Aktuelle job hos Københavns Universitet (KU)

Research Software Engineer for the Data Analytics Platform

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research University of Copenhagen We are looking for a motivated Research Software Engineer to support the data management activities of the Data Analytics Platform at the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research (CBMR). The expected start date is 1 April, 2025, or after agreement. About us

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HR-forretningsspecialist søges til optimering og udvikling af Københavns Universitets HR-processer

Har du erfaring med personaleadministration i staten? Brænder du for at arbejde med optimering og udvikling af personaleadministrative processer? Og vil du gerne være med til at sætte ny fælles retning for personaleadministrationen på Danmarks største universitet? Så er det dig, vi mangler på vores nye hold! Om os Københavns Universitet er i gang med en gennemgribende omlægning af universitetets administration

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Specialkonsulent til Forskningsfinansieringsenheden

Forskningsfinansieringsenheden i Københavns Universitets nye Campusadministration på Frederiksberg søger en engageret, fleksibel og resultatorienteret pre-award medarbejder, der som primær arbejdsopgave skal understøtte vores forskere med at skaffe eksterne forskningsmidler til strategiske samarbejdsprojekter. Om os Københavns Universitet er ved at etablere en ny, fælles universitetsadministration, der understøtter hele universitetet

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Kommunikationsmedarbejdere og eventkoordinator søges til ny kommunikationsenhed på Københavns Universitet

Er du en dygtig kommunikationsrådgiver, der har lyst til at skabe relationer til og bidrage med værdifulde kommunikationsaktiviteter for forskningsmiljøer inden for både det sundhedsvidenskabelige og natur- og biovidenskabelige områder? Eller er du skarp på at planlægge og afvikle større events fra A-Z og har lyst til at samarbejde bredt i organisationen?

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Assistant Professor of chemometrics

We offer a position on developing innovative tools for processing untargeted LC-MS data for advancing food science within the research project “Tensor Network”, financed by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The position which is for 3 years and 9 months focuses on creating computational methods to streamline data extraction, feature identification, and statistical analysis of large LC-MS datasets

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Studentermedhjælper til Ph.d.-administrationen

Den 1. april 2025 samles administrationen af samtlige ph.d.-forløb på KU i en enhed, og vi søger en eller to studerende til at hjælpe os med administrative og praktiske opgaver. Ph.d.-administrationen består af en områdechef, to sektionsledere og flere end 40 medarbejdere. Vi samarbejder om at sikre de administrative rammer for de 3.500 indskrevne ph.d.-studerende og deres vejledere, og understøtte ph.d.-skolelederne, forskeruddannelseslederne og KU’s ph.d.-udvalg. Om jobbet

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Studentermedhjælper til Forskning og Innovation

Kontoret for Forskning og Innovation ved Nørre Campus Administrationen, Københavns Universitet (KU), søger en studentermedhjælper fra 1. april 2025 eller hurtigt muligt, til at støtte postdoc-programmet 'BRIDGE – Translational Excellence Programme'. Stillingen er på ca. 8 timer om ugen. Om programmet BRIDGE-programmet er en strategisk satsning ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet

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Clinical professor of Tumor Immune Microenvironment with special focus on the interplay between the extracellular matrix and immune cells (Fixed-Term,

Department of Immunology and Microbiology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint a clinical professor of Tumor Immune Microenvironmentto the Department of Immunology and Microbiology to commence as soon as possible. The position is a fixed-term position limited to a period of 5 years.

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Postdocs in Computational Biology/Bioinformatics at BRIC

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen We are looking for two highly motivated and dynamic computational postdocs for a 3-year position, to join the group of Prof. Ana Cvejic from the 1st of May 2025 or soon thereafter. Information on the department can be found at: BRIC – University of Copenhagen (ku.dk) Our research The aim of our group is to decipher how differentiation pathways of haematopoietic cells are influenced by different microenvironments

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Postdoc on fungal biodiversity, citizen science and conservation effectiveness, Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Globe Institute

Postdoc on fungal biodiversity, citizen science and conservation effectiveness, Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc for a 1 year [12 month] position to commence 1st of June 2025 or as soon as possible after. Depending on the obtaining of additional funding it is the plan to expand the duration of the position.

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Tenure-track assistant professor in economic history at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The Saxo Institute,Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) invites applicants for a tenure-track assistant professorship in economic history. The position is a permanent, full-time position available from 1 September 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter

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Postdoc in “Intravital Imaging: Visualization of Renal Microvascular Structure and Functions” at the Department of Biomedical Sciences

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen We invite applications for a postdoc position in the field of renal physiology, vascular physiology, and blood flow imaging as per 1st April 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. The position is a fixed-term full time position for 2 years. We are looking for an exceptional candidate with interdisciplinary skills: animal experimentation, ex vivo and in vivo imaging, and data analysis

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163171 Professor of Experimental Veterinary Parasitology

Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint a professor to the Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences to commence as soon as possible. Information on the department can be found at: https://www.sund.ku.dk/. Job description

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Postdoc in Neuroscience at UCPH – Develop innovative Open Science Tools

Department of Neuroscience Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen Are you passionate about advancing neuroscience through innovative open science tools? Join our team at the University of Copenhagen as a Postdoctoral Fellow, where you'll contribute to the development of BrainSTEM.org, an innovative platform for neurophysiological research. Position overview We are seeking a highly motivated Postdoctoral Fellow for a project focused on developing BrainSTEM

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Two PhD fellowships in Quantum Physics

PhD Projects in TheoreticalQuantum Optics and Quantum Information Niels Bohr Institute Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The Niels Bohr Institute invites applicants for two PhD fellowships in Theoretical Quantum Optics and Quantum Information . The projects are part of the research center Hybrid Quantum Networks, which is financed by the Danish National Research Foundation. Start date is (expected to be) July 1, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The projects

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PhD fellowship in Chemical Microbiology at Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen We are offering a three-year PhD fellowship in Chemical Microbiology commencing 1 May 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Project description Our laboratory has recently developed technology for identifying and synthesizing the chemical messenger molecules responsible for quorum sensing and crosstalk between staphylococci within the microbiome. These messenger molecules are called autoinducing peptides (AIPs)

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211-2046/25-2H PhD fellowship in Molecular Biology and Epigenetic

PhD fellowship in Molecular Biology and Epigenetics PhD Project on the molecular mechanisms of epigenetic stability at replication forks Department of Biology Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen The section of Functional Genomics invites applicants for a PhD fellowship on the molecular mechanisms of epigenetic stability at replication forks

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Vil du være med til at opbygge videnspartnerskaber indenfor grøn omstilling og ny økonomisk tænkning? Så har vi en ledig stilling i Dronning Marys Cen

Dronning Marys Center ved Københavns Universitet bidrager til at løse samfundsproblemer gennem videnspartnerskaber. Vi søger en AC-fuldmægtig til at indgå i vores netværksteam, hvor du får mulighed for at arbejde med det spændende og aktuelle område ’Ny økonomisk tænkning’. Ny økonomisk tænkning betegner forskellige perspektiver og forskning, der gentænker økonomien i lyset af aktuellesamfundsproblemer som fx klimaforandringer, biodiversitetskrise, trivselskrise og ulighed

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Københavns Universitet søger en jurist som interesserer sig for forskningsrelateret jura og immaterialret? Brænder du for at forhandle en bred pallett

Københavns Universitet søger en jurist som interesserer sig for forskningsrelateret jura og immaterialret? Brænder du for at forhandle en bred pallette af aftaler? Vil du have indsigt i den nyeste forskning? Så har vi en spændende stilling i sektionen for Forsknings- og IP-Jura på Københavns Universitet (KU).

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Laboratory Manager Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Vaccines and Immunity

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Vaccines and Immunity (NCVI) søger en laboratoriemanager. Baggrund Novo Nordisk Foundation Initiative for Vaccines and Immunity (NIVI), etableret december 2023, med den unikke mission at udnytte viden om gennem innovativ vaccineforskning og -udvikling for at forhindre luftbårne epidemier. NIVI består af 2 dele: • NIVI Research (NIVI-R): et banebrydende forskningscenter forankret på Københavns Universitet.

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Student ved CeBIL

Center for Advanced Studies in Bioscience Innovation Law (CeBIL) søger en student til at støtte centerets forskere fra 1. december 2024 eller snarest muligt. CeBIL, undersøger de væsentligste juridiske udfordringer i forbindelse med biovidenskablig innovation og folkesundhed ud fra et tværfagligt helhedsperspektiv. CeBILs overordnede mål er at hjælpe med at omsætte banebrydende biovidenskablig forskning og innovation til prisvenlige behandlinger, som er tilgængelige for patienterne

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Erfaren konsulent til data og BI-området i HR koncernenheden på Københavns Universitet

Har du solid erfaring med data og BI? Brænder du for at bygge samarbejde op og sætte faglig retning? Og vil du gerne være med til at løfte Københavns Universitets arbejde med HR- og løndata, datakvalitet og ledelsesrapportering til et nyt niveau? Så er det dig, vi leder efter. Om os Du bliver en del af HR Systemer & Data i universitetets HR-koncernenhed (KU HR). HR Systemer & Data er placeret i området HR Administration og består af 11 medarbejdere inkl. sektionsleder og studerende.

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Call for letter of interest – Communication Consultant

Are you an independent Communication Consultant looking for an exciting opportunity? We welcome Letters of Interest from eligible candidates, who will be affiliated on an hourly basis for a period to mainly draw up our communication strategy. The position will also entail some development and creation of media content for social media, website and press. We expect the assignment to initially be for 20 hours a week for 6 months.

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Academic Research Staff for Medical Museion and CBMR Technical Platforms, The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research, University

We are looking for a highly skilled and motivated Academic Research Staff to start March 1, 2025. The successful candidate will analyse practices at the CBMR technology platforms using philosophical and qualitative methods. About Us Medical Museion The position is based at Medical Museion, which houses CBMR’s Program 4: Cardiometabolic Research in Society and Culture

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Vil du være med til at indarbejde universelt design og tilgængelighed i Københavns Universitets arbejde med diversitet, lighed og inklusion?

Vil du være med til at realisere den grundlæggende forudsætning i KU’s Strategi 2030 om, at diversitet, lighed og inklusion skal prioriteres på tværs af hele KU’s virke? Og har du kendskab til, hvordan KU kan indarbejde og medtænke universelt design og tilgængelighed i sine projekter, processer og praksisser? Så har du nu mulighed for at blive en del af KU’s mangfoldighedsteam. Din nye arbejdshverdag hos os

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Vil du være med til at sikre at Københavns Universitet arbejder med køn, diversitet og inklusion i forskning, uddannelse og innovation?

Vil du være med til at realisere den grundlæggende forudsætning i KU´s Strategi 2030 om, at diversitet, lighed og inklusion skal prioriteres på tværs af hele KU’s virke? Og har du kendskab til, hvordan KU kan arbejde strategisk og praktisk med køns- og diversitetsdimensioner i forskning, uddannelse og innovation? Så har du nu mulighed for at blive en del af KU’s mangfoldighedsteam. Din nye hverdag hos os

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Vil du skabe engagement og opmærksomhed omkring diversitet, lighed og inklusion på Københavns Universitet?

Vil du være med til at realisere den grundlæggende forudsætning i KU’s Strategi 2030 (link) om, at diversitet, lighed og inklusion skal prioriteres på tværs af hele KU’s virke? Vi har brug for hjælp til at formidle alt det, der foregår på dette strategiske område, så vi kan skabe endnu mere viden og engagement om det

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Studerende til projekt 'EU-Apply'

Studerende søges til forskningsprojektet “EU-Apply” Studerende søges til projektet ”Applying the rules of the European Health Union (EU-Apply)”. Forskningsprojektet er et 4 årigt projekt (2023-2027) ved Institut for Statskundskab, Københavns Universitet, finansieret af Forskningsrådet for Samfund og Erhverv. Desuden kan hjælp til andre forskningsrelaterede projekter også komme på tale.

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Forskningsprojekt om migration i Bibelen søger studentermedarbejder

Vi søger en studentermedarbejder til forskellige opgaver, herunder hjælp til at organisere en større konference i august. Forskningsprojektet Divergent Views of Diaspora in Ancient Judaism hører til på Afdeling for Bibelsk Eksegese på Det Teologiske Fakultet; du kan læse mere om det her: https://teol.ku.dk/english/dept/diaspora/ Arbejdsopgaverne indeholder blandt andet at hjælpe til med: • Praktiske opgaver ved konference i august (kaffebrygning, afhentning af mad mm.)

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Postdoctoral or Assistant Professor position in Law and AI

Postdoctoral or Assistant Professor position in Law and AI The Faculty of Law, University of Copenhagen, is seeking applications for a Postdoc or Assistant Professor position

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PhD scholarship in historical sociolinguistics at the new Center of Excellence “TRANSITION – Changing Urban and Rural lives”, University of Copenhagen

The new Center of Excellence TRANSITION – Changing Urban and Rural lives at the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Copenhagen, is seeking applicants for a PhD scholarship in sociolinguistics focusing on place and mobility in the 20th century. We welcome applications from candidates with backgrounds in Danish studies, Scandinavian studies, linguistics or ethnology.

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Seniordyrlæge i hestens ortopædi

Universitetshospitalet for Store Husdyr (UHSH), Institut for Klinisk Veterinærmedicin, Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet, ønsker en AC/TAP-stilling som seniordyrlæge i hestens ortopædi besat fra den 15. marts 2025 eller snarest derefter. Stillingen er en fuldtidsstilling uden vagtforpligtelse.

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Data Scientist - Integration of structure and omics-related data

We are seeking a Data Scientist to support infrastructure for homogenization and integration of omics related data. Data comes in different formats and the different programs typically have to be carefully put into workflows where the output format from one method needs to be changed to the input format of downstream methods. Furthermore, Biomedical research is characterized by a high degree of heterogeneity

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Studerende til webredigering og andre kommunikationsopgaver på Det Humanistiske Fakultet

Vi søger to studentermedarbejdere til at hjælpe os med vores mange kommunikationsopgaver i Kommunikationsafdelingen på Det Humanistiske Fakultet. Hvad er opgaverne? Du kommer primært til at arbejde med webredigering på vores eksterne websider og på vores intranet. Du skal hjælpe med at udarbejde, opdatere og vedligeholde indhold og hjælpe med at passe vores support-mail

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AC Studie- og karrierevejleder til sektionen Studieliv og vejledning i studieadministrationen Nørre Campus

Kan du lide at vejlede og vil du bidrage til at sikre trivslen for alle studerende på SUND? Kan du forklare det komplekse simpelt og præcist, og kan du skabe overblik og gennemskue handlemuligheder for de studerende? Og har du lyst til at udvikle og afholde kollektive arrangementer for at fremme det gode studiemiljø for alle SUNDs studerende? Så vil vi gerne have dig som en del af vores vejledningsteam, hvor vi vejleder både fysisk og digitalt. Vi søger en ny kollega med tiltrædelse 1

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Kommunikationsmedarbejder søges til barselsvikariat til studieadministrationen Nørre Campus

Får du energi af at formidle det komplekse enkelt og præcist med brugeren i centrum? Vil du bidrage til at sikre god kommunikation på uddannelsesområdet til glæde for studerende og undervisere? Så vil vi gerne have dig som en del af vores sektion, hvor vi arbejder dedikeret for god vejledning og kommunikation med alle vores brugere. Vi søger en barselsvikar med tiltrædelse 15. marts 2025 eller hurtigst muligt herefter

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Medarbejder til lønområdet i HR på Københavns Universitet

Vil du være en del af en dynamisk og fagligt stærk HR-afdeling på et af Danmarks førende universiteter? Og har du erfaring med opgaveløsning på lønområdet, måske endda i Statens Lønsystem? Så kan denne stilling være noget for dig! Som medarbejder i Lønsektionen i den centrale HR-afdeling bliver du en del af et uformelt arbejdsmiljø med fokus på høj faglighed og trivsel

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På Københavns Universitet ved Institut for Plante- og Miljøvidenskab, sektionen for Miljøkemi og Fysik søger vi én Laborantpraktikant. Stillingen er til besættelse fra den 1. september 2025. Ansøgningsfrist: Den 23. februar 2025. Arbejdsmiljø I sektionen for Miljøkemi og Fysik arbejder vi med miljøkemiske analyser med hoved fokus på jord- og vandmiljøet. Vi er et internationalt forskningsmiljø med udenlandske gæsteforskere og mange studerende

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PhD fellowship Marie Curie in Evolutionary Hologenomics: understanding the role of gut microorganisms in evolutionary dietary shifts

Globe Institute Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen Within the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA), University of Copenhagen is offering one PhD fellowship for a Doctoral Candidate (DC), starting May 1, 2025. The position is for 36 months and is funded by Horizon Europe, within the Hologen MSCA Doctoral Network

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Assistant Professor fellowship in Quantum Optics, Atomic Physics and Materials Science

Assistant Professor project in advancing quantum optics, atomic physics and materials growth. The Novo Nordisk Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) at the Niels Bohr Institute invites applications for a fixed term Assistant Professor in quantum physics and materials science, focusing on cutting-edge quantum optics and crystal growth. This prestigious opportunity is based in Copenhagen, at the Niels Bohr Institute, where quantum mechanics was first pioneered over a century ago.

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211-2051/25-2H, PhD fellowships on impact quantification of the use of microorganisms in the environment

PhD fellowships on impact quantification of the use of microorganisms in the environment Department of Biology Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen A PhD position on microbial ecology is offered at the Department of Biology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark as part of the EMBARQ project (www.embarq.dk), a Center of Excellence funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation. Start date is 1 May 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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Postdoc in Crop Biotechnology and Natural Transformation of Roseroot

The University of Copenhagen and the Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences (PLEN) seek to hire a Postdoc in Crop Biotechnology and Natural Transformation of Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) (fixed-term, 2 years and 9 months) at the Section for Crop Sciences (CROP) to commence 1 March 2025. Description of the scientific environment Research and teaching at PLEN cover topics within biotechnology, agriculture and environment

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Assistant Professor in HERV metabolism & Senescence

We are seeking a highly motivated and dynamic Assistant Professor for a 3-year position, starting April 1, 2025 or soon thereafter. This role will bridge expertise in cell culture, in vivo, and ex vivo human studies, focusing on the molecular mechanisms of senescence. The primary aim is to explore human endogenous retroviruses (HERVs) as markers of cellular senescence and to develop HERV-associated therapies and diagnostics in cell, animal, and ex vivo human systems and organoids.

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2 to 4 Postdocs in Sustainability Transitions, Public Policy, and Modelling in the European Agri-food and Land Use System

The recently funded project Science-based policies for a sustainable European agri-food and land use system (SEAL) at the University of Copenhagen (located in the Department of Food and Resource Economics) invites applicants for 2 to 4 postdoc positions for a two-year period in Sustainability Transitions, Public Policy, and Modelling in the European Agri-food and Land Use System. The positions may be extended based on performance and funding.

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PhD fellowship in Organic Chemistry

PhD Project in synthesis of ligands for cannabinoid receptor CB1-CB2 The Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science at University of Copenhagen invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Organic Chemistry. The project is part of the research project “Control of cannabinoid receptor CB1-CB2/5-HT homo-/hetero-dimerization with INAIC ligands”, which is financed by Danmarks Frie Forskningsfond (DFF). Start dates are 1 May 2025 or as soon as possible after acceptance. The project

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IT-Projektleder med drive til Københavns Universitet

Har du lyst til at være en drivende kraft bag et af de vigtigste administrative programmer på KU? Har du lyst til at arbejde på en af Danmarks største arbejdspladser? Har du erfaring med projektledelse og med at arbejde i politiske organisationer? Så er du måske vores nye IT-projektleder. Københavns Universitet (KU) skal sammen med seks andre danske universiteter udskifte det nuværende studieadministrative system STADS

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Vacant project manager position for the translational activities within the Ancient Environmental Genomics Initiative for Sustainability (AEGIS)

The Ancient Environmental Genomics Initiative for Sustainability (AEGIS) has a vacant position as project manager for the translational activities. The position is temporary for 3 years starting April 1st, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter. Background AEGIS is a pioneering research centre headed by prof

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Studenterstudievejledere til Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning

Institut for Geovidenskab og Naturforvaltning (IGN) ved Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet (SCIENCE), Københavns Universitet søger et antal studenterstudievejledere med tiltrædelse 15. februar 2025 eller snarest derefter. Om os IGN er en del af Science – Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet på Københavns universitet. Fakultetet er Danmarks største naturvidenskabelige forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitution. Instituttet har 450 ansatte, 1.500 studerende, 100 indskrevne Ph.d

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Postdoc of Quantum Computing Algorithms for Quantum Chemistry

Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The postdoctoral fellow will work in the field of quantum chemistry on quantum computers focusing on the development of quantum algorithms for noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) computers and the identification of use cases from chemistry

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PhD fellowship in Molecular Cell Biology

PhD Project in Molecular biology of plant resilience to flooding Department of Biology Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Department of Biology, Section for Functional Genomics, invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in studying how proteolysis on the improvement of plant resilience to flooding, which is financed by the Danish Research Council. Start date is (expected to be) 1 July 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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Studerende til vores Studenterhus ”Cafélitten”

Har du lyst til at arbejde et sted fyldt med studerende, liv og god stemning? Så er det måske dig, vi har brug for! Vores Studenterhus Cafélitten søger netop nu 4-5 studenter, der kan arbejde ca. 4 - 6 timer om ugen i tidsrummet kl. 8:30-16:30 mandag til fredag. Du vil få mulighed for at møde andre politter fra alle årgange, lære forskellen på god og dårlig kaffe og lege DJ bag kaffedisken. Du vil få faste uegentlige vagter i caféen, hvor du vil stå for en del af den daglige drift bl.a

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Stilling som student ved CECS, Centre for European, Comparative, and Constitutional Legal Studies, Det Juridiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet

Centre for European, Comparative, and Constitutional Legal Studies (CECS) søger en engageret student til at støtte centerets forskere med tiltrædelse hurtigst muligt. CECS er et internationalt orienteret forskningscenter. Medarbejderne beskæftiger sig især med følgende emner EU-ret, forfatningsret, international ret herunder international strafferet, komparativ (forfatnings)ret, klimaret, algoritmer & Artificial Intelligence, samt ret & religion.

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A post-doctoral position in Kidney organoid studies at reNEW Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine (reNEW) at Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen is looking for a post-doctoral researcher to join the Little group starting 15 April 2025 or upon agreement. You will be part of an interdisciplinary team involved in the generation and analysis of stem cell-derived kidney cells for regenerative medicine. The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW

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PhD fellowship in synthesizing CO2-derived materials

The Department of Chemistry, Organic Section invites applicants for two PhD fellowships in organic chemistry working on the synthesis of CO2-derived materials. The project is part of the research project “Constructing Sustainable Polymers From Carbon Dioxide”, financed by the Novo Nordisk Foundations grant NNF24OC0089906. Start date is (expected to be) 1 June 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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Opslag af klinisk lektorat, subsidiært klinisk undervisningslektorat til den Sundhedsfaglig kandidatuddannelse (cand.scient.san.) i Intern medicin: en

Opslag af klinisk lektorat, subsidiært klinisk undervisningslektorat til den Sundhedsfaglig kandidatuddannelse (cand.scient.san.) i Intern medicin: endokrinologi (Rigshospitalet) Ved Institut for Klinisk Medicin opslås nedenfor anført en 5-årige stilling som klinisk lektor, subsidiært klinisk undervisningslektor, til besættelse i perioden 1. april 2025 til 1. marts 2030. Formålet:

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211-2052/25-2H: PhD fellowship in population genetics

PhD fellowship in population genetics PhD Project in population genetics of the spiral horned antelopes Department of Biology Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Section for Computational and RNA Biology at the Department of Biology invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in population genetics of the spiral horned antelopes

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PhD fellowship in Gut Ecology and Phage Delivery Engineering

The Department of Food Science, Section of Microbiology, Gut Health, and Fermentation invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Gut Ecology and Phage Delivery Engineering with the aim of exploring innovative approaches to gut microbiome modulation using bacteriophage-based therapies and to develop novel drug delivery strategies for bacteriophages.

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Research assistant at the Center for Glacial Rock Flour, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen

Research assistant at the Center for Glacial Rock Flour, Globe Institute, University of Copenhagen We are looking for a highly motivated research assistant to join the marine section at the Center for Glacial Rock Flour. The position is temporary and will expire 31 August 2025. The position is to be filled by 15 March 2025. Workplace

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163263 Associate Professor of Health Complexity (Fixed-Term, 5 Years)

Department of Public Health Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen The University seeks to appoint an associate professor to the Department of Public Health to commence as soon as possible. Information on the Department can be found at: https://sund.ku.dk/. The position is placed at the Copenhagen Health Complexity Center, which is a newly established research center within the Department

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PhD fellowship in Bioinformatics at the Department of Immunology and Microbiology

We are offering a PhD fellowship in Bioinformatics commencing 15 May 2025 or as soon as possible hereafter. Our group and research The successful candidate will join the newly established immunological bioinformatics research group at the LEO Foundation Skin Immunology Research Center

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PhD fellowship in NK cell biology and immune stealth

We are offering a PhD fellowship in experimental immunology with a focus on NK cell biology and immune stealth commencing on 1 April 2025 or after agreement. Our group and research The PhD fellow will be placed in the Laboratory of Immunology at the Section of Preclinical Disease Biology

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A PhD position in Kidney Engineering at reNEW Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine (reNEW) at Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen is looking for a PhD candidate to join the Little group starting 1 April 2025 or upon agreement. You will be part of an interdisciplinary team involved in the engineering of human stem cell-derived kidney tissue. The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW

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PhD scholarship at the Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

Applications are invited for a PhD scholarship at the Department of Sociology. Enrolment will be at the Faculty of Social Sciences under Copenhagen Graduate School of Social Sciences. The starting date is 1 September 2025. Introduction The PhD programme provides PhD students with strong research training which opens a window of opportunity to a variety of careers within the private and public sectors

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Special Consultant (Research Consultant) in Data Science Position at the Center for Health Data Science

Center for Health Data Science (HeaDS), Department of Public Health, is looking to hire a Research Consultant (Special Consultant) in data science, starting from 1 April 2025. About Center for Health Data Science: The aim of Center for Health Data Science, launched in March 2020, is to strengthen data science research and use, at the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (SUND)

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Betjente til Institut for Veterinær og Husdyrvidenskab

Institut for Veterinær og Husdyrvidenskab ved Det Sundhedsvidenskabelige Fakultet søger 3 betjente til deltidsstilinger (7,4 ugentligt pr. uge). Stillingerne er ledige til besættelse fra den 1. marts 2025 eller snarest muligt derefter. Stillingerne er tidsbegrænset for en periode på 12 måneder. Dine opgaver Stillingen er placeret på Institut for Veterinær og Husdyrvidenskab, i arbejdsgruppen Patologivagten

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AC-fuldmægtig med flair for kommunikation

I den nye stab på Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet på Københavns Universitet (KU) – i daglig tale SCIENCE – har vi brug for en ny medarbejder, der sammen med engagerede og ambitiøse kollegaer kan styrke stabens arbejde med kommunikation. Motiveres du af at skrive, har du lyst til at rådgive en ledelse på et fakultet, og skaber du nemt gode relationer, er du måske vores nye kollega. Om os

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Samlingsleder ved Medicinsk Museion

Medicinsk Museion søger en kreativ, energisk og erfaren museumsprofessionel til at lede tilsynet med vores internationalt betydningsfulde samlinger. Stillingen er en fastansættelse på 37 timer om ugen med start 1. maj 2025 eller snarest derefter. Jobbets primære fokus er at maksimere samlingernes anvendelse inden for forskning og formidling, digitalisering og bevaring samt strategiske nyerhvervelser

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Head of Collections at Medical Museion

Medical Museion seeks an imaginative, energetic and experienced museum professional to oversee our internationally significant collections. The position is permanent 37 hours a week, starting May 1st 2025 or soonest hereafter. The job focuses on maximising their use in research and dissemination, digitization and care, as well as strategic new acqusitions

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163163 Associate professor or Tenure-track assistant professor in computational drug development

Tenure-track assistant professor or associate professor in computational drug development Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education University of Copenhagen The new Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education, University of Copenhagen is seeking an associate professor or tenure-track assistant professor within computational drug development from 1 June 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. About the Center

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163164 Associate professor or tenure track assistant professor in advanced pharmacometric modeling for precision treatment

Associate professor or tenure track assistant professor in advanced pharmacometric modeling for precision treatment Center for Pharmaceutical Data Science Education University of Copenhagen

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Chefredaktør til Uniavisen på Københavns Universitet

Uniavisen søger en ny chefredaktør med mange talenter og stor gejst. Uniavisen er redaktionelt uafhængig af ledelsen på Københavns Universitet (KU) og redigeres efter journalistiske nyhedskriterier. Uniavisen består af det dagligt opdaterede onlinemedie uniavisen.dk og to årlige printmagasiner, der standeromdeles på campus. Redaktøren skal være en dygtig journalist, der sætter kursen med sine visioner og idéer i løbende dialog med KUs bladudvalg, mediets bestyrelse .

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Københavns Universitet søger en AC-fuldmægtig til Uddannelsesudvikling og individuel sagsbehandling på Campusadministration Frederiksberg+

Vi søger en AC-fuldmægtig til ansættelse på fuld tid pr. 1. marts 2025 eller snarest herefter til Uddannelsesudvikling og individuel sagsbehandling, som er en del af den nye uddannelsesadministration på Campusadministration Frederiksberg+ på Københavns Universitet (KU). Hvem er vi? Uddannelsesudvikling og individuel sagsbehandling (Frederiksberg+) har ca. 20 faste medarbejdere og 5 studenter

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Barselsvikariat: Vil du være med til at opbygge Københavns Universitets nye website? Barselsvikar søges til webteamet

Har du lyst til at arbejde med et af Danmarks største online-universer på Danmarks største universitet? Vil du være del af et team, hvor vi udvikler universitetets digitale kommunikation, og hvor der er en fleksibel hverdag og uformel omgangstone? Vi er i gang med et stort projekt med at bygge et helt nyt website til ku.dk. I løbet af de næste to år skal vi flytte alle institutter, centre og andre sider til et nyt CMS i TYPO3 og et nyt design

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Institut for Neurovidenskab ved Københavns Universitet søger en laboratorieassistent

Institut for Neurovidenskab ved Københavns Universitet søger en laboratorieassistent til 6 timer om ugen til Lauritzen Laboratory. Jobbet vil fint kunne fungere som et studiejob og kan tiltrædes den 01-03-2025 Om os Institut for Neurovidenskab udøver forskning og undervisning i nervesystemets udvikling, struktur, funktion og sygdomme. Du finder mere information om forskningsgruppen her: https://in.ku.dk/research/lauritzen-lab/

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Betjent søges til Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr, Institut for Klinisk Veterinærmedicin (genopslag)

Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr, Institut for Klinisk Veterinærmedicin søger en betjent til forefaldende opgaver pr. 1. marts 2025. Institut for Klinisk Veterinærmedicin bidrager gennem undervisning, forskning og vidensformidling inden for det veterinærkliniske område til uddannelse af dyrlæger i Danmark og til den forskningsbaserede udvikling af veterinær klinisk praksis.

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Assistant Professor in database development

Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic assistant professor commencing April 18, 2025, and ending December 31, 2028. Information on the department can be found at: www.drug.ku.dk. Our research The Gloriam group (www.gloriamgroup

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Postdoc i historie ved SAXO Instituttet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet

Ved Saxo Instituttet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet, Københavns Universitet opslås en stilling som postdoc i historie til besættelse fra 1. april 2025 eller snarest derefter. Stillingen er tidsbegrænset til 18måneder. Stillingsindhold Har du lyst til at blive en del af et forskningshold, som undersøger 1700-tallets københavnske klagekultur? Så er muligheden her nu.

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PhD fellowship in Motor Neuroscience / System Neuroscience

The Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports invites applicants for a PhD fellowship investigating Interhemispheric connectivity and bimanual performance. The PhD fellowship is part of the project “Cortical Modulation of Interhemispheric Communication to Improve Bimanual Performance” and financed by the Independnet Research Fund Denmark; Grant Number: 4285-00290B. Start date is (expected to be) 01.03.2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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Postdoc in New Synthetic Methodology for Medicinal Chemistry Research

Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen We are looking for a talented and creative chemist for a one-year postdoc position with the possibility of extension. The advertised position is in the Bunch Group, which is anchored in the medicinal chemistry research section in the department. Start date is March 1, 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter.

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PhD fellowship in function, pharmacology and regulation of the sodium leak channel complex

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen We are offering a three-year PhD fellowship to study the function, pharmacology and regulation of the sodium leak channel complex commencing 1 April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. Project description The sodium leak channel complex is a recently characterized large protein assembly that regulates cellular excitability in a variety of neuronal and non-neuronal tissues

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Pædagogisk konsulent til læringsenheden ved Campusadministration Frederiksberg+, Københavns Universitet.

Vil du gerne arbejde med at understøtte pædagogisk udviklingsarbejde? Har du lyst til at undervise undervisere? Synes du at digitale læringsteknologier og kunstig intelligens er spændende? Og har du lyst til at være en del af et ambitiøst arbejdsfællesskab, så søg stillingen som pædagogisk konsulent ved Campusadministration Frederiksberg+ . Vi søger en pædagogisk konsulent til at understøtte udviklingen af undervisernes pædagogiske kompetencer, herunder de IT-didaktiske kompetencer

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Dygtig fuldmægtig til Strategi, Udvikling og Styring i Rektoratets stab på Københavns Universitet

Interesserer du dig for forskning, innovation og uddannelse? Kan du holde arbejdsprocesser på sporet og sikre fremdrift og opfølgning? Vil du være med til at sætte dit præg på det nyoprettede kontor KU Strategi, udvikling og styring? Så er du måske vores nye kollega. Stillingen er til besættelse 1. marts 2025. Et ambitiøst universitet Københavns Universitet er Danmarks største universitet med en omsætning på cirka 10 mia. kr., 10.000 ansatte og 40.000 studerende

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Assistant Professor of automated neurological image analysis

Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The assistant professor will work on automated neurological image analysis, especially on 3D MRI and CT for the purposes of detecting and describing disease including stroke and dementias.

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Postdoc of Human-AI interaction in digital health

Department of Computer Science Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen Human-AI interaction in digital health presents unique challenges related to the responsible design, development, and deployment of systems based on machine learning and generative AI. This 3-year postdoctoral position is open to applicants holding a PhD in human-computer interaction, computer science, information technology, or a related field

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Postdoc position in Citizen Science, Citizens Generated Data and the use of smartphone applications in forest monitoring

The Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management, University of Copenhagen is looking to recruit a talented postdoctoral researcher to work on Citizen Science, Citizens Generated Data and the use of smartphone applications in forest monitoring. Further information on the Department is linked at https://www.science.ku.dk/english/about-the-faculty/organisation/. Inquiries about the position can be made to Prof. Ida Theilade.

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PhD fellowships in Biostatistics and Causal inference at the SMARTbiomed Pioneer centre

The Department of Public Health at the University of Copenhagen offers 1-2 PhD fellowships in biostatistics with special focus on methods development for causal discovery, causal inference and causal prediction. The anticipated hiring date is 1 May, 2025, or as soon as possible thereafter

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Projektleder til internationalt forskning-praksis projekt om byernes klimaarbejde og vandhåndtering

Om Projektet Dronning Marys Center ved Københavns Universitet søger en projektleder til et ambitiøst 3-årigt forskning-praksis projekt om byers klimarbejde, vandhåndtering og resiliens. Projektet – The Transformative Impact of High Ambition Commitments - tager udgangspunkt i C40's Water Safe Cities Accelerator, hvor 17 globale storbyer har forpligtet sig til ambitiøse mål for effektiv vandhåndtering samt imødegå oversvømmelser og tørke

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Laborant eller bioanalytiker til Patologivagten ved Institut for Veterinær og Husdyrvidenskab

Patologivagten på Københavns Universitet søger en omstillingsparat, selvstændig, motiveret, engageret og fleksibel kollega. Stillingen som laborant/bioanalytiker ønskes besat fra den 15. marts 2025 eller efter aftale. Om os Vi tilbyder et afvekslende arbejde og stærkt fagligt miljø i en mindre arbejdsgruppe med meget alsidige arbejdsopgaver. Patologivagten er oprettet som en del af det veterinære beredskab

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Research Project Coordinator for the FluZooMark project at the Institute for Veterinary and Animal Sciences

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic project coordinator to join us on April 1st, 2025. You will be working in the frame of the project FluZooMark, which is a large research centre on zoonotic aspects of swine influenza viruses funded by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (NNF). Information on the department can be found at: ivh.ku.dk Our research The research group carries out research and teaching in the areas of enzootic and zoonotic viral infections in animals

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Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW is seeking an administrative student assistant

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW, is looking for an administrative student assistant for 12hr/week to join the Research Support team who is responsible for internal and external communication, public engagement, training, and research funding support. The workplace The Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Medicine, reNEW is an international consortium of three leading research institutions in Denmark, Australia, and the Netherlands

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Postdoc in Data driven strategies for prevention of vector borne viruses in Danish livestock

Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen A 30-months postdoc position is available in the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics group (https://ivh.ku.dk/bioinformatics), Center for non-coding RNA in Technology and Health (RTH), (http://rth.dk) at Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (IVH) (https://ivh.ku.dk/english), Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at University of Copenhagen.

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Ph.d.-projekt om gruppekonsultationer i almen praksis

Forskningsenheden for Almen Praksis i Slagelse, Center for Almen Medicin, Københavns Universitet opslår i samarbejde med Steno Diabetes Center Sjælland en stilling som Ph.d.-studerende på et projekt om gruppekonsultationer i almen praksis Ansøgningsfristen er 24. januar 2025. Samtaler forventes afholdt i uge 8, og stillingen ønskes besat 1. april 2025 eller snarest derefter. Behov og baggrund

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Studentermedarbejdere til Ordbog over det norrøne prosasprog

Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab (NorS) på Københavns Universitet søger pr. 1. marts 2025 eller snarest derefter en studentermedarbejder til varetagelse af opgaver vedr. digitale resurser og forskningsaktiviteter ved Ordbog over det norrøne prosasprog. Vi søger en studerende der interesserer sig for ældre nordisk sprog og digitalisering. Stillingen er på gennemsnitligt 10 timer om ugen i 12 måneder med mulighed for forlængelse.

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Three Group Leaders (Associate Professor or Professor) in Cardiometabolic Health and Disease

Extended application deadline 31 January 2025 Three Group Leaders (Associate Professor or Professor) in Cardiometabolic Health and Disease Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Basic Metabolic Research Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen

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Autoriseret veterinærsygeplejerske søges til flere af vores fantastiske teams på Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr (opslag til løbende besættelse

Om Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr På Universitetshospitalet underviser og forsker vi i sygdomme hos familiedyr. Hospitalet er døgnåbent, og vores dyrlægestuderende er med døgnet rundt i alle vores afdelinger. Det er dyrlægerne, som har det primære ansvar for undervisningen, men som VSP involverer du dem også i dit arbejde, og superviserer dem i at opnå de praktiske kliniske færdigheder. Vi tilbyder dig at blive en del af en af vores dynamiske og tværfaglige teams

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Associate professor or tenure-track assistant professor in European ethnology for the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The Saxo Institute,Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) invites applicants for a position as associate professor or tenure-track assistant professor in European ethnology. The position is available from 1 September 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The position as associate professor is a permanent, full-time position. The position as tenure track assistant professor is a permanent, full-time position.

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Junior Photonics Engineer at the NNF Quantum Computing Programme

The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is establishing a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge quantum programme in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark

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Postdoc in data science and technique development for mechanistic analysis in electrocatalysis

Department of Chemistry Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen The Department of Chemistry invites applicants for a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship in experimental data science. Project: Open science, based on transparent and useful public access of research data, is expected to accelerate developments in electrocatalysis (eg water splitting and CO2 electrolysis) and other energy conversion and storage technology, as required to meet global challenges

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Up to 22 fully funded Marie S. Curie PhD positions at University of Copenhagen and Technical University of Denmark

CALL FOR PHD APPLICANTS Application deadline February 20, 2025. Are you: • Scientifically curious and determined to pursue a PhD degree? • Eager to work with an interdisciplinary research project related to cancer or neurological diseases? • Driven to strengthen your scientific creativity and independent thinking? Up to 22 PhD positions are open in the international Marie S. Curie Doctoral Programme ‘Interdisciplinary Marie S. Curie Action for Health’ (INTERACT)

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PhD fellowship in Mycelium-based Biomaterials

The Department of Food Science, Section of Food Analytics and Biotechnology invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in biomaterials with the aim to contributing fundamental understanding towards the development of future, sustainable, mycelium-based options. The project further has links with the Royal Danish Academy and Imperial College London. The PhD position is part of a research project funded by the Danish research council: ‘”Green” bio-composite mycelium-based materials (BioMyTerials)’

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Centeradministrator for grundforskningscentret TreeSense

Department of Geosciences and Natural Resource Management Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Vi søger en centerkoordinator (specialkonsulent), der ønsker spille en nøglerolle i opbygningen af det nyetablerede Grundforskningscenter TreeSense – Center for Remote Sensing and Deep Learning of Global Tree Ressources. Som centerkoordinator vil du være en central aktør i udviklingen af et internationalt forskningsmiljø

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Postdoctoral positions in Social Anthropology: The Social Life of Dead Bodies. A new ethnographic approach to migrant deaths in and around the Mediter

The Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites candidates for two postdoctoral positions in the research project “The Social Life of Dead Bodies: A new ethnographic approach to migrant deaths in and around the Mediterranean Sea” from 1 September 2025. The positions consist of 36 months each and have no teaching requirements. About the research project

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Two postdoctoral positions in the study of collective anger in the Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen

Postdoctoral position 1: The Study of Anti-female Anger and Activism in the US Postdoctoral position 2: The Study of Postimperial Anger in Georgia, Europe The Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen (UCPH), invites candidates for two postdoctoral positions from 15 September 2025. The position is for 30 months and has no teaching requirements. About the Project:

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Postdoc in Game Theory and Environmental Economics

We invite applications for a 2-year Postdoctoral position broadly in the field of Game Theory. Knowledge of Blockchains and/or Environmental Economics is prioritized. The position is part of the research project Achieving Centralized Objectives in a Decentralized Economy (CODE), funded by Independent Research Fund Denmark. The CODE project explores how to realize societal, centralized goals in a decentralized economy

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Call for Tenure-Track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor within Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy

The Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for a position as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy. The position is available from 1 June 2025, but an earlier or later starting date is also possible. We invite applicants within the following areas: • Research in psychotherapy informed by the psychological humanities, e.g

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211-0654/24-2E Associate Professor in Metabolomics for Nutrition and Microbiome Research

Associate Professor in Metabolomics for Nutrition and Microbiome Research Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports Faculty of Science University of Copenhagen

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Call for Tenure-Track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor within Clinical/Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology

The Department of Psychology, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Copenhagen, invites applications for a position as Tenure-Track Assistant Professor or Associate Professor in Clinical and/or Applied Child and Adolescent Psychology. The position is available from 1 June 2025, but an earlier or later starting date is also possible.

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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Saxo-Instituttet, Københavns Universitet

Saxo-Instituttet, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed tre3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025. De tre stipendier fordeler sig således: • To ph.d.-stipendier. Stipendierne kan søges inden for alle instituttets fagområder. • Ét Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship. Stipendiet kan søges inden for alle instituttets fagområder. Det kræver en dansk kandidatgrad at komme i betragtning til Carlsberg-stipendiet.

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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Københavns Universitet

Institut forEngelsk, Germansk og Romansk, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed tre3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025. Institut for Engelsk, Germansk og Romansk rummer forskning og uddannelse i engelsk, fransk, italiensk, spansk og tysk sprog og de dertil forbundne litteraturer, kulturer og samfund. Læs mere her: https://engerom.ku.dk/ominstituttet/. • Der opslås ét Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship

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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Institut for Nordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab, Københavns Universitet

Institut forNordiske Studier og Sprogvidenskab Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed fire3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025. Der opslås ét Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship. Stipendiet kan søges inden for alle instituttets fagområder. Det kræver en dansk kandidatgrad at komme i betragtning til Carlsberg-stipendiet.

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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Institut for Tværkulturelle og Regionale Studier, Københavns Universitet

Institut forTværkulturelle og Regionale Studier, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed seks3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025.

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Ph.d.-stipendier ved Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Københavns Universitet

Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab, Det Humanistiske Fakultet på Københavns Universitet indkalder hermed tre3-årige ph.d.-stipendier med ansættelse fra den 1. september 2025. Institut for Kunst- og Kulturvidenskab Institut for Kunst og Kulturvidenskab søger ph.d.-kandidater, der kan indgå i en eller flere af instituttets sektioner og bidrage til en af instituttets seks tværfaglige forskningsklynger. Sektioner: • Litteraturvidenskab og Moderne Kultur • Kunsthistorie og Visuel Kultur

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PhD fellowship in Molecular Cell Biology

PhD Project in Molecular Mechanisms controlling Lateral Root formation in plants Department of Biology Faculty of SCIENCE University of Copenhagen Department of Biology, Section for Functional Genomics, invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in [Molecular Mechanisms controlling Lateral Root formation in plants, which is financed by the Danish Research Council. Start date is (expected to be) 1st April 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter. The project

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PhD fellowship in Economics of Agri-Food System Transition

IFRO invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in Economics of Agri-Food System Transition, with a specific focus on assessing economic drivers, barriers and lock-ins for change towards a more plant-based agriculture and food system in Denmark at regional and local levels

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Nanofabrication Engineer at NQCP

The Niels Bohr Institute at Faculty of Science, the University of Copenhagen is looking for a Nanofabrication Engineer as soon as possible. About us The Novo Nordisk Foundation Quantum Computing Programme (NQCP) is establishing a talented and diverse international team to create a cutting-edge quantum programme in the heart of Copenhagen, Denmark

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Klinikdyrlæge til internship på Universitetshospitalet for familiedyr (løbende opslag)

Har du lyst til at være en del af et spændende universitetsmiljø, hvor du dagligt kan suge til dig af specialistviden og sparring og bare blive dygtigere og dygtigere? Har du lyst til at blive en del af vores fantastiske team af interns og hospitalsdyrlæger, som hjælper hinanden både fagligt og praktisk i en uddannelsesstilling? Så er et internship på Universitetshospitalet for Familiedyr måske noget for dig! Om stillingen Stillingen er en fuldtidsstilling af tre års varighed

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Group Leader of Formulation Sciences & Devices, Research

Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Vaccines and Immunity (NCVI). The position is a unique opportunity to join the newly established initiative that is a potential game changer in the field of vaccines. Joining now offers the opportunity to help shape NCVI. Background The Novo Nordisk Foundation Initiative for Vaccines and Immunity (NIVI) was recently established to harness knowledge of airway immunity to prevent airborne epidemics through innovative vaccine research and development

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PhD fellowship in Microbiology and Immunology

We are offering a fully funded PhD fellowship in Microbiology and Immunology commencing 1 May 2025 or after agreement. Our group and research The Parasites, Immunology and Gut Health (PIGH) group applies animal models and in vitro cell culture techniques to explore host-pathogen-microbiome interactions and nutritional immunology

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Postdoc in Genetics, Microbiology, and Glycobiology

We are looking for a highly motivated and dynamic postdoc for a 2-year position, who is to commence on 1 May 2025 or after agreement. The successful candidate will work on a project investigating the mucin-binding properties of intestinal pathogenic bacteria in pigs, with a focus on bacterial interactions with O-glycans. Information on the department can be found at: https://ivh.ku.dk/english/ Our research

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PhD scholarships at the Department of Communication, University of Copenhagen

The Department of Communicationat the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Copenhagen is inviting applications for four three-year PhD scholarships starting on 1 September 2025. The department is advertising three PhDscholarships as well as one Carlsberg Foundation Humanities PhD Fellowship. Please note that a Danish Master's degree is required to apply for the Carlsberg PhD Fellowship.

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Postdoc position in the Horizon Europe project SHIELD aimed at advancing pandemic preparedness and response by characterizing and exploiting viral gly

We are offering a post doctoral position at the Copenhagen Center for Glycocalyx Research (CCGR) with the Wandall Group, commencing from April 1st 2025 or after agreement. The candidate will be part of a Horizon Europe project SHIELD with the goal to improve the EU’s preparedness to predict and respond to emerging infectious health threats by advancing the research on viral pathogens with high pandemic potential.

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Tenure-track assistant professor in archaeology at the Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen

The Saxo Institute,Faculty of Humanities, University of Copenhagen (UCPH) invites applicants for a tenure-track assistant professorship in Archaeology. The position is a permanent, full-time position available from 1 September 2025 or as soon as possible thereafter

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Institutleder ved Institut for Fødevarevidenskab (FOOD)

Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet søger en institutleder med en baggrund fra universiteter eller industrien, som sammen med medarbejdere og øvrige samarbejdspartnere vil videreudvikle instituttets førende forskning og uddannelse indenfor fremtidens fødevarer til gavn for det omgivende samfund. FOOD har stærke forskningsmiljøer, der arbejder i krydsfeltet mellem grundforskning, anvendelsesorienteret forskning og innovation

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Postdoc for the neutron spectrometer BIFROST at ESS

The Niels Bohr Institute is strongly involved in the construction of the European Spallation Source; one of the largest science and technology infrastructure projects being built today. The ESS is at an exciting turning point. It is in transition from being a construction site, to being an operating facility

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14 postdoctoral fellowships to the BRIDGE – Translational Excellence Programme

BRIDGE - Translational Excellence Programme The Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences (SUND) at the University of Copenhagen is seeking 14 highly motivated and dynamic postdoc fellows to commence the BRIDGE – Translational Excellence Programme on 1 September 2025.

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Københavns Universitet (KU)

Hovedkontor: Nørregade 10, 1165 København K

Københavns Universitets mål er at drive forskning af højeste kvalitet, at tilbyde forskningsbaseret uddannelse til det højeste akademiske niveau, og at formidle ny og klassisk viden til såvel videnskabelige miljøer som til det omgivende samfund.

Vi ansætter jævnligt praktikanter

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