The expected starting date is 1 April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The selected candidate will be hired for 2.5 years and is expected to form part of the daily academic environment at the Department of Political Science. Job description

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Postdoc in RNA degradation biology, CRISPR gene editing and Nanopore long read sequencing

Department of Biology Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The Sandelin group is looking to recruit a talented postdoctoral researcher to our highly dynamic research group working in the interface of genomics and computational biology. The position is for two years with possible extension, in an interdisciplinary project focused on nuclear RNA degradation. Our previous work in this area include: • Chen et al, Nature Genetics 2016, DOI: 10.1038/ng.3616

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PhD scholarship at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship at the Department of Economics. Enrolment will be at the Faculty of Social Sciences under Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences. The position starting date is 1 September 2025. Introduction The PhD programme provides PhD students with strong research training which opens up a window of opportunity to a variety of careers within the private and public sectors

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PhD scholarships at Center for Economic Behaviour and Inequality (CEBI) at the Department of Economics, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Are you passionate about pioneering research on economic behavior and inequality? CEBI at the University of Copenhagen invites ambitious candidates to join our PhD programme, starting 1 September 2025.

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PhD scholarships as part of the research project, “Behavioral Barriers to the Green Transition", CEBI, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

The Department of Economics and CEBI is pleased to announce openings for up to two fully-funded PhD scholarships as part of the research project “Behavioral Barriers to the Green Transition”. With global energy demand projected to increase by 47% by 2050, improving energy efficiency is crucial for transitioning to a low carbon economy. While technological progress is a precondition, ultimately, the “human factor” determines energy consumption

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PhD scholarship as part of the research project “The Role of Preferences and Beliefs in Shaping Physician Careers”, CEBI, University of Copenhagen (UC

The Department of Economics and CEBI is pleased to announce openings of a fully-funded PhD scholarship as part of the research project “The Role of Preferences and Beliefs in Shaping Physician Careers”. This project is funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark. You will be involved in research centered at the high-skilled labor market for physicians. Health care sectors across the world are challenged by physician shortages to match increasing demands for care

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Professorater i retsvidenskab inden for formueret

Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet, opslår et til to professorater i retsvidenskab med særligt henblik på formueret. Til stillingerne er knyttet forsknings-, undervisnings- og administrationsforpligtelse. Stillingerne er ledige fra den 1. juni 2025 eller snarest muligt derefter. Rekrutteringsbehov: Ansøger forventes at have bred og dokumenteret erfaring med forskning og undervisning i formueret på internationalt niveau

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Morten Meldal PhD fellowships in Chemistry

The Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen, invites excellent, ingenious, and creative applicants for two PhD stipends in chemistry. Application date for the stipends will be February 1st, 2025. Start date is August 1st, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The PhD stipends will be available for PhD projects in all areas of experimental and theoretical chemistry at the Faculty of Science

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Metabolomics Platform Manager

Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen

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Postdoc in Metabolomics, Microbiome, and Cardiometabolic health

Are you interested in pursuing a career within metabolomics, microbiome and cardiometabolic health? Are you good at working independently, but also enjoy being part of an ambitious and collaborating team? Then you might be our new postdoc! The position is to be filled by 1 April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is affiliated to Microbiome Health Initiative (MHI) funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation

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PhD fellowship in Quantum Optics, Atomic Physics and Materials Science

PhD Project in advancing quantum optics, atomic physics and materials growth. Niels Bohr Institute Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Novo Nordisk Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) at the Niels Bohr Institute invites applications for a PhD fellowship in quantum physics and materials science, focusing on cutting-edge quantum optics and crystal growth

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Postdoctoral position in Machine Learning for the Humanities at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Communication, Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites applications for a postdoctoral position in Machine Learning with a focus on Large Language Models and Generative AI applications in the Humanities, available from 1 April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is a fixed term position for 2 years. Introduction Rapid advances in Artificial Intelligence (AI) start having an impact in the Humanities

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PhD fellowship in condensed matter physics

The Niels Bohr Institute invites applicants for a PhD fellowship. The project is part of a coming international research and development project. Start date is (expected to be) 1 June 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project The project will accelerate the green transition through development and tests of new neutron and synchrotron x-ray instrumentation for optimisation of Power-to-X processes and materials

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Postdoc in Environmental Economic modelling

The Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for 1 to 3 post doc positions with a fixed-term duration of 4 years. The positions are placed in the Section for Environment and Natural Resources, and are open from the 1st April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

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Assistant Professor of Environmental Economic modelling

Department of Food and Resource Economics Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The Department of Food and Resource Economics (IFRO) at the University of Copenhagen invites applications for 1 to 3 assistant professor positions with a fixed-term duration of 4 years. The positions are placed in the Section for Environment and Natural Resources, and are open from the 1st April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

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Postdoctoral Fellowship: Synthetic Topological Matter in Josephson Arrays

The Center for Quantum Devices at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, invites applicants for two or more postdoctoral fellowships to investigate the emergence of topological superconductivity in Josephson junction arrays based on epitaxial semiconductor-superconductor hybrid materials. Related theoretical work is: • O. Lesser, A. Stern, and Y. Oreg, Josephson junction arrays as a platform for topological phases of matter, Phys. Rev. B 109, 144519 (2024). • G. Delfino, D

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Postdoc fellowship in Quantum Optics, Atomic Physics and Materials Science

The Novo Nordisk Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) at the Niels Bohr Institute invites applications for a post doc fellowship in quantum physics and materials science, focusing on cutting-edge quantum optics and crystal growth. This prestigious opportunity is based in Copenhagen, at the Niels Bohr Institute, where quantum mechanics was first pioneered over a century ago. About the Programme

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PhD fellowship in Interpretable Natural Language Processing

Department of Computer Science Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Natural Language Processing Section at the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Interpretable Natural Language Processing. Start date is (expected to be) 1st September 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position

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Postdoctoral position in the study of digital interfaces of mobilization and participation at the Department of Communication, University of Copenhage

The Center for Tracking & Society, Department of Communication (COMM), Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the study of digital interfaces of mobilization and participation with computational social science methods from 1 March 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is a fixed term position for2 years. Job content

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PhD fellowship in Biocomplexity and Biophysics

PhD Project in Biophysics of DNA repair and Genome Integrity Maintenance Niels Bohr Institute Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Niels Bohr Institute, Section for Biocomplexity and Biophysics, invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Biophysics of DNA repair and Genome Integrity Maintenance. The project is part of the research project “Genome integrity maintenance by liquid-liquid phase separation and oscillations”, which is financed by the Carlsberg Foundation.

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PhD fellowship in Molecular Cell Biology

PhD Project in Cell Biology of DNA repair and Genome Integrity Maintenance Department of Biology Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Department of Biology, Section for Functional Genomics, invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Cell Biology of DNA repair and Genome Integrity Maintenance. The project is part of the research project “Genome integrity maintenance by liquid-liquid phase separation and oscillations”, which is financed by the Carlsberg Foundation.

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Specialtandlægeuddannelsen i Ortodonti

4 - 6 specialtandlægeuddannelsesstillinger i ortodonti forventes at blive ledige til besættelse pr. 1. september 2025. Specialtandlægeuddannelsesstillingerne er fuldtids og af 3 års varighed. Uddannelsen foregår ved Odontologisk Institut (Tandlægeskolen), Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet ved Københavns Universitet

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Senior Quantum Engineer

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP), Niels Bohr Institutet at Faculty of Science, the University of Copenhagen is looking for a Senior Quantum Engineer with effect from 1 February 2025 or as soon as possible hereefter. The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is establishing a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge quantum programme in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark

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Postdoc for the neutron spectrometer BIFROST at ESS

The Niels Bohr Institute is strongly involved in the construction of the European Spallation Source; one of the largest science and technology infrastructure projects being built today. The ESS is at an exciting turning point. It is in transition from being a construction site, to being an operating facility

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Three PhD fellowships in Machine Learning

Department of Computer Science Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Department of Computer Science, Machine Learning Section invites applicants for the PhD fellowships in the following projects. The project At least three open positions are being advertised in this call. Each position is detailed below

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14 postdoctoral fellowships to the BRIDGE – Translational Excellence Programme

BRIDGE - Translational Excellence Programme The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (SUND) at the University of Copenhagen is seeking 14 highly motivated and dynamic postdoc fellows to commence the BRIDGE – Translational Excellence Programme on 1 September 2025.

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162153 Tenure Track Assistant Professor of Origin of Life Research

The University of Copenhagen seeks to appoint a tenure track assistant professor to commence 1 June 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Job description The Globe Institute invites applications for a tenure track assistant professorship in Origin of Life research at the Centre for Star and Planet Formation.

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Københavns Universitet (KU)

Nørregade 10, 1165 København K

Københavns Universitets mål er at drive forskning af højeste kvalitet, at tilbyde forskningsbaseret uddannelse til det højeste akademiske niveau, og at formidle ny og klassisk viden til såvel videnskabelige miljøer som til det omgivende samfund.

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