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Tags: jobsearch

5 common mistakes in job searching in Denmark
Being an international is tough, especially in Denmark. We have to learn not only the culture and language but how to go about job searching in Denmark. I understand this feeling being an American and living in Denmark. It has had its challenges, especially in finding your dream job while living in a foreign country.
By: Kate Dahl - Job Consultant for Internationals in Denmark,
3 tips to help you land more job interviews
Learn how to make your application stand out to your prospective employer. We present three examples of how you can show, that you can turn your work hours into measurable results.
By: Gæsteblogger Danny Thøgersen (CampFuture), translated by Simone Miller (Move On Career)
Walk like a Dane, talk like a Dane
Entering a new workplace for the first time can be a daunting prospect anywhere but it is likely to be even more so as an international in Denmark.
By: Daniel Bird (edited 2024)
How to write a CV
Your CV will likely be the employer’s first impression of you. Here is our guide to help you look your best.
By: Daniel Bird (edited 2024)
The Law of Jante
Getting a good job in your field of expertise can be quite challenging for internationals in Denmark. Luckily, there is knowledge, which can help you to better navigate the landscape of Danish jobs. One of the biggest factors is the so-called Law of Jante, which you can get a quite thorough intro to here.
By: Alexander Trøstrup Steuernagel, Move On Career
Getting work in Denmark
Often associated with H.C. Andersen and his 'Little Mermaid', Denmark is often portrayed as a fairy tale kind of place. Denmark is first and foremost a socially balanced and progressive society - and a great place to start your career.
By: Daniel Bird
Trade brain power for DKK
This is a quick but comprehensive information source and guide to student finances to set you on the path that leads away from student poverty in Denmark or abroad.
By: Daniel Bird