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Egmont Graduate Program


I rollen som graduate bliver du integreret direkte ind i de lokale finansteams fordelt på tværs af koncernens mange facetter. Nordisk Film Finance er en samlet organisation på knap 100 medarbejdere placeret i Danmark, Sverige, Norge og Finland.

Duration: 24 months
Rotations: None
Languages: not specified
Salary range: not specified
Location: not specified
Rotation abroad: not specified
Apply in: marts
Start in: not specified

EGMONT recruits graduates from these educations:

Economics & Auditing

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Vognmagergade 11, 1148 København K

Egmont is a leading Nordic media company committed to significant stories and journalism. All of Egmont is a foundation, and we do well to do good.

We offer graduate programmes: Read more here

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og kontakt os på telefon 38381010 eller [email protected]