Aktuelle job hos Syddansk Universitet (SDU)
Postdoc in Neuroimmunology and Cell Therapy with bioinformatic expertise
We are seeking an independent and self-driven postdoc to lead our Neuroimmunology and cell therapy projects at the Department of Molecular Medicine, SDU. The full-time position is available in the Laboratory of Associate Professor Agnieszka Wlodarczyk from April 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter and for a period of one year with the possibility of extension for two or more years.
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Teaching Assistant Professorship in Innovation Management
Application deadline: February 27, 2025. The Department of Business & Management (DBM) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for one or more new positions as Teaching Assistant Professor. The positions are located at SDU’s Campus in Odense and are vacant from 1st July 2025 or as agreed. Job description The position is vacant in the Center for Integrative Innovation Management (C*I2M)
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Administrativ medarbejder til Økonomisk Institut
Er du proaktiv, struktureret og serviceminded? Ønsker du at arbejde i et internationalt miljø og blive en del af en engageret, effektiv og veldrevet administrativ enhed? Så er stillingen som administrativ medarbejder på Økonomisk Institut måske noget for dig. Økonomisk Institut er hjemsted for en international gruppe forskere, der forsker og underviser bredt i emner inden for økonomi og data science. Instituttet er bl.a
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IT-medarbejder (deltid)
Vi søger en dygtig udvikler med erfaring inden for brugerfladeudvikling, softwarevedligeholdelse og systemdrift til stillingen som IT-medarbejder ved Center for Kvantematematik 20 timer/uge. I rollen vil du være ansvarlig for at sikre, at vores software altid er opdateret og fungerer problemfrit. Du vil samarbejde med klienter om at identificere og løse problemer samt udvikle nye funktioner, der imødekommer deres behov. Startdato er 10
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Software Engineer
A number of software engineers are sought for a position at the Centre for Quantum Mathematics (QM) offering a unique blend of classical programming and full-stack development within a quantum computing framework. The software projects in this position includes technical development and ensuring successful execution and delivery on impactful industry applications using classical algorithms and techniques. In the future, there will be opportunities to integrate quantum computing techniques
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3 koordinerende tutorer til Medievidenskab
Medievidenskab søger tre tutorkoordinatorer til introforløbet i uge 35. Ansøgningsfrist d. 27. februar 2025 kl. 23.59. Medievidenskab (SDU, Odense) søger tre ansvarlige og kreative ildsjæle til at planlægge og lede introforløbet for de nye bachelorstuderende, som kommer til at finde sted i uge 35 i 2025. Tutorkoordinatorerne står for at planlægge og afholde årets studiestart, inkl. hytteturen, i samarbejde med studieleder samt de frivillige tutorer
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Two Assistant Professor Positions in Quantum Computing based Quantum Chemistry
Application deadline: 18 March 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy at SDU invites applications for two positions as Assistant Professors in quantum computing based quantum chemistry. The positions are to be filled by 1 June 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Each position is for 3 years. The Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy is one of four departments at the Faculty of Science, located at the main campus of SDU in Odense
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Associate Professor Position in Aquatic Biogeochemistry
Application deadline: 19 March 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time. We are offering an Associate Professor position in aquatic biogeochemistry. This position is available at The Department of Biology at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU), Odense and is associated with the Nordcee Research group. Description of the Position: We are looking for a colleague with expertise in aquatic biogeochemistry
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1.5-year Postdoctoral position available for studying the role of sialic acids in early brain development using brain organoids
Application deadline: 26 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time Background: Protein glycosylation, the process of attaching sugar units to proteins that reside on the surface of cells, plays a crucial role in cell communication and migration, vital for the formation of organs like the brain. A significant distinction between humans and our primate kin is the existence of a sugar molecule known as sialic acids (SA) on the proteins of cell surfaces
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Center for Folkesundhed i Grønland ved Statens Institut for Folkesundhed søger en specialkonsulent 11,1 timer om ugen pr. 1. maj 2025
Ved Center for Folkesundhed i Grønland arbejder vi på at styrke det selvmordsforebyggende arbejde igennem formidling og samarbejde mellem forskning og praksis på folkesundhedsområdet. I Grønland er der et stort behov for selvmordsforebyggende tiltag i bygderne udviklet af grønlandske fagpersoner og formidlet på grønlandsk. Der må forventes en del rejseaktivitet mellem Danmark og Grønland i forbindelse med stillingen. Stillingen er tidsbegrænset og løber fra 1. maj 2025 indtil 31. januar 2027
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Institutsekretær søges til fællessekretariatet ved de kliniske institutter ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelig Fakultet
Fællessekretariatet ved de kliniske institutter søger en engageret og systematisk institutsekretær til ledelsesunderstøttelse og til at drive og udvikle administrative processer i en politisk styret organisation. Fællessekretariatet består af en sekretariatsleder, en kommunikationsmedarbejder og to institutsekretærer, der fortrinsvis arbejder for henholdsvis Institut for Regional Sundhedsforskning (IRS) og Klinisk Institut (KI) ved Syddansk Universitet SDU
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Instruktor i Planter, protister og svampe på Biologisk Institut
Biologisk Institut ved Syddansk Universitet i Odense søger en engageret instruktor til kurset Planter, protister og svampe i foråret 2025. Stillingen ønskes besat snarest muligt. Ansættelsesperioden vil løbe til og med den 30. juni 2026. Det er dog ikke sikkert, at der vil være instruktoropgaver hvert semester. Som instruktor vil du være med til at understøtte de studerendes læring og faglige udvikling
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Rapid Fabrication Facilities Student helper at the Institute Mechanical and Electrical Engineering
. Rapid Fabrication Facilities Student Helper at The Institute Mechanical and Electrical Engineering The Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (IME), part of the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark, offers a part-time position (01.04.2025 – 30.06.2026) as a Student Helper for its Rapid Fabrication Facilities, in direct correlation with both teaching and manufacturing activities.
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Student helper for the Capacitor Group at SDU Centre for Industrial Electronics
. The Capacitor Group in the SDU Centre for Industrial Electronics is seeking a self-motivated student worker who will join our team in Sønderborg working on the development of novel dielectric materials and fabrication techniques. The position is a part-time position (10 hours pr week) from 15.04.2025-30.06.2026
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Barselsvikariat til studie- og centeradministration
Vi søger en barselsvikar til studie- og centeradministration ved Institut for Design, Medier og Uddannelsesvidenskab. Vikariatet strækker sig fra 1. april 2025 til 1. februar 2026. Stillingen dækker to områder: Uddannelsesadministration ved Teoretisk Pædagogikum og centerkoordinator i Center for Gymnasie- og Erhvervsuddannelsesforskning. Stillingen er fordelt med ca. 2/3 del som uddannelsessekretær og 1/3 som centerkoordinator.
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PhD Position in Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of WBG Semiconductors
The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a 3-year position as a Ph.D. in Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of WBG Semiconductors. The position starts on September 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter, depending on the agreement with the successful candidate. The application deadline is June 30, 2025, at 11.59 PM / 23.59 (CET/CEST)
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Postdoc Position in Innovation and Artificial Intelligence
Postdoc position in Innovation and Artificial Intelligence The Algorithms, Data and Democracy project (ADD) and Center for Organizational Datafication and its Ethics in Society (CODES), University of Southern Denmark, is seeking candidates for a one-year postdoc position exploring the role of datafication and especially how Artificial Intelligence (AI) affects the business landscape and its stakeholders
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Postdoc in heart regeneration
A position as postdoc (100% time) is vacant at the Andersen group, Research Unit of Clinical Biochemistry, the Department of Clinical Research (KI), University of Southern Denmark and Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Odense University Hospital-Svendborg Hospital (OUH).
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Clinical Professor in Obstetrics
A position as Clinical Professor (50% time) in obstetrics and as a Consultant (50% time) in obstetrics is vacant as soon as possible at the Research Unit of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Department of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark and at the Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Odense University Hospital, respectively. The posts are considered as one entity.
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Studentermedhjælp søges til forskningsstøtteopgaver på Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet
Ansøgningsfrist: 14.03.2025. Har du lyst til at få relevant erfaring med fundraising, forskningsstøtte, ledelsessupport og sekretariatsbetjening? Studentermedhjælp søges til forskningsstøtteopgaver på Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultet Forskningsstøtteenheden består af 8 kolleger, som arbejder målrettet med at understøtte forskere, centre, miljøer og institutter
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PhD Position in Autonomous Robotic Operations on Powerlines
The section of Digital and High-Frequency Electronics at the Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is opening a PhD position in the area of digital and embedded electronics for advanced robotic technologies. The application deadline is March 15, 2025, at 11.59 PM / 23.59 (CET/CEST)
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PhD scholarship for research project on disability reform in Applied Economics
Application deadline: April 1, 2025, 23.59 CET. The Department of Economics at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a fully-funded 3-year PhD position within the Danish Research Council (Sapere Aude) project Long-term Social Change through Normalization Reforms Targeting People with Disabilities and Their Peers (NormalisedSociety). The project is supervised by Associate Professor Volha Lazuka. The position is based at SDU’s campus in Odense.
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Post-Doctoral Researcher in Electronics with Experience in Electromagnetic Coupling
The section of Digital and High-Frequency Electronics at the Institute of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is opening a new position at the level of Post-Doctoral Researcher. The application deadline is March 31, 2025, at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST)
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Tekniker til drift- og vedligeholdsopgaver, SDU Sønderborg
Har du lyst til et alsidigt og udfordrende job med høj grad af selvstændighed i opgaveløsningen? Og er du en dygtig tekniker med interesse for og erfaring med drift og vedligehold af installationer og teknisk udstyr? Så er du måske vores nye kollega i Teknisk Service på Syddansk Universitets campus i Sønderborg? Om os I Teknisk Service arbejder vi med at sikre optimale fysiske rammer til afvikling af universitetets opgaver indenfor undervisning, forskning og formidling. Vi er ca
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Research Assistant position in Intelligent Reversible CO2 Heat Pumps at SDU Sønderborg
The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a 1-year Research Assistant position in the area of sustainable cooling and heating technologies. The candidate will be offered the exciting opportunity to make reversible CO2 heat pumps “intelligent”. All the activities will be carried out within the ULTRA project in close collaboration with relevant Danish industrial partners. The position is available from May 1, 2025
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Postdoc position in Advanced Computational Design of Metamaterials (CodeMeta) at SDU Sønderborg
The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a 2-year postdoc position in Advanced Computational Design of Metamaterials (CoDeMeta). The position is available from July 1, 2025. The application deadline is April 1, 2025, at 11.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST) The Faculty of Engineering of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a 2-year postdoc position in Advanced Computational Design of Metamaterials (CoDeMeta)
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Studentermedhjælper til Indkøb og Udbud, Syddansk Universitet, Odense
Mangler du et godt og lærerigt studiejob, hvor du har mulighed for at bringe dine uddannelsesmæssige kompetencer i spil? Så læs med her. I Indkøb og Udbud på SDU søger vi nemlig en studentermedhjælper, som kan hjælpe med administrative og juridiske opgaver samt bistå vores udbudskonsulenter ved udbud. Om jobbet Stillingen er placeret i Indkøb og Udbud, som er en af fem afdelinger i Økonomiservice med i alt ca. 70 medarbejdere. Din arbejdsplads vil være på Campus Odense.
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Academic advisor in Sønderborg
Academic advisor position for student assistants available! The study programs B.Sc. International Business Administration, Language and Culture and M.Sc./CMI Business, Language and Culture are in need of a academic advisor for both programs. Application deadline March 12, 2025 by 23.59 (CET/CEST) Academic advisor position for student assistants available! The study programs B.Sc. International Business Administration, Language and Culture and M.Sc
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Job as study start tutor available in Sønderborg
Job as study start tutor available in Sønderborg! The study programs B.Sc. International Business Administration, Language and Culture and M.Sc./CMI Business, Language and Culture are in need of a study start tutor for both programs. Application deadline March 12, 2025 by 23.59 (CET/CEST) Job as study start tutor available! The study programs B.Sc. International Business Administration, Language and Culture and M.Sc
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Videnskabelig assistent til RapaLoad-projektet
Forskningsenheden for Sport og Sundhed, Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, Odense, søger en videnskabelig assistent til RapaLoad-projektet. Stillingen, der er på 30 timer ugentligt, er ledig til besættelse pr. 16. april 2025 (eller snarest muligt derefter) og er tidsbegrænset til udløb den 15. april 2026. Forskningsenheden for Sport og Sundhed, Institut for Idræt og Biomekanik, Odense, søger en videnskabelig assistent til RapaLoad-projektet.
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Two funded PhD positions at SDU Physics - Interdisciplinary research projects within experimental soft matter and biophysics
Application deadline: 15 April 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time I am looking for 2 PhD students to conduct their research education in my lab at the Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Southern Denmark in Odense. Each position is for projects in experimental soft matter and biological physics in the area of active liquid crystals. Starting date: Latest 1 September 2025 Application deadline: 15 April 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time
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Akademisk medarbejder med kompetencer inden for marin naturgenopretning samt styring af kystøkologiske projekter
Jobbeskrivelse Ved forskningsgruppen for økologi, Biologisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet opslås en fast fuldtidsstilling som akademisk medarbejder til besættelse den 1. maj 2025. Stillingen vil være tilknyttet den marine økologigruppe og flere af deres forskningsprojekter, som blandt andet arbejder med marine virkemidler, genopretning af marine naturområder, økosystemtjenester og Citizen Science.
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Akademiker til internationale opgaver søges til Det Tekniske Fakultet på SDU
Det Tekniske Fakultet søger en kollega, som kan indgå i arbejdet med at fremme internationalisering på Det Tekniske Fakultets uddannelser. Internationalisering er et højt prioriteret område på SDU og i særdeleshed på Det Tekniske Fakultet. Fakultetet arbejder målrettet på at tiltrække talentfulde studerende både nationalt og internationalt og uddanne ingeniører med stærke internationale kompetencer
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Academic Technical staff within Physics
The Department of Physics, Chemistry and Pharmacy at SDU invites applications for an Academic Technical Staff position. This role offers an exciting opportunity to work at the forefront of bioprinting and microfabrication, specifically within the Bioprinting and Fabrication facility (BioFab), which houses the state-of-the-art Nanoscribe Quantum X Shape two-photon polymerization laser printer. Starting date: 1 May or soon as possible hereafter
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Postdoc positions in functional genomics and cancer
Application deadline: 1 April 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time Two postdoc positions focusing on the gene-regulatory role of the oncoprotein MYC in cancer are available in the group of Associate Professor Rasmus Siersbæk (Siersbaek group) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU). The positions are available from 1st June 2025 or soon thereafter. Application deadline: 1 April 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time Research Project
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Forskningsrådgiver til Syddansk Forskerstøtte med særligt fokus på Institut for Sundhedstjenesteforskning (IST), SDU
Vil du være med til at styrke forskningen ved at sikre ekstern finansiering til banebrydende projekter? Som forskningsrådgiver får du en central rolle i at understøtte forskerne i at tiltrække midler til deres bedste idéer – idéer, der kan skabe afgørende aftryk i samfundet og bidrage til sundhed for alle.
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Teknisk Service, Syddansk Universitet søger to dygtige universitetetsbetjente
Vi søger to nye dygtige kolleger til vores team af erfarne universitetsbetjente. Har du et udpræget servicegen og vil du være en del af et dynamisk miljø med frihed under ansvar og godt humør på arbejdspladsen - så er du måske én af vores nye kolleger? Om os Teknisk Service understøtter den daglige drift på Syddansk Universitet, SDU og sikrer optimale fysiske rammer til afvikling af undervisning, forskning og formidling. Vi er ca. 80 medarbejdere fordelt på alle SDU’s campusser.
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Tre kliniske lektorer i pædiatri
Ved Klinisk Institut opslås tre stillinger som klinisk lektor, sats C med 100 arbejdstimer/år med bl.a. 15 konfrontationstimer i gennemsnit til besættelse for en periode på 5 år. Stillingerne er til besættelse snarest muligt. Ved Klinisk Institut opslås tre stillinger som klinisk lektor, sats C med 100 arbejdstimer/år med bl.a. 15 konfrontationstimer i gennemsnit til besættelse for en periode på 5 år. Stillingerne er til besættelse snarest muligt. Der vil være mulighed for forlængelse.
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PhD Position in Operator Algebras
Application deadline: 28 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, invites applications for a PhD position in operator algebras with a focus on the structure of nuclear C*-algebras and operator systems and generalized inductive limits. The starting date is June 1, 2025 (or nearby date). Candidate Profile
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Professor Position in Quantum Mathematics
Application deadline: 1 March 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The Center for Quantum Mathematics (QM) at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark https://www.sdu.dk/en (SDU) invites applications for a number of positions as Professor in Quantum Mathematics with emphasis on pure mathematics with relations to quantum theory or with emphasis on Quantum algorithms, Quantum software and Quantum computing.
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LEGO® Chair of the Centre for Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at SDU Vejle – Full Professor Position
Application deadline: 7 April 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The new campus in Vejle of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is set to become an international IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in computer science, artificial intelligence, interactive technology, and software engineering
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Postdoctoral Position in Operator Algebras
Application deadline: 28 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, invites applications for a Postdoctoral position in operator algebras with a focus on the structure and classification of C*-dynamical systems. The starting date is July 1, 2025 (or nearby date). The duration of the position is 2 years. The hired candidate will be mentored by Jamie Gabe. About the position
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PhD Position in Operator Algebras
Application deadline: 28 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Southern Denmark, Odense, invites applications for a PhD position in operator algebras with a focus on the structure and classification of C*-dynamical systems. The starting date is July 1, 2025 (or nearby date). The hired candidate will be supervised by Associate Professor Jamie Gabe. Candidate Profile
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DIAS Full Professor in Biology
Application deadline: 28 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time A Full Professor position in Biology is open at the Department of Biology at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) in 2025 (start date to be negotiated). The position is associated with the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) as DIAS Chair facilitates the establishment of an internationally competitive research area in line with the currently active research at the Department of Biology.
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DIAS Full Professor in Physics
Application deadline: 28 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time We are seeking internationally recognized researchers for a Full Professor position in Physics at the Department of Physics Chemistry and Pharmacy (FKF), at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU).
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DIAS Fellow Position in Biology
Application deadline: 28 February 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time A DIAS Assistant Professor tenure track position in Biology is open at the Department of Biology at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) affiliated with the Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS). DIAS Assistant Professor tenure track positions run for up to six years, after which tenure will be offered subject to positive evaluations and reviews in the Department of Biology with continued affiliation with DIAS
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Tenure-track Assistant and Associate Professorship positions in Algorithms at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, SDU Vejle
Application deadline: 24 March 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time. The new campus in Vejle of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is set to become an international IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in computer science, artificial intelligence, interactive technology, and software engineering
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Assistant (tenure-track) and Associate Professor positions in Data Science at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, SDU Vejle
The application deadline is March 24, 2025, at 23:59 hours local Danish time. The new campus in Vejle of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is set to become an international IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in computer science, artificial intelligence, interactive technology, and software engineering
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Assistant (tenure-track) and Associate Professor positions in Computer Science with focus on Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity, and Programming L
Application deadline: 24 March 2025 at 23:59 hours local Danish time. The new campus in Vejle of the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is set to become an international IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in computer science, artificial intelligence, interactive technology, and software engineering
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To koordinerende tutorer til BA i IVK i Odense
Vil du være med til at tilrettelægge en studiestart, som giver de nye bachelorstuderende på IVK (International Virksomhedskommunikation) den bedste start på uddannelsen og SDU? Vil du være med til at tilrettelægge en studiestart, som giver de nye bachelorstuderende på IVK (International Virksomhedskommunikation) den bedste start på uddannelsen og Syddansk Universitet? Studiestarten er en af de vigtigste perioder for de studerende
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Postdoc: Narrativer om erhvervsuddannelser
Ved Institut for Design, Medier og Uddannelsesvidenskab, Det humanistiske Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet i Odense, er en stilling som postdoc ledig til besættelse pr. 1. maj 2025, eller hurtigst muligt derefter, i projektet ’NarratiVET’. Ansøgningsfrist d. 17. marts 2025 kl. 23.59 (CET/CEST) Ved Institut for Design, Medier og Uddannelsesvidenskab, Det humanistiske Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet i Odense, er en stilling som postdoc ledig til besættelse pr. 1
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SNIKS søger 2 faglige vejledere
Studienævnet SNIKS har 2 stillinger som faglig vejleder ledige til besættelse fra 1. maj 2025 til 30. april 2026, med mulighed for forlængelse. Ansøgningsfrist d. 5. marts 2025 kl. 23.59. Studienævnet SNIKS har 2 stillinger som faglig vejleder ledige til besættelse fra 1. maj 2025 til 30. april 2026, med mulighed for forlængelse. Som faglig vejleder skal du: * vejlede studerende på de nævnte uddannelser i den mest hensigtsmæssige studieafvikling
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PhD Position in Artificial Intelligence in Cardiology
To support our advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and data science at the University of Southern Denmark, the Maersk Mc-Kinney Møller Institute invites candidates to apply for a PhD position to help us tackle challenges in Cardiology with AI and machine learning. The starting date is April 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. The application deadline is February 28, 2025, at 11.59 PM / 23.59 (CET/CEST)
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Faglig vejleder til uddannelserne i International Virksomhedskommunikation i Odense
Vi søger en ny engageret faglig vejleder til uddannelserne i International Virksomhedskommunikation i Odense. Forventet start primo august 2025. Ansøgningsfrist: 27. februar 2025 kl. 23.59 Vi søger en ny engageret faglig vejleder til uddannelserne i International Virksomhedskommunikation i Odense. Forventet start primo august 2025. Der vil blive lagt vægt på, at du som ansøger er indskrevet som studerende på uddannelserne i IVK.
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Student Worker at SDU Center for Energy Informatics
. Student Worker at SDU Center for Energy Informatics SDU Center for Energy Informatics is seeking a motivated student worker with a background or strong interest in the energy domain. You will play a key role in designing and developing simulations and digital twins built upon our existing platform to address real-world energy challenges.
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Audiologopædi søger 2 koordinerende tutorer
Vil du være med til at tilrettelægge den studiestart, som skal give de nye bachelorstuderende på Audiologopædi den bedste start på uddannelsen og SDU? Ansøgningsfrist 3. marts 2025 kl. 23.59 Vil du være med til at tilrettelægge den studiestart, som skal give de nye bachelorstuderende på Audiologopædi den bedste start på uddannelsen og SDU? Studiestarten er en af de vigtigste perioder for en studerende
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Faglig vejleder ved Historie og Oldtidskundskab
Ved Historie og Oldtidskundskab er der en stilling som faglig vejleder ledig til besættelse pr. 1. august 2025. Ved Historie og Oldtidskundskab er der en stilling som faglig vejleder ledig til besættelse pr. 1. august 2025. Som faglig vejleder skal du: * vejlede studerende på de to uddannelser i den mest hensigtsmæssige studieafvikling * vejlede studerende i forbindelse med ansøgninger om dispensation, merit mv. til Studienævnet * vejlede kommende studerende om studiernes indhold
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Faglig vejleder for Cand. negot.-studier
Vi søger en engageret faglig vejleder for Cand. negot.-studier ved det Humanistiske Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet i Odense, med forventet start 1. april 2025. Ansøgningsfrist 5. marts 2025 kl. 23.59 Vi søger en engageret faglig vejleder for Cand. negot.-studier ved det Humanistiske Fakultet, Syddansk Universitet i Odense, med forventet start 1. april 2025. Stillingen kan søges af studerende indskrevet på Negot.-uddannelsen
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Postdoc in Mucosal Immunology and Computational Biology
The Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Southern Denmark is seeking a highly motivated and independent postdoctoral researcher with a background in computational biology to join our cutting-edge research efforts in mucosal immunology. The full-time position is available in the laboratory of Associate Professor Jesper B. Moeller from April 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter, for an initial period of 1 year, with the possibility of extension for two more years.
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Principal Technical Developer for Underwater Instrumentation
The Department of Biology at SDU invites applications for a position as special consultant to serve as principal technical developer in the research team associated to the ERC Synergy project RECLESS for a 6-year period from May 1st 2025 with the possibility of permanent employment hereafter.
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Professor in biomedical innovation
The Unit of Inflammation Research, Department of Molecular Medicine (IMM), SDU, invites applications for a full-time professor position in biomedical innovation. We seek candidates with research experience and leadership abilities that complement existing focus arears of the unit
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Postdoc in translational cancer research
The Department of Molecular Medicine at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) is seeking a highly motivated postdoc for a three-year position. The successful candidate will investigate how cancer cell-educated neutrophils support metastatic spread and whether drugs modifying neutrophil development could prove effective in inhibiting metastatic disease. The project is funded by the independent research found Denmark
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Ph.d.-studerende søges til fuldt finansieret projekt
Et kvalitativt og etnografisk studie af personer med intellektuel funktionsnedsættelse og deres møder med deres praktiserende læge Et kvalitativt og etnografisk studie af personer med intellektuel funktionsnedsættelse og deres møder med deres praktiserende læge Interesserer du dig for at reducere ulighed i sundhed i det kliniske møde for personer med intellektuel funktionsnedsættelse, og har du stærke kompetencer i kvalitative og etnografiske forskningsmetoder? Så er du måske vores nye ph.d
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Tenure-Track Assistant Professorship(s) at the European Center for Risk & Resilience Studies
Appæication deadline: February 28, 2025. The Department of Business and Sustainability, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), invites applications for one or more tenure-track assistant professor positions as of June 1, 2025, or as agreed. The department is organized around eight research units and centers, and we have activities at three campuses in Kolding, Esbjerg, and Sønderborg [LINK]
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Koordinerende studiestartstutorer til introdagene på Samfundsfag og Statskundskab, august 2025
Indsæt evt. kort beskrivelse af opslaget Vil du være med til at give de kommende studerende på din uddannelse den bedste start på studiet? Som koordinerende studiestartstutorer spiller du en afgørende rolle i at skabe en god introduktion og overgang til universitetet. Vi søger 4 koordinerende studiestartstutorer for årgang 2025. Hovedopgaver: • Forberede og afvikle det planlagte introprogram i uge 35 (3 dage)
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Koordinerende studiestartstutorer til introdagene på Journalistik, august 2025
Indsæt evt. kort beskrivelse af opslaget Vil du være med til at give de kommende studerende på din uddannelse den bedste start på studiet? Som koordinerende studiestartstutorer spiller du en afgørende rolle i at skabe en god introduktion og overgang til universitetet. Vi søger 3 koordinerende studiestartstutorer for årgang 2025. Hovedopgaver: • Forberede og afvikle det planlagte introprogram i uge 35 (3 dage)
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Koordinerende studiestartstutorer til introdagene på Økonomi og Matematik-Økonomi, august 2025
Vil du være med til at give de kommende studerende på din uddannelse den bedste start på studiet? Som koordinerende studiestartstutorer spiller du en afgørende rolle i at skabe en god introduktion og overgang til universitetet. Vi søger 4 koordinerende studiestartstutorer for årgang 2025. Hovedopgaver: • Forberede og afvikle det planlagte introprogram i uge 35 (3 dage)
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Koordinerende studiestartstutorer til introdagene på Jura og HA(jur), august 2025
Indsæt evt. kort beskrivelse af opslaget Vil du være med til at give de kommende studerende på din uddannelse den bedste start på studiet? Som koordinerende studiestartstutorer spiller du en afgørende rolle i at skabe en god introduktion og overgang til universitetet. Vi søger 9 koordinerende studiestartstutorer for årgang 2025. Hovedopgaver: • Forberede og afvikle det planlagte introprogram i uge 35 (3 dage)
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Koordinerende studiestartstutorer til introdagene på Market & Management Anthropology, august 2025
Indsæt evt. kort beskrivelse af opslaget Vil du være med til at give de kommende studerende på din uddannelse den bedste start på studiet? Som koordinerende studiestartstutorer spiller du en afgørende rolle i at skabe en god introduktion og overgang til universitetet. Vi søger 3-4 koordinerende studiestartstutorer for årgang 2025. Hovedopgaver: • Forberede og afvikle det planlagte introprogram i uge 35 (3 dage)
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Project coordinator
A full time 1-year position with an opportunity for extension as a project coordinator at the Department of Public Health, Research Unit Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy and Environmental Medicine (CPPEM), University of Southern Denmark, Odense is vacant from 1 April 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. Main tasks We are looking for a project coordinator to support the leadership at the research unit. This includes, but is not limited to: • Grant management • Coordination of teaching
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PhD position in developing MRI-based hypoxia-targeted radiotherapy
The Department of Clinical Research at SDU invites highly qualified graduates from around the world to apply for a Ph.D. position in the interdisciplinary field of imaging biomarkers and radiation therapy. The Ph.D. student will be based at Odense University Hospital (OUH), with a preferred start in the second quarter of 2025, though this is flexible. This project is partially funded by the Translational Cancer Hub (TCH) at SDU.
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Koordinerende studiestartstutorer til introdagene på HA, Erhvervsøkonomi, august 2025
Vil du være med til at give de kommende studerende på din uddannelse den bedste start på studiet? Som koordinerende studiestartstutorer spiller du en afgørende rolle i at skabe en god introduktion og overgang til universitetet. Vi søger 8 koordinerende studiestartstutorer for årgang 2025. Hovedopgaver: • Forberede og afvikle det planlagte introprogram i uge 35 (3 dage)
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Professor in Epidemiology and Applied Biostatistics (Campus Esbjerg)
The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a full professor position in epidemiology, applied biostatistics, and public health. Employment is planned to start on September 1, 2025. The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for a full professor position in epidemiology, applied biostatistics, and public health. Employment is planned to start on September 1, 2025.
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Postdoc med erfaring inden for epidemiologi, survey- og registerbaseret forskning
I forskningsgruppen ’Folkesundhedsepidemiologi’ ved Statens Institut for Folkesundhed (SIF), Syddansk Universitet, er der en 2-årig stilling som postdoc ledig til opstart per 15. maj 2025. Vores tilgang er overordnet kvantitativ og epidemiologisk, og vi laver både interventioner, registerforskning og dataindsamlinger. Arbejdspladsen er Statens Institut for Folkesundhed, Studiestræde 6, 1455 København K.
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Assistant Professorship in International Leadership & Management
Application deadline: March 17, 2025. The Department of Business & Management (DBM) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invites applications for one or more 4-year positions as Assistant Professor. The positions are located at SDU’s Campus in Odense and are vacant from 15th September 2025 or as agreed. Job description The positions are vacant in the research unit International Leadership & Management (ILM)
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Tenure-track assistant professor / associate professor in pharmacoepidemiology and data science
The new Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education is offering a new position within data science and pharmacoepidemiology at the assistant professor level (tenure-track) or at the associate professor level at the Research Unit of Clinical Pharmacology, Pharmacy, and Environmental Medicine (CPPEM), Department of Public Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, SDU. The position is to be filled from June 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter.
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Student assistant
Student assistant for our project FUSION We are looking for a student assistant for our Interreg project FUSION to primarily work on • Analysis of research data • Design and implementation of the learning platform • Supporting administrative and organizational aspects in project management • Organizing events. Starting date will be March or beginning of March 2025 until March 2028 and between 4-6 hours per week.
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Er du interesseret i offentlig forvaltning og strategisk ledelse?
Professor Kurt Klaudi Klausen, Institut for Statskundskab, søger en studentermedhjælp til et surveyprojekt med start i foråret 2025 (snarest muligt). Opgaven består i at forestå udsendelsen af en survey vedr. kommunernes brug af strategisk ledelse og planlægning samt i at oparbejde datasættet. Vores samarbejdspartner er kommunaldirektørforeningen. Der er tale om et internationalt sammenlignende studie, hvor spørgeskemaet allerede foreligger på engelsk. Det skal ikke oversættes, men tilrettes
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GENOPSLAG: Laborant til Translationel Biomedicin, Institut for Molekylær Medicin, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet
Laboratoriet i Translationel Biomedicin under ledelse af DIAS Adjunkt Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Sahu søger erfaren laborant med tiltrædelse pr. 1. marts 2025 eller snarest derefter. Ansættelse er ved Institut for Molekylær Medicin i Odense og er på fuld tid i 6 måneder med mulighed for forlængelse
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Postdoc in Computational Biology
The Genome Biology Research Unit at the Department of Molecular Medicine (IMM) invites applications for a position as postdoc in Computational Biology in the laboratory of DNRF Chair and Novo Nordisk Faculty Professor Vijay Tiwari (https://www.tiwarilab.org/). The position is available - initially for six months - from June 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter - with the possibility of extension for three years.
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Postdoc Position for Project on Digital Inclusion in Care
Application deadline: February 23, 2025. Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoc position for the project RuDiCare financed by the Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) with Principal Investigator (PI) Associate Professor Barbara Fersch.
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Professor or clinical professor and program leader for Steno Diabetes Center Odense (SDCO)
A position as professor or clinical professor and program leader for diabetes care and patient and public involvement in research is vacant at the Department of Clinical Research, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark, and the Steno Diabetes Center Odense (SDCO), Odense University Hospital (OUH). The position as professor or clinical professor will be combined with a clinical position at SDCOs
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Assistant and Associate Professors sought for the Centre for Software Technology at SDU Vejle
SDU’s new campus in Vejle is set to become a world-class IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in interactive technology, software engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence
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LEGO® Chair of the Centre for Software Technology at SDU Vejle – Full Professor Position
SDU’s new campus in Vejle is set to become a world-class IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in interactive technology, software engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence
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Full Professor Positions sought for the Centre for Software Technology at SDU Vejle
SDU’s new campus in Vejle is set to become a world-class IT research and educational environment. The campus will consist of two research centres aiming to be world-class research environments in interactive technology, software engineering, computer science, and artificial intelligence
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Tenure-Track Assistant Professor(s) Position in Economics/Macroeconomics
Application deadline: March 1, 2025. The Department of Economics at the University of Southern Denmark invites applications for one or more tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in Economics/Macroeconomics, preferably with focus on international finance, monetary and financial history, and historical perspectives on growth and fluctuations. We especially encourage macroeconomists who integrate long-term perspectives into their research to apply for the positions.
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Associate Professorship(s) at the European Center for Risk & Resilience Studies
Application deadline: February 28, 2025. The Department of Business and Sustainability, University of Southern Denmark (SDU), invites applications for one or more positions at the level of Associate Professor as of June 1, 2025, or as agreed. The department is organized around eight research units and centers, and we have activities at three campuses in Kolding, Esbjerg, and Sønderborg [LINK]
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Postdoc in Epigenetics
Applications are invited for a position of postdoc in Epigenetics in the laboratory of DNRF Chair and Novo Nordisk Faculty Professor Vijay Tiwari (https://www.tiwarilab.org/ ). The position is available - initially for six months - from April 1, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter - with the possibility of extension for three or more years.
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DIAS Assistant Professor of Humanities in Organisational Communication
The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) and the Faculty of Humanities are seeking to appoint a DIAS Assistant Professor to contribute to the interdisciplinary field of organisational communication. DIAS Assistant Professor tenure track positions run for up to six years, after which tenure will be offered subject to positive evaluations and reviews. Application deadline: February 27, 2025 at 12.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST).
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DIAS Professor in Anatomy and Translational Biomedicine
The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) seeks to fill fully tenured positions at professor level. The successful candidates must have an international profile and a strong record of research and funding excellence as well as novel ideas with a clear potential to expand our frontiers of knowledge. The positions are joint positions at DIAS and at a department at one of the five faculties at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
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DIAS Professor of Media Studies at the Faculty of Humanities
The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) and the Department of Design, Media and Educational Science at the University of Southern Denmark invite applications for a full professorship in Media Studies. The candidate is expected to start in October 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. Application deadline: February 27, 2025 at 12.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST).
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DIAS Professor of Literature at the Faculty of Humanities
The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) and the Department of Culture and Language at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) invite applications for a fully tenured professorship in the study of literature. The candidate is expected to start in October 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. Application deadline: February 27, 2025 at 12.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST).
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DIAS Professor in the Fate of Chemicals in Circular Systems
The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) at the University of Southern Denmark (SDU) seeks an outstanding candidate to fill a Fully tenured Professor position in the field of Fate of Chemicals in Circular Systems. This critical area of research focuses on the occurrence and transformation of chemicals in circular systems such as water treatment processes, plastics, textiles, and building materials
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Associate Professorship and Assistant Professorship for the Field of Speech, language and hearing therapy
The Department of Culture and Language, University of Southern Denmark, invites applications for an associate professorship and an assistant professorship in the field of speech, language and hearing therapy (SLT) with starting date August 1, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Applicants are asked to state in their letter of application on which level they wish to apply. Application deadline: March 3, 2025 at 12.59 PM/23.59 (CET/CEST).
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DIAS Assistant Professor of Health Sciences (Translational Biomedicine)
The Danish Institute for Advanced Study (DIAS) seeks a DIAS fellow at the Assistant Professor level. DIAS Assistant Professor tenure track positions run for up to six years, after which tenure will be offered subject to positive evaluations and reviews. We seek a candidate within translational biomedicine to do interdisciplinary research. The candidate will be part of the Department of Clinical Medicine
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