Aktuelle job hos Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)

Stærk chefkonsulent eller seniorrådgiver til analyser og rådgivning inden for bæredygtig mobilitet - DTU Management

Vil du være med til at sikre et vidensbaseret beslutningsgrundlag for transportpolitikken samt arbejdet med bæredygtig mobilitet, den grønne omstilling og den samfundsmæssige betydning af transportsektoren, så kan du være den, vi søger. Vil du være med til at sikre et vidensbaseret beslutningsgrundlag for transportpolitikken samt arbejdet med bæredygtig mobilitet, den grønne omstilling og den samfundsmæssige betydning af transportsektoren, så kan du være den, vi søger. Jobbet

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Programkoordinator til kompetenceaktiviteter for kvanteafdelingen i DeiC

Har du erfaring med etablering af sommerskoler/kurser på universiteterne eller lignende? Finder du udvikling af uddannelses- og kompetenceinitiativer spændende? Er du god til at samarbejde med mange aktører og finde fælles løsninger i tæt samarbejde med universiteterne og aktører fra offentlig administration og industri i ind- og udland? Så har du her en mulighed for en spændende stilling indenfor et højaktuelt teknologisk område.

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Postdoc within Science and Technology Studies and the Energy Transition - DTU Management

Are you wanting to establish your career as an academic and have a background in Science & Technology Studies (STS)? Are you interested in conducting cutting-edge research on the public engagement within energy transitions? If yes, we have the job for you

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Research Assistant in Stratum Corneum Nanotexture based Skin Analysis - DTU Health Tech

We are seeking a research assistant with a strong engineering background for a 12-month full-time position. In this role, you will work with our dynamic team on atomic force microscopy (AFM) technology applied to skin disease diagnosis and develop AFM-based analysis methods for medical applications. MIDAS group at IDUN Section is actively seeking a talented and highly skilled bioengineering backgrounded research assistant for an exciting full-time position lasting 12 months

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PhD position in Machine Learning Techniques for Optical Frequency Comb Generation – DTU Electro

DTU Electro invites applications for a position as a PhD student in machine learning techniques for generation and optimization of optical frequency combs within the Villum Investigator program “Power efficient fiber-optic communication (POPCOM)”. The position is focused on developing novel generation strategies that result in combs exhibiting low noise behavior. The start date is 1 May 2025.

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Senior Researcher and Head of section for Ocean Science - DTU Aqua

Leader of the Section of Ocean Science at DTU Aqua. We seek a senior researcher (or higher-level academic profile) with documented experience in personnel leadership and management as well as a research profile that complements the strategy of the section, institute and university, and brings opportunities for development of national and international activities.

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Laborantpraktikant i fælleslaboratoriet på DTU Sustain

DTU Sustain er et af verdens førende institutter indenfor miljø- og resource-området. Vores forskere, studerende og teknikere beskæftiger sig med at udvikle ny viden og højteknologiske løsninger med henblik på at forebygge og løse nationale og globale miljøproblemer. Som laborantpraktikant vil du blive inddraget i den nyeste forskning indenfor miljøområdet. DTU Sustain er et af verdens førende institutter indenfor miljø- og resource-området

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PhD scholarship in ecotoxicological effects of chemicals used in offshore wind turbines - DTU Sustain

A PhD scholarship is available at the Department of Environmental and Resource Engineering (DTU Sustain) within the topic of ecotoxicological effects of chemicals used in offshore wind turbines utilizing marine organisms of regulatory and commercial relevance. Do you want to make a positive impact on marine biodiversity and the green transition? Then our latest PhD scholarship may be something for you

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Lab Technician - Enzyme Technology for Green Solutions - DTU Bioengineering

We are seeking a highly motivated Lab Technician to join our dynamic research group at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), focusing on enzymatic plastic degradation and enzymatic carbon capture. We are seeking a highly motivated Lab Technician to join our dynamic research group at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), focusing on enzymatic plastic degradation and enzymatic carbon capture

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PhD scholarship in Quantum Generative Artificial Intelligence – DTU Chemical Engineering

Join our team to innovate at the intersection of quantum generative AI and bioprocess engineering. Develop advanced models to enhance soft sensor accuracy, optimize bioprocess efficiency, and drive breakthrough applications in the biotech industry.

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Marie Curie PhD scholarship on CO2 Purity - DTU Chemical Engineering

We are looking for a PhD candidate at the Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) for the project MISSION-CCS (Material Science Innovation for Accelerated, Sustainable and Safe Implementation of Carbon Capture and Storage)

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DTU Tenure Track Researcher in the field of applied spectroscopic sensing and chemometrics in energy production - DTU Offshore

Danish Offshore Technology Centre (DTU Offshore), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), invites applicants for a researcher position in the field of spectroscopy and chemometrics applied to sensor development in energy production including petroleum, biofuels, blends with e-fuels and other forms of offshore energy production. The focus will be on analytical chemistry, advanced chemometrics and experimental research primarily on spectroscopic methodologies.

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PhD scholarship in Neuromusculoskeletal Modelling for Parkinson’s Disease - DTU Electro

Do you have a passion for computational neuroscience, neurorobotics, or bioengineering? If you are looking to establish your career as a scientist and want to work on cutting-edge biomedical research, this PhD scholarship might be the perfect opportunity for you. We offer a position where you will explore the frontiers of neuromusculoskeletal system modelling in collaboration with KTH Royal Institute of Technology.

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Postdoctoral research fellowship on energy storage using topological spin textures in oxides - DTU Energy

Do you want to contribute to the creation of a new generation of energy storage devices relying on topological spin textures? Do you want to contribute to the creation of a new generation of energy storage devices relying on topological spin textures? At DTU Energy our research efforts aim at developing novel energy storage principles. Topological spin textures and skyrmions have traditionally been investigated in their relationship within future logic and memory units

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Laboratory Coordinator for the PROSYS labs – DTU Chemical Engineering

We are looking for a skilled and motivated laboratory coordinator with an interest in sustainable production processes (biocatalysis, fermentation, downstream processing) to join our team. We are looking for a skilled and motivated laboratory coordinator with an interest in sustainable production processes (biocatalysis, fermentation, downstream processing) to join our team

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Postdoctoral research fellowship on spin-charge interconversion phenomena in oxide heterostructures - DTU Energy

The postdoc will fabricate SrTiO3 or KTaO3-based heterostructures and characterize samples in electronic transport experiments. Finally, the postdoc will evaluate the spin-charge conversion efficiency either by spin-injection transport or ferromagnetic resonance spin-pumping experiments. Do you want to contribute to a future where we can create the new generation of electronic logic device? At DTU Energy our research efforts are aiming at developing spintronic applications

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PhD scholarship in Enzyme-Glycan Interactions - DTU Bioengineering

This PhD project involves discovery, molecular interactions and engineering of enzymes active on biomedically relevant complex carbohydrates aiming to solve a global health challenge. PhD scholarship in discovery and engineering of carbohydrate active enzymes active on clinically important glyco-conjugates. in the Protein Glycoscience and Biotechnology group, DTU Bioengineering.

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IT Portfolio Delivery Manager / leveranceansvarlig - IT Service

Er du klar til at tage næste skridt i din karriere og gøre en synlig forskel for tusindvis af studerende, forskere og medarbejdere på de danske universiteter? I dette job får du mulighed for at forme fremtidens IT-løsninger, for de danske universiteter. Vil du have nøglerolle med impact på hele den danske universitetsverden?

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DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Off-Earth Construction - DTU Construct

Are you passionate about revolutionizing the architecture, engineering, and construction industries through cutting-edge digital technologies? Do you want to leverage 3D printing and numerical simulations to shape the future of habitat development on the Moon and Mars? Pushing the boundaries of construction in extreme space environments presents unique challenges.

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DTU Tenure Track Researcher in High-Energy Instrumentation for Astrophysics – DTU Space

DTU Space’s Research in High Energy Instrumentation in Astrophysics group seeks a skilled researcher for the development of focusing X-ray optics and reflective coatings for future space telescopes. The Research in High Energy Instrumentation in Astrophysics group at DTU Space is seeking a skilled and experienced researcher to contribute to the development of advanced focusing optics for future high-energy astrophysics telescopes. Responsibilities and qualifications

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Senior Researcher in Applied Geophysics - DTU Space

DTU Space invites applications for a senior researcher in applied geophysics, with focus on near-surface geophysical data collected by UAVs. This includes the collection, processing, modelling, and interpretation of data. DTU Space invites applications for a senior researcher in applied geophysics, with focus on near-surface geophysical data collected by UAVs. This includes the collection, processing, modelling, and interpretation of data.

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PhD scholarship in Simulating Rebound Effects in the Early Phases of Design - DTU Construct

Do you want to push the boundaries of design for sustainability towards higher impact? If you want to work at the very front of the new scientific revolution within system dynamics, this is a job for you to thrive. Do you want to break new ground and push the boundaries of sustainable design towards higher impact?

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Senior Strategic and Communications Advisor - DTU Sustain

We are looking for an experienced profile to join a strong and highly driven team to help shape strategic leadership, internal culture and executive internal and external communication at DTU Sustain. DTU Sustain is looking for an experienced strategy and communication profile who will help shape and communicate a common culture and sense of a shared mission for the department The job

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Industritekniker til værkstedscenter - DTU Kemi

DTU Kemi søger en medarbejder, der kan bidrage til vores arbejde med konstruktion og udvikling af forskningsudstyr, tryk og gasser, installationer, laboratorieudstyr og vakuumteknik. DTU Kemi søger en medarbejder, der kan bidrage til vores arbejde med konstruktion og udvikling af forskningsudstyr, tryk og gasser, installationer, laboratorieudstyr og vakuumteknik.

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Project and Event Coordinators - DTU Entrepreneurship

We are seeking two structured and organized coordinators to support the program management of DTU Entrepreneurship's programs. We are seeking two structured and organized coordinators to support the program management of DTU Entrepreneurship's programs. Your role as a project and event coordinator is crucial in providing seamless support for our activities, thereby maximizing the learning experience for our participants and guests

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Process Engineer/Reactor Design Engineer: CO2 converstion to solids: Transforming waste materials to valuable products

We are developing a fast, cheap, environmentally friendly way to mineralise CO2, to make stable, useful products. We invite enthusiastic candidates to join our team. CO2 converstion to solids: Transforming waste materials to valuable products We are developing a fast, cheap, environmentally friendly way to mineralise CO2, to make stable, useful products. We invite enthusiastic candidates to join our team.

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Postdoc in Mid-Infrared Ultrafast Lasers and Frequency Combs - DTU Electro

A 1.5-year Postdoc position is available at DTU Electro on experimental ultrafast optics and frequency combs. Highly motivated candidates with a strong background in lasers, frequency combs, nonlinear optics are encouraged to apply. We are working on novel ultrafast lasers and frequency combs operating in the mid-infrared spectral range for precision molecular sensing applications. Traditionally, such long wavelength frequency comb sources come with high complexity of operation

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Student Assistant at Danish Data Science Academy

Are you a student with a keen interest in working with data, basic coding, and supporting innovative projects? Would you like to be part of growing Danish data science and shape an organization that will benefit Danish society for many years to come? If so, the Danish Data Science Academy (DDSA) has the perfect opportunity for you!

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Postdoc in Obesity Research – DTU Health Tech

Wanting to solve the riddle of the global obesity crisis and at the same time trying life as a postdoc researcher in a leading university environment for a defined period of 2 years? Wanting to solve the riddle of the global obesity crisis and at the same time trying life as a postdoc researcher in a leading university environment for a defined period of 2 years?

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Facility coordinator for DTU Arena for Life Science Automation (DALSA)

Join our dynamic team as the Facility coordinator for DTU’ Arena for Life Science Automation (DALSA)! In this crucial role, you will leverage your expertise in life science, automation, and organizational skills to bolster our research endeavors and journey towards a full-scale DALSA

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PhD position in Health and Sustainability assessments of diets: combining nutrition and environmental perspectives - DTU Food

Join us in exploring the transition to healthy and sustainable diets to enhance human and planetary health. Would you be dedicated to investigate nutritional and environmental effects of existing and alternative dietary patterns? If so, this PhD position may be the perfect opportunity for you. Join us in exploring the transition to healthy and sustainable diets to enhance human and planetary health

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Postdoc position in Synthesis and Characterization of well-controlled multi-metallic alloys for energy conversion reactions for high-value chemicals -

The position is at the SurfCat section at the Department of Physics at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU). Here we enjoy a social, open and transparent scientific environment. The students will be able to take full advantage of the large number of personnel working in adjacent fields of investigation, from surface science on single crystals to the testing of high surface area catalysts in reactors.

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PhD scholarship in Enzyme Engineering of Carbohydrate-Active Enzymes - DTU Bioengineering

The astounding carbohydrate diversity has driven the evolution of a myriad of carbohydrate active enzymes. This project is about rational engineering of specific carbohydrate active enzymes for synthesis of biotechnologically and biomedically useful products.

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PhD position in Computer Science and Statistics for the use of LLMs and GenAI in education - DTU Compute

The PhD project at DTU Compute will develop methods for the responsible and safe use of LLMs and GenAI for within education. You work collaboratively within the HORIZON-MSCA AlignAI, with leading experts in the field Are you interested in investigating the responsible use of Large Language Models (LLMs) and generative AI (GenAI) in education? If so, this PhD position could be for you

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DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Biomolecular Assembly and Condensation - DTU Bioengineering

We are looking for a new tenure track assistant professor in Biomolecular Assembly and Condensation. You will perform research at the forefront of protein assembly, as well as teach biophysics at all levels and collaborate with colleagues at DTU and elsewhere, in academia and industry.

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Fuldmægtig til barselsvikariat med fokus på ledelsesbetjening og forsknings- og uddannelsespolitik - Afdeling for Policy og Relationer

I policykontoret på DTU søger vi en barselsvikar til spædende opgaver relateret til DTU’s direktion og de ledelsesprocesser. Du vil bl.a. forberede møder og skrive referater, håndtere ad hoc administrative opgaver og policy-opgaver, samt bidrage til forberedelse af DTU’s deltagelse i Folkemødet.

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Postdoc in plant cell wall analytics - DTU Bioengineering

Postdoc in plant cell wall analytics. Tasks involve implementing and developing high through-put methods for carbohydrate characterization, including linkage analysis, for structural assessment of faba beans. Enzymatic decomposition methodologies using CAZymes will be applied. We are seeking a skilled postdoc with passion for carbohydrate analytics to take our plant cell wall analyses to the next level

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Postdoc in analysis of Environmental DNA - DTU Aqua

Are you interested in analysis of environmental DNA for detection of invasive pink salmon in Iceland? Then this postdoctoral position at National Institute of Aquatic Resources (DTU Aqua) is for you. The application of Environmental DNA “eDNA” for aquatic biodiversity assessment and fisheries management is progressing rapidly

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PhD position within Science and Technology Studies and the Energy Transition – DTU Management

Are you wanting to establish your career as an STS-scholar and interested in engaging with the energy transition? If yes, we have the job for you. Under the supervision of Professor Julia Kirch Kirkegaard you will become part of a vibrant and growing STS environment at DTU’s Department of Technology, Management, and Economics.

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Postdoc in Ultrasensitive 2D Material Magnetometry - DTU Physics

We are developing ultrasensitive magnetometer devices based on 2D materials for measuring neuron activity, and seek excellent postdoctoral candidates to join our team. We are seeking an excellent candidate for a 2-year postdoc within electronic engineering of 2D magnetic sensors for room-temperature magnetic sensors for ultrasmall fields

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Postdoc in Multimodal Sensor Fusion for Infrastructure Mapping - DTU Electro

Would you like to contribute to the sustainable and human-centered digitalization of the transport industry? Then join us in building the future AI systems that can improve the safety of and reliability of transport operations on the road and at sea. Would you like to contribute to the sustainable and human-centered digitalization of the transport industry?

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Postdocs to lead activities on Energy Data Spaces, and Trustworthy AI for Power Systems – DTU Wind

Are you a talented, self-motivated, and team-oriented person, who thrives in a collaborative environment and enjoys working with complex topics? We seek two Postdocs willing to be part of a world leading research environment and contribute to the development for the next generation scientific machine learning tools for power systems. Are you a talented, self-motivated, and team-oriented person, who thrives in a collaborative environment and enjoys working with complex topics?

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Postdoc in Skin-Compliant Piezoelectric Sensors for Recording Biomechanical Signals in the Human Body - DTU Health Tech

We are looking for scientist to develop groundbreaking smart technologies and devices such as skin electronics and sensorized garments, to be applied to clinical and preclinical applications and trials. If you want to release your creative mind and combine it with practical lab skills this is the right opportunity for you.

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Postdoc in phase-field modelling of piezoelectric materials - DTU Energi

This Postdoc position concerns numerical modelling of piezoelectric materials using the phase field framework. The goal is to investigate the link between a material’s microstructure and ferroelectric domain wall motion. If you are interested in computational modelling of physical systems and want to help advance the understanding of the piezoelectric energy conversion phenomena at the microscale, this postdoc position is for you.

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Data Specialist at DTU Arena for Life Science Automation (DALSA)

Join our innovative team as a Data Specialist at DTU Arena for Life Science Automation (DALSA). We are seeking a proactive individual with expertise in data infrastructure, architecture and analytics. In this role, you will enhance automation laboratories’ data capabilities, collaborating with experts across various fields and IT teams to drive data innovation. Your strategic vision will help identify focus areas, optimize data workflows, and support educational programs.

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PhD scholarship in Photonics Integrated Circuits for Biomedical Imaging - DTU Electro

DTU Electro is seeking a candidate for a PhD position on photonic integrated circuits, which can enable solid-state optical beam steering and will be used for the next generation biomedical imaging. If you want to establish your career as an early-stage researcher and are currently looking for the best possible foundation for your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you

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PhD scholarship in Human Decision-Making and Immersive Virtual Reality - DTU Management

PhD scholarship in Human Decision-Making and Immersive Virtual Reality with a focus on comparing immersive and non-immersive data collection methods to study human decision-making in the context of future transport and infrastructure systems.

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Event Coordinator (maternity cover) - DTU Skylab

Do you love coordinating, organizing, and seeing the big picture? Do you have the drive to give users and guests the best event experience? If so, you might be our new event coordinator at DTU Skylab. Do you love coordinating, organizing, and seeing the big picture? Do you have the drive to give users and guests the best event experience? If so, you might be our new event coordinator at DTU Skylab. Your Tasks You’ll handle all aspects of events, from creative tasks to routine admin work

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Postdoc in Modeling and Visualizing Events in Connected Human Lives - DTU Compute

Postdoc in Modeling and Visualizing Events in Connected Human lives will be creating representational learning models of registry data. DTU Compute’s Sections for Cognitive Systems, would like to invite applications for a 2-year postdoc position starting 1 January 2025. The postdoc will be supervised by Professor Sune Lehmann at the Section for Cognitive Systems, DTU Compute, but also associated with SODAS at the University of Copenhagen. Project Description

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Bioinformatician to push Whole Genome Sequencing forward in Asia - DTU Food

Antimicrobial resistance is among the biggest challenges for human and animal health. The GloCaB Research Group at the National Food Institute acts as reference laboratory – you can become part of this!

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Surface Chemist (part time) - DTU Physics

Geochemist - CO2 conversion to solids: Transforming waste into new, valuable products. We are developing fast, cheap, environmentally friendly ways to mineralise CO2, to make stable useful products. We invite enthusiastic candidates to join our team. As a result of recently funded projects, our research group is looking to fill a position for a part time, special consultant

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HRIS Specialist til Cloud HR-systemer på universiteterne

Vil du arbejde med HR Cloud løsninger og videreudvikle universiteternes HR-systemer i Cloud i tæt samarbejde med en bred vifte af interessenter? Så søger vi dig, der vil sikre, at universiteterne får det optimale udbytte af de HR-systemer, der udspringer af Oracle HCM Cloud med en række fælles integrationer.

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DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Fluid Structure Interaction - DTU Wind

DTU Wind and Energy Systems, Section of Aero- and Fluid-Dynamics, is looking for a Tenure Track Researcher to join an existing group focusing on the application and development of Fluid Structure Interaction methods for the design and stability investigations of large wind turbines. The position is a full-time tenure track position.

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DTU Tenure Track Researcher in High Fidelity CFD-based solver for Optimization of Wind Turbine airfoils and rotors - DTU Wind

DTU Wind and Energy Systems, Section of Aero- and Fluid-Dynamics, is looking for a Tenure Track Researcher to join an existing group focusing on the application and development of adjoint-based high-fidelity aerodynamic shape optimization methods for the design of wind turbine aerofoils and rotors. The position is a full-time tenure track position.

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Medhjælper (deltid) til Bio Facility – DTU Sundhedsteknologi

Vi søger en engageret medhjælper til Bio Facility, som er en del af DTU Sundhedsteknologi på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet i Lyngby. Stillingen er en deltidsstilling på ca. 15 timer om ugen. Vi søger en engageret medhjælper til Bio Facility, som er en del af DTU Sundhedsteknologi på Danmarks Tekniske Universitet i Lyngby. Jobbet Jobbet er et fleksibelt deltidsjob, hvor du rengør bure, flasker, Scantainers og andre artikler som vi bruger i arbejdet med forsøgsdyr

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Postdoc in Indican-based Light-Driven Denim Dyeing – DTU Electro

Do you wish to become part of our interdisciplinary team exploring the novel and ground-breaking discovery that textiles can be dyed with indican using only light. In this 1.5-year postdoc position your work will make a positive environmental and societal impact on textile production.

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Information Security Consultants - IT Service

Are you passionate about cyber and information security? Are you driven by supporting DTU's goal of delivering technology to people and protecting research data? Are you passionate about cyber and information security? Are you driven by supporting DTU's goal of delivering technology to people and protecting research data?

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Postdoc in Fungal enzymology and Food science - DTU Bioengineering

We are seeing a postdoctoral researcher for the project REFINES that aims to describe and eliminate off-flavours in potato-protein biomass that has the potential to form the foundation for a future sustainable food chain.

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PhD scholarship in Polymer Chemistry - DTU Energy

Do you want to be part of the development of core technologies of the green transition? This PhD scholarship offers the opportunity to be at the forefront of functional polymer development for the next-generation alkaline water electrolysis cells. Do you want to be part of the development of core technologies of the green transition? This PhD scholarship offers the opportunity to be at the forefront of functional polymer development for the next-generation alkaline water electrolysis cells.

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Postdoc in Stellar Astrophysics - DTU Space

Join DTU Space and the ERC-funded MAGNIFY project to explore how magnetic fields affect stellar structures and pulsations in intermediate-mass stars. Ideal candidates have a strong expertise in stellar spectropolarimetry and a track record of independent research. Join us at DTU Space to contribute to research that could revolutionize our understanding of stellar structure and evolution

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Postdoc in Microscopy of Enzyme Immobilization – DTU Physics

A PostDoc position is available for experimental research on enzymes immobilized on polymeric and organic-inorganic hybrid matrices for catalysis of chemical reactions needed for transitioning to a sustainable and green society. A PostDoc position is available for experimental research on enzymes immobilized on polymeric and organic-inorganic hybrid matrices for catalysis of chemical reactions needed for transitioning to a sustainable and green society.

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DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Microbial Foods - DTU Biosustain

As Co-PI of the Microbial Foods group within the Bacterial Synthetic Biology section at DTU Biosustain, you will lead the team’s research efforts in addressing food system sustainability and planetary health challenges. A key focus will be on developing microbial approaches to substantially reduce the environmental impact of food production. Microbes play integral roles in enabling the coordinated functioning of our food system along with many other crucial planetary processes.

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DTU Tenure Track Researcher in Modelling and Control of Energy Systems in Buildings and Communities - DTU Construct

DTU Construct seek an ambitious researcher eager to establish a career in energy system modeling and control to improve energy efficiency, activate energy demand flexibility, and enhance the energy resilience of buildings and communities. If you are ambitious and eager to establish your career as a scientist in the field of energy-efficient built environments, and you are looking for opportunities to fulfill your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you

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Postdoc in System Concepts and Architecture Development - DTU Construct

Postdoc in Engineering Design and Manufacturing Systems, Systems integration and validation. Ensuring system elements meet operational standards through real-world experiments, validating interfaces, and collaborating with industry. Responsibilities include research, testing, publishing, and mentoring.

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PhD scholarship in Next Generation AI Explainability - DTU Compute

Are you passionate about explainable AI? DTU Compute's Section for Cognitive Systems invites applications for a 3-year PhD position to investigate the properties of deep learning representations and improve their interactivity. Are you passionate about explainable AI? DTU Compute's Section for Cognitive Systems invites applications for a 3-year PhD position to investigate the properties of deep learning representations and improve their interactivity.

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PhD scholarship in Integrated Structural Topology and AM Process Optimization for Fiber Reinforced Composites - DTU Construct

You are invited to apply for a 3-year PhD position starting early 2025 within the field of fiber-reinforced additive manufacturing methods and topology optimization. The PhD project is funded through the research project “The holistic digital framework for 4D printing of smart sustainable composites” granted by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.

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Part time data management assistant for the Project Support Team - DTU Wind

Become part of the green transition. DTU Wind and Energy Systems is looking for a new part time data management assistant to support our funding and data management. Do you want to be part of the green transition and work closely with one of the world’s leading research environments in wind energy? DTU Wind and Energy Systems is looking to hire a new data management assistant to support funding and data management in our Project Support team.

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Part-time technician for laboratory and cell culture work and maintenance - DTU Bioengineering

We are seeking a motivated and meticulous part-time (12h per week) technician to join our international team in maintaining the Tissue Culture (TC) facilities and the Biochemistry/Proteomics laboratory and in providing general laboratory support. We are seeking a motivated and meticulous part-time technician to join our international team in maintaining the Tissue Culture (TC) facilities and the Biochemistry/Proteomics laboratory and in providing general laboratory support.

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Centerdirektør for et nyt DTU Offshore

Kan du med sikker hånd navigere DTU Offshore fra et succesfuldt offentligt privat partnerskab til et mere traditionelt selvstændigt forskningsmiljø? Kan du sikre en fortsat værdi for centerets store samarbejdsflade med industrien samtidig med at centerets forskningsmæssige arbejde konsolideres og udbygges? Og kan du skabe en tryg og udfordrende mulighed for centerets nuværende og kommende medarbejdere i den forandringsproces?

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PhD scholarship - AI augmented design optimization of wind farms - DTU Wind

Are you a curious, self-driven individual with a strong passion for developing sustainable energy solutions? Are you interested in exploring the potential of AI in engineering design? Then we have a great opportunity for you: a PhD position at DTU Wind on the topic of AI augmented design optimization of wind farms!

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Struktureret og visionær backupspecialist – Afd. for IT-Service

Vil du hjælpe DTU med at udnytte mulighederne i en digital omstilling? Har du erfaring med backup, datasikkerhed og styring af backupplatforme? Så er du højest sandsynlig den backupspecialist, vi leder efter. Vil du hjælpe DTU med at udnytte mulighederne i en digital omstilling? Har du erfaring med backup, datasikkerhed og styring af backupplatforme? Så er du højest sandsynlig den backupspecialist, vi leder efter.

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PhD Scholarship in Atomic-Level Study of Nanoclusters within Microporous 3D Frameworks – DTU Nanolab

Imagine ‘looking’ into a 3D microporous framework and seeing nanoclusters consisting of just a few atoms. In collaboration with the TU Munich, you will push the boundaries in electron microscopy to improve the design of precisely engineered atom clusters for catalytic applications.

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PhD position in Modelling and Control of Flexible Regional Energy Systems - DTU Compute

The PhD position is part of an EU project, where you will develop and implement data-driven models for forecasting and control of energy systems. The models will be tested at demonstration sites across Europe in collaborative efforts with many partners, hence you must have an adventurous mind for both theoretical and practical complex challenges.

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PhD scholarship in Numerical Modelling of Cross-Shore Coastal Processes - DTU Construct

Are you worried about the coastal regions in an era of climate change and plastic pollution? Do you want to play a part in the development of a novel numerical model that can shed light on these societal challenges? Then this PhD position is for you.

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PhD scholarship in Aggregation and control of multi-brand slow chargers for grid services delivery - DTU Wind

This PhD project’s objective is to propose and demonstrate methods that allow the efficient integration of multi-brand slow chargers in a charging cluster. You will work closely with smart charging manufacturers, charging point operators, and the Danish TSO (Energinet). Do you want to be involved in the green energy transition? Do you wish to contribute to the development of E-mobility integration and are you looking for a career in R&D or academia? Then we have a great opportunity!

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PhD scholarship in Organic synthesis and Photophysical Studies – DTU Chemistry

Do you wish to become part of our interdisciplinary team exploring the novel and ground-breaking discovery that textiles can be dyed with indican using only light. Do you want to support the development of sustainable procedures for photochemical indigo textile dyeing? Do you want to support the development of sustainable procedures for photochemical indigo textile dyeing?

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PhD scholarship: Gender Perspectives on Safety of Vulnerable Road Users – DTU Management

Do you want to contribute to research which directly benefits vulnerable road users? The Human Behavior Section at DTU Management invites applications for a 3-year PhD position on gender perspectives on safety of vulnerable road users in low- and middle-income countries. The Transport Division at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) invites applications for a 3-year PhD position in the field of road safety in low- and middle-income countries

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Postdoc position on the role of Policy in Advancing the Green Transition – DTU Entrepreneurship

Join DTU as a postdoc in the Green Transition Policy Centre (GreenTraC) and contribute to cutting-edge research on the role of policy in enabling the green transition. The postdoc will investigate how to assess and bolster the effectiveness of green policies.

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Postdoc in Immersive Virtual Reality and Human Decision-Making – DTU Management

Two-year postdoc position in Immersive Virtual Reality and Human Decision-Making, focussing on the development and testing of new methods for conducting immersive virtual reality experiments to guide the design of human-centric transport and infrastructure systems.

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PhD Fellowship – CO2 Conversion to Solids: Transforming Waste into New, Valuable Products – DTU Physics

We are developing fast, cheap, environmentally friendly ways to mineralise CO2, to make stable useful products. We invite enthusiastic candidates (Geochemist or Chemist) to join our team. We are developing fast, cheap, environmentally friendly ways to mineralise CO2, to make stable useful products. We invite enthusiastic candidates to join our team. As a result of recently funded projects, our research group is looking to fill a PhD position

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PhD scholarship in Physics-informed Deep Learning for Automated Analysis of Energy Materials – DTU Energy

We are looking for a PhD student to work on developing X-ray simulation based deep learning methods for energy materials science. The project offers the chance to work with deep learning with an immediate application that supports breakthroughs in the green energy transition.

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PhD scholarship in Algebraic Function Fields and Coding Theory – DTU Compute

We are looking for a bright and motivated PhD student for a 3-year fully funded PhD position starting 1 April 2025. The project is financed by Villum Fonden, and it is part of the Villum YIG “CREATE”, whose aim is to investigate algebraic function field techniques in coding theory. We are looking for a bright and motivated PhD student for a 3-year fully funded PhD position starting 1 April 2025

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PhD position in End-to-End Learning for Fiber-Optic Communication Systems Employing Multi-Core Fibres (MCFs) – DTU Electro

DTU Electro invites applications for a position as a PhD student in machine learning enabled fibre-optic communication systems employing multi-core fibres, within the Marie Skłodowska-Curie MATCH – Multicore fiber Applications and TeCHnologies doctoral training program.

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Postdoc in Energy Geotechnics - DTU Sustain

We offer a postdoc position for a motivated candidate to join the Energy Foundations project and conduct pioneering research on testing and modelling of coupled thermal-hydro-mechanical performance of energy foundations. You will work with enthusiastic academia and students in the Section of Geotechnics and Geology. If you are establishing your career as a scientist and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you

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PhD scholarship in Innovative Large-Scale Thermal Energy Storage for Buildings and Communities - DTU Construct

The Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering invites applications for a position as PhD student on the topic: “Innovative large-scale thermal energy storage for buildings and communities”. The fellowship is funded by the DTU Alliance PhD and the EU Horizon Europe project TREASURE. If you are establishing your career as a scientist and you are looking for the best possible foundation for fulfilling your dreams and ambitions, it is right here in front of you

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Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Water Supply and Water Distribution Systems - DTU Sustain

Would you like to boost your career as a researcher and educator in the area of water supply and distribution, then here is an opportunity for you. We offer the opportunity to join the faculty at one of the World’s leading university departments in environmental and resource engineering. Would you like to boost your career as a researcher and educator in the area of water supply and distribution , then here is an opportunity for you

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Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Data Aquisition in Water Systems - DTU Sustain

Would you like to boost your career as a researcher and educator in the area of data acquisition in water systems, then here is an opportunity for you. We offer the opportunity to join the faculty at one of the World’s leading university departments in environmental and resource engineering. Would you like to boost your career as a researcher and educator in the area of data acquisition in water systems, then here is an opportunity for you

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Associate Professor or DTU Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Sustainability Assessment of Water Infrastructure - DTU Sustain

Would you like to boost your career as a researcher and educator in the area of sustainable water infrastructure planning, then here is an opportunity for you. We offer the opportunity to join the faculty at one of the World’s leading university departments in environmental and resource engineering. Would you like to boost your career as a researcher and educator in the area of sustainable water infrastructure planning, then here is an opportunity for you

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PhD scholarship in Environmental Sustainability Assessment of Biobased Chemicals - DTU Sustain

Become part of a team of international front-runners in developing methods for the environmental sustainability assessment of products and technologies. Do you want to carry out a PhD project with international front-runners in environmental sustainability assessment? If so, this PhD position might be the right fit for you! You will develop and apply improved environmental sustainability assessment methods for biobased chemicals.

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Postdoc in life cycle impact assessment of natural resources - DTU Sustain

Become part of a team of international front-runners in developing methods for the environmental sustainability assessment of products and technologies. Do you want to work with international front-runners in life cycle assessment? Do you want to innovate in the field of assessing impacts on natural resources in an inspiring environment with a strong research team? If so, this postdoctoral position might be the right fit for you!

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Danmarks Tekniske Universitet (DTU)

Anker Engelunds Vej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby

DTU udvikler teknologi for mennesker. Med vores forskning og uddannelser i international topklasse er vi med til at skabe en bedre verden, og vi bidrager til løsningen af de globale udfordringer formuleret i FN’s 17 verdensmål for en bæredygtig udvikling.

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